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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from MidnightSkipper.
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 22:04 (8 Years ago)
Name and nickmane:Nanomi ,Nii,Nina
Personality:She's a sweet and patient girl who forgives and forgets. She is insecure about her appearance but loves to motivate people and cheer them up. She's positive and has survived a lot of accidents, so said.She's quite clumsy and careless and so she falls and trips a lot.She's also a great artist.
Dorm:207 second floor third house.
Dorm shared with:free
Other:She has a calm, silly and sweet short haired maltese named Ricy(sorry I didn't find any good drawn pics). blabarspaj

Name and nickmane:Quinn.Q
Personality:He has a very bubbly personality and he loves sweets and parties. He is especially obsessed with pasteries and dosen't like sharing them that much. He loves playing video games too and he is a total optimist. He loves getting new friends and Is very outgoing. Even tough his personality is very childish and weird he's actually quite smart and athletic. He enjoys the night time a lot and loves sitting on the rooftop staring at the night sky. He loves writing and singing and is amazingly good at it.[/b]
Dorm:122 first floor floor second house.
Dorm shared with:free
Other:He has a pet ferret Loki who he almost always carries with him in his sleeve, pocket or bag. blabarspaj

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Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 16:12 (8 Years ago)
"Hello headmaster. We would like to join the guild" They said in unison." We are ok with being partners for the time being but would love to have separate parents in the future" said the brother.

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 14:25 (8 Years ago)
Luke looked at Magnus and snapped at him "what are you stating at? It's none of your business!" Nao looked at Luke "Sorry about that Magnus, I teased him a bit and now he's a bit grumpy as can see" he patted him on the head. Luke looked at him "Stop that!"

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Posted: Fri, 09/09/2016 14:15 (8 Years ago)
Nao and Luke went to pick up their "weapon" tags and then went back where they stood previously. "So" said Nao looking at Luke. " what do you want to do now? Fancy chatting to our partner or...?" Luke frowned " I want to get out here as quickly as possible, so I'd rather stay here" Nao smiled at him "fine I'll have him all miself then." He said with a sheeky grin and a wink. Luke blushed lightli and scoffed "Nevermind I'm going too! To keep him safe from you!" Nao laughed " Dummy, I was just joking you know "

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Posted: Wed, 07/09/2016 18:08 (8 Years ago)
Niomi looks around and sits next to the alfa and looks at him "Do we need anything done or planned, this place is a wreck at the moment..." She looked down sheepishly "Well if you like it this way it's okay too Glower..."

Loki looked around "Master does anyone need any help anywhere?"
(He calls the alfa master for some reason...)

Rose went on a walk in the backyard woods even though her parents don't allow her to. She does respect them very much but she can help but go discovering there. This was the first time she sneaked out since moving here. She was hoping to see some wildlife and hoped to befriend one.

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Posted: Wed, 07/09/2016 17:53 (8 Years ago)
Appearance: dragon and human
Powers:Ice breath,creating storms,turning into a human.
Stamina/Speed:Just for long flights

Appearance: here
Powers:he can jump quite high and easily gets trusted by animals,can talk to them
Side: Castelius

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Posted: Tue, 06/09/2016 17:39 (8 Years ago)
Personallity: She is self contained and never tells a lie. She is shy but usually connects to one person and at first she's really cautious. She loves helping people
Meantal illness:BDD
Crush:none yet
Apperance: here~
(Am I too late?) X-X

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Posted: Tue, 06/09/2016 17:26 (8 Years ago)
I changed it, sorry~>_<

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Posted: Tue, 06/09/2016 17:24 (8 Years ago)
"Okay sure thing , you first sis" she jumped ahead "Sure thing" she stumbled down the ladder and fell with a thud. "Owch"she whined "Not again!" He screamed after her climbing the ladder as fast as possible.

I sent you a pm a while ago, but im from eastern europe

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Posted: Mon, 05/09/2016 14:57 (8 Years ago)
Nao and Flamia walked along the path chatting. "I hope I find an awesome partner! Oh and good luck to you too! I'm so excited! I can't believe I'm going to join houndooms guild! I hope I get accepted. Oh my gosh I'm blabbering too much brother!" She was jumping up and down out of happiness. "It's okay sissy." He smiled "It makes me happy when you act like this " he smiled at his little sister.
They finally reached the guild gate and Nao said. "You go first"." Okay" anwsered Flamia jumping up and bown to the footprint inspiration.

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Posted: Mon, 05/09/2016 14:39 (8 Years ago)
She jumped into the air and avoided it as much as possible but got a bit of a knock back and was flunged back. She turned into a onix and swirled around the Lucario and used foul play.

