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Searching for: Posts from LaraLaramie.
Posted: Tue, 12/03/2024 06:26 (11 Months ago)

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Posted: Tue, 12/03/2024 04:49 (11 Months ago)
Growing up, I would watch “The Flame Pokemon-athon” on repeat, and even after all these years, it still holds a special place in my heart. My username is named after one of the characters from that episode, Lara Laramie.

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Posted: Tue, 12/03/2024 04:34 (11 Months ago)

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Posted: Tue, 12/03/2024 03:29 (11 Months ago)

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Posted: Tue, 12/03/2024 03:25 (11 Months ago)

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Posted: Tue, 12/03/2024 03:23 (11 Months ago)
+1 for dogs!


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Posted: Tue, 12/03/2024 03:20 (11 Months ago)

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Posted: Tue, 12/03/2024 02:51 (11 Months ago)

Rosy Maple Moth?

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Posted: Tue, 12/03/2024 02:18 (11 Months ago)
Can squirrels kill bats if spongebob lives in the spiderverse?
Yes, because Sandy the Squirrel is already a genius (by SpongeBob standards, at least), so being in the Spiderverse would give her access to even more deadly weaponry that would enable her to kill bats.

Electabuzz, Magma, or Mr. Mime?

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Posted: Tue, 05/03/2024 22:41 (11 Months ago)
Very strong support.

I don’t think it’d be as big of an issue if my friends’ feeds and my game notifications were on separate pages. As it stands, I often overlook Rumble or Lottery updates because they get lost in a sea of hashtags. I want to keep people on my friends list, but I don’t appreciate being spammed with 20 random messages every hour. There are already notification settings on the site that allow people to enable or disable certain notifications, so just let us turn off feed messages.

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Posted: Mon, 26/02/2024 16:27 (1 Year ago)
I was playing through the tutorial last night, and I remember Rowan telling me the region’s name that Pokeheroes is set in. I told myself that I should remember it for future reference, but I didn’t bother writing it down. Today, I scoured the forum and Wiki, but I’ve had no luck finding the name again. Does anyone have it? Please and thank you!

Edit - Oh my god, it’s Emera. That’s why there’s “Emera Mall” and “Emera Square.” I don’t know how I missed that.

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