He'd rub his face to where she flicked at mumbles under his breath
as he followed the two girls back to her dorm room. Walking beside
them putting his arms behind his head as he let out a small laugh
''I'm surprised those small muscles helped you lift me up from the
ground ghost face you seem to be impressing me everyday with the
stuff that you can do loser.''
Chase would laugh towards Charlotte as he kept looking towards her
with a dorky smile on his face. for as long as he can remember his
always had a crush on her but no one knows that not even her and he
wants it that way because its an embarrassment if she knew that he
did. The male could feel his face brighten up a bit just thinking
about it shaking his head of the thought he calmed down.
He'd jump a bit from his chair causing him to fall down due to
Amour slamming though the doors.
He'd just lay there looking up towards the ceiling sitting up a
bit. ''Oh man amour you about gave me a heart attack''
Chase would laugh at the female looking at her with a warm smile on
his face. ''Yeah yeah you're welcome Charlotte and OH YEAH? TO ME
flicked the female right in the forehead laughing a bit more as he
kissed her forehead lightly that way she didn't really have to kill
him for doing that to her afterwards. ''And You sing pretty well
Pepper Im impressed really!''
Chase would notice the small cut from the females chin he couldn't
help but laugh a bit reaching over towards her wipes some of the
droplets from her chin. ''Looks like you gonna be more be careful
there ghost face don't want to be hurting that pretty face of yours
now would you?'' smiling towards her as he looked back towards her
art piece that she had made. ''I'm shocked you just don't wanna do
all purple because that's been your favorite color since forever.''
Chase would feel his phone go off in his pocket looking down at the
message that was sent to him as he couldn't help but smile looking
up from his phone he would see Charlotte. As the door closed behind
him he'd make his way towards her then grabbed a seat sitting down
right next to her looking at the piece of art that she made out of
clay. He couldn't help but not look away from it, It was amazing he
thought he was in shock that she could do something like that.
'Woah..Did you make this ghost face? It's pretty amazing.''
Chase would start to drool a bit from the dream he was having but
then he jumped a bit letting out a big yawn as he wipes the drool
from his mouth away. pulling out his phone just to check the time
''Oh nice I fell asleep in the courtyard'' picking himself up from
the ground he would dust himself off a bit
''I wonder if ghost face is doing okay in the art room. I should
probably go check on her just to make sure she hasn't kill anyone''
as he laughed jokingly about what he said making his way towards
the school once again.
opening the door walking down the halls looking around for the art
room as he stopped in his tracks finding the room as he slowly
opened the door stepping inside looking around for charlotte.
Chase would open the doors from the school making his way to the
courtyard as he continues listening to his music from his phone as
he couldn't help but do some air drums and guitars not caring who
would see the male. Looking around outside he'd inhale the fresh
air into his lungs and then exhaled afterwards as a bit of fire
came out of it as he couldn't help but laugh a bit at himself.
Once chase found a tree outside he sat himself down on the ground
leaning against the bark of the tree putting his arms behind his
head as he watched the blue sky from his blue eyes as they slowly
start to close down a bit mumbling charlottes before he passed out.
Chase would think of something to do for the time begin walking
down the halls a bit more looking around to see if anyone was even
still around sighs a bit shoving his hands into his pocket trying
to fish out his cellphone and his ear buds that were always wrapped
up in loops with each other. ''Oh come on I don't time for this
crap'' as he grunts shoving his phone back in his pocket for a
moment trying his best to unloop the ear buns that were together
slowing down his pace a bit so no one would run into him as he had
a bit of a struggle doing it.
''Ah finally there we go'' he would then shove the cord into his
phone as he picked which music he wanted to listen to as he began
to mumble under his breath some song lyrics as he kept on walking.
''Yeah i'll try my best to make some friends but text me when you
get done or whatever so we can hang out still ghost face'' He
smiled back towards her wishing she would feel better after whats
been going on these pass couple of days. He'd pick himself up from
the ground as he would walk towards the door as he closed it behind
him letting out a small yawn sliding his hands into his pockets as
he started his walk around the school.
He smiled back towards her laughing as well. ''Pft don't hate ghost
face you can't wait to see it! and yeah everything has been a bit
crazy lately. Do you want me to come with you or leave you be for a
Chase would look over at Charlotte giving her a small smile as he
would walk over towards her and sit down right in front of her
beanbag chair. ''Hey come on now I think it would be fun you never
know and besides im gonna be with you the whole way plus you can
see my perfect beach body and we can have a good time ghost face.''
Chase would take out one of his arms waving his hand towards missy
before she left the dorm room. ''Yeah it was nice to meet you too
missy see yeah later.'' leaning towards the wall a bit more letting
out a deep sigh that he kept in looking up towards the ceiling.
''Ah man what a day all the new people and what not this school is
getting bigger and bigger by the second'' he thought to himself.
Chase smile towards Charlotte having a red tint to his face as he
looked away from her for a moment then leaning against the wall
with his arms crossed his chest as he looking towards missy. ''So
when does this camp thing even start do you know or whatever?''
Chase would tilt his head to the side trying to understand what
missy had said to him. ''Uh I didn't even though there was a
camping trip coming up but yeah I guess i'll go'' he looks over at
Charlotte wondering if she knew something about this. ''So are you
coming along too ghost face or are you just gonna stay at the
Chase would jog towards the crowd of people as he would stand next
to charlotte as he smiled and whispers in her ear. ''Someone seems
nervous eh?'' sliding his hands into his pockets letting out a
small laugh afterwards.
Chase would stop in his tracks turning back towards the crowd of
people and Charlotte as he hand and points to Charlotte laughing.
ME''. As he stood there from a distance thinking if he should go
over there with charlotte so she doesn't feel so awkward alone.
Chase would run down the hall to meet up Charlotte as he finally
caught up to her he would breath a bit heavy looking towards the
new kids that were now attending this school as he smiled and did a
hero pose in front of them. ''And I am the all mighty chase the
king and ruler of this school beware of me and my powers!'' He'd
laugh after all what he had said ''Ah man but no the names chase
don't ware it out you hear me'' as he makes his way back towards
charlottes dorm room so they can start playing the game once again.
Chase would look away for a moment then back towards the female
letting out a sigh nodding his head not saying anything else as he
would just stand there and watch what she would do next. He thought
to himself ''Great pulling that card against me. Even though she's
right Id do the same thing if I was in her shoes I just hope she
doesn't go overboard with the whole thing now.''
The male would stop in his tracks breathing a bit hard as he looked
towards Charlotte. ''Hey Ghost face! What the h** do you think you
are doing huh?! you can't just go around and be in a fight with
someone look I don't care what weed face is doing right now but
this all needs to stop right now I know you are a better person
then this!'' Letting out a small growl as he would grip his fist
tightly looking at the girl.