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Posted: Mon, 05/09/2016 14:21 (8 Years ago)
She halted and looked at the Lucario "very impressive, not many can dodge that" her grin growed wider "Your turn , I'll play fair today" as she stood her red eye halted and blue started displaying flowing water~

(I'm not sure where I'll go with the XD. I'll figure it out on the way i guess...)

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Posted: Sun, 04/09/2016 01:15 (8 Years ago)
Hunter, Human, Wolf:wolf
Job:beta female
Personality:She is very clever and hates war. Also she likes to help anywhere possible. She cares about her other packs members a lot and treats them as equally as possible. She is a bit shy at times too.

Hunter, Human, Wolf:wolf
Personailty:He's very caring and loves helping other wolves

Hunter, Human, Wolf:human
Personality:She loves animals and is quite carefree. She is hard to scare and she forgives easily.

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Posted: Sat, 03/09/2016 23:43 (8 Years ago)
Something burning...like a fires silhouette appeared in her red eye. "Ouch. The hech??" She grabbed her eye. "My eye started burning!" Her fur changed slightly darker. "Nevermind the pain is gone now~. Okay I'll start then" her eye was still blazing and her face now carried a devilish look. She used a normal fury swipes but they seemed a bit odd... Maybe different?

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Posted: Sat, 03/09/2016 23:09 (8 Years ago)
(I'm better yes, thank you ^^)

"Um... Hello Mace" Said Niomi a bit nervously "It's nice to meet you my name's Niomi" She then looked at the guard "Thank you very much for your help Jordan"she gave him a smile and slightly blushed. Then quickly turned away. She pulled a serious face and said "I guess this is it... Win it or lose it" she looked at Lucario "You ready to practice?" She gave him a smirk and then jumped closer to him.

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Posted: Sat, 03/09/2016 21:55 (8 Years ago)
Pack~Non elemental
Rank Wanted~Healer
Look~The white one x
Other~ He shares a special bond with his twin. Regardless of his rank he doesn't even fight or argue with him. He's a very kind but knowledgeble leaders and he loves and respects his whole pack.

Pack~Non elemental
Rank Wanted~Reached
Look~The black one x
Other~He is quite arrogant and likes to pick fights and bully people but his brother tries his best to keep him under control. He's twin means the world to him.

Rank Wanted~Reached
Look~without the wings x
Other~A young and fun wolf. He loves to explore and take people with him on adventures. He's funny at times and quite clumsy.

Rank Wanted~Reached
Look~Instead of the heart she has a rose behind her left ear x
Other~She is gentle to her kind but she can be fierce if she needs to. She loves to play with youngsters and help the elderly.

Rank~No rank
Rank Wanted~A kind of healer?~
Other~She loves peace and fled before the war to stay away from the violence. She is a vegetarian because she loves animals way too much to hurt them. She can talk with other animals and enjoys the company.

Password- not tellin ya :3
And I'm sorry but I still can't figure out how to put images...>_<

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Posted: Sat, 03/09/2016 15:22 (8 Years ago)
(I'm really sorry for the so-so-soo late reply! School started, family was busy and I got sick>_<)

"Okay, may someone escort me there? I don't know where it's located" she smiled and looked around. "Is it very far?"

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Posted: Sat, 03/09/2016 15:09 (8 Years ago)
"This was more than expected"Said Nao with a shrug. "I was hoping for a bit more action from you four" Luke said quietly with a disapointed look. Luke stayed still but Nao chose to at least show some politeness and went and shook the hands of the heroes. "Nice to finally meet you. I have heard a lot of stories about you four" he said with a smile. "My name is Nao and that..." He looked at his brother "is my twins, Luke. We're both a bit antisocial so excuse him for his comments and actions". And when finishing he walked back to his brother and wrapped one arm around his shoulders.

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Posted: Sun, 28/08/2016 17:44 (8 Years ago)
Nao stared at the teacher with a curious face and hoped to learn something new from today even though he basically knew almost everything about the first year routine by head of both EAT and NOT.
Luke started with a bored face at the teacher. And mumbled "this is utterly boring.. Can't he walk faster?" His brother shushed him and pointed at the teacher. "Pay attention" ,Nao whispered .

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Posted: Sun, 28/08/2016 06:50 (8 Years ago)
Luke looked at Magnus."Oh right I forgot. I hope me and my brother will live solo I can't stand meeting another person after you...hehe we are quite big introverts. So we mostly only hold to ourselves but I guess your company is that bad. And came to be an exeption" he gave him a tiny grin.He looked at his brother hwo was now looking at them when Magnus started talking about his sister and Nao anwsered him"Oh ok"he gave him a small smile "but I don't really get along with females tho or rather never talked to one...But nevermind that let's get to class" he opened the door and stepped in. Luke pushed Magnus in and the door closed behind them they chose a random seat and jestured for him to join them.

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