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Posted: Fri, 06/09/2024 00:16 (5 Months ago)

Missing plz

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Posted: Thu, 05/09/2024 23:28 (5 Months ago)
Dear diary

New pokémon added to Pokédex:

New Unowns:

The existing family of Unowns can be seen by scrolling on this post link

Recently completed puzzles 👏👏

Wish they had rewards for completing individual puzzles...

This is the best definition of cruelty. Why must the game continue sending more Galarian fossils when there are several other fossils from previous generations to give away! 😢😢

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Posted: Wed, 04/09/2024 22:56 (5 Months ago)
Dear diary

New pokémon added to Pokédex:

Blessings from the beach 😊

While it has not been adopted yet, Crabominable finally decided to show itself and got caught! That coward 😤

With magik rod in possession, I've decided to hunt (not breed, no way I'm chaining it 😵) for mega-abled Gyarados by adopting 10 regular Magikarps per day that will include special sprites (if caught) while Gyarados will be exchanged for bait 🫡

Necrozma is here! Yay! It definitely looks cool with all-black skin, which is why it's part of my "Favourite Legendary/Mythical" list 😎

Xerneas is on its way. Hopefully it hatches before 2x day is over 🤞

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Posted: Wed, 04/09/2024 12:27 (5 Months ago)

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Posted: Tue, 03/09/2024 22:25 (5 Months ago)
Dear diary

New pokémon added to Pokédex:

Magik rod has been unlocked! Now, only if it does the work it's assigned to perform...

Since it's been completed for normal sprites, here's entire collection of Flabébé family




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Posted: Tue, 03/09/2024 12:22 (5 Months ago)

Missing plz

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Posted: Sun, 01/09/2024 21:53 (5 Months ago)
Dear diary

New pokémon added to Pokédex:

This screenshot can be admitted as an undeniable proof that I'm addicted to shadow pokémon hunting:

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Posted: Sat, 31/08/2024 22:30 (6 Months ago)
Hello, fellow victims

I'd won a mega-abled Ralts on 26th August '24 and got a message confirming the same. However it was never delivered in any of the boxes or in party. It's still missing, hope everyone's issues get resolved soon

PS: the mega-abled Gardevoir in Gen III box is not the same Pokémon, it's been there for quite some time

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Posted: Sat, 31/08/2024 20:54 (6 Months ago)

Missing plz

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Posted: Sat, 31/08/2024 19:07 (6 Months ago)
Dear diary

▪︎ Shadow radar has been unlocked! Date of unlocking: 30th August '24 (in-game).
▪︎ Time to hunt and make some shady deals in auction house 😈

▪︎ New pokémon added to Pokédex:

▪︎ As the post above indicates, 1st shadow pokémon has been caught by yours truly!
▪︎ It truly is a magnificent bird!
▪︎ Welcome to the club, Pidgeotto!

▪︎ Day 2, shadow Gyarados is in possession!
▪︎ Its shadow form is quite pleasant, almost as good as its shiny!

▪︎ This looks exquisite, why can this not be a time-based permanent feature!
▪︎ Regardless, seeing it for a quest has been worth it ☺️

▪︎ This may be sign that the curse of receiving only Galarian fossils is over! Thank you, Dialga for looking after me

▪︎ Nebula stone is here! Yay, thank you Retro Charmander! Now, get me the missing Alolan pokémon

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Posted: Sat, 31/08/2024 14:00 (6 Months ago)

Missing plz

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Posted: Fri, 30/08/2024 18:57 (6 Months ago)
Dear diary

New pokémon added to Pokédex:

Lots of fossil pokémon have been summoned, many were collected while the (disappointing) shiny Litwick chain was in progress:

While at least one base/evolution of all fossil pokémon have been acquired, it's still quite far from being complete set since not all generations have their respective evolutionary line in place. Hope i find them all soon.

Huge thanks to all who traded their fossils for my obnoxiously large collection of Galarian fossils, without those traders i could not have managed to post this at all 🙏

Previously acquired fossil pokémon:

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Posted: Fri, 30/08/2024 10:47 (6 Months ago)
Must be around 9:45 am in-game time

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Posted: Fri, 30/08/2024 08:52 (6 Months ago)
This is the message i received few minutes ago:

"Hello OMFG_HE

There seems to be a bug related to the Auction House, which we, the Moderators, can't really solve.

You should report it in the Forum (or post in an existing thread if one already exists).

If the problem is still not solved, don't hesitate to directly reply to this PM!
In case you have a different question/problem, please send in a new Support Request.
- Moderator Staff"

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Posted: Fri, 30/08/2024 04:01 (6 Months ago)
Dear diary

New pokémon added to Pokédex:

Shiny Snom! Won't stay for too long, bought it for shiny wonder trade 🤓

▪︎ Accidentally purchased super deluxe seed maker... 40,000 pd flushed down the drain never feels good 😬 always think twice before tapping.
▪︎ Good thing is that it will provide steady flow of 5 seeds, a small yet significant boost that would (to some extent) shadow the fact that another fruitless expenditure drags and delays the inevitable shadowradar purchase.

It is acceptable

▪︎ Hoopa has been found! While 4/5 rings were discovered within an hour, 5th proved to be slightly tricky since it was hidden in plushie collection.
▪︎ Stroke of luck since it did not occur to me to check it until mind went blank 😅 Am glad to have tapped on it (being plushie collection) for no apparent reason 😀
▪︎ With prison bottle already in possession, Unbound Hoopa will be a valuable addition to the Mythical collection 😊

▪︎ If only my (extremely limited) good luck was evenly distributed across all domains and sub-domains

Yay?!?!?!?! Puzzles are meh 🤐

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Posted: Thu, 29/08/2024 18:45 (6 Months ago)
<<< Sending
Missing shiny plz >>>

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Posted: Thu, 29/08/2024 02:30 (6 Months ago)
On 26th August, I'd participated in and won an auction that had a mega-abled Ralts. While i got the message confirming the same, i never received the Pokémon.

The message read: "You won an auction.

Auction: Ralts (Your bid: 3,001

The Pokémon has been transferred.


Here's screenshot of the message:

I'd raised the issue via Support Center but haven't received any response for past 2 days. Both the Pokémon and pd spent in auction remain untraceable at the moment

PS: The mega-abled Gardevoir in one of the boxes is not the same Pokémon, it's been there long before the Ralts in question was won

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Posted: Thu, 29/08/2024 01:53 (6 Months ago)
<<< Sending
Missing please >>>

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Posted: Thu, 29/08/2024 00:04 (6 Months ago)
<<< Sending
Birthday special plushie pls >>>

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Posted: Wed, 28/08/2024 23:08 (6 Months ago)
Charizard for design, Swampert for its battle capabilities

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