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Posted: Wed, 02/12/2015 00:14 (8 Years ago)
Edited my form to include a description of Kuro~ ^^

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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 23:02 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 06:46 (8 Years ago)
Aurora replied to Sooki jokingly as she said, "No destruction? How boring!" Then Erebus started talking again, his challenge to Collin intrigued her. It would be a sight to see, just like her facing off against Sooki would be. SHe ha dno idea who would win against Erebus and Collin.

"I wouldn't mind having a training session, I was heading that way anyways. Wanna be ready for our mission tomorrow and all!" She replied to Erebus, though she really didn't care what they all did.

Aurora drly laughed at Collin, who was trying to act high and mighty. "Well then you will be lucky to go up against me, Frosty. After all, I am the better Ice mage." Her tone was mocking, she wanted to spark something within the boy, maybe make him angry enough to fight her right then and there.

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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 05:57 (8 Years ago)
As Collin scared Sooki, while also hurting her broken shoulder, it was entertaining to her to see Yuki jump on the poor boy and basically hiss out at him. "Haha Collin, you are in trouble! Yuki is not happy, she said for you to stay away from Sooki until she is healed." Aurora found it entertaining at times to be a translater, as some animals can be very defensive of their friends, like Yuki.

Though what Erebus said peaked her interest. It was true what he said, that they were pretty relaxed towards one another for being in the running for strongest female mage. "Wouldn't that be a sight to see? The two of us fighting head on, full force. We could be very destructive."

((This part reminds me of Fairy Tail XD))

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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 05:30 (8 Years ago)
"Oh thank goodness, that great to hear Sooki! I-i mean it's not great that you broke your shoulder blade, but it is great that you didn't break more bones." Aurora stammered out her comment, a little flustered at the fact she was making a fool out of herself. She had not meant for it to come out the way it did, she had just meant she was happy the girl was okay.

Kuro nodded at Yuki, understanding quite well what she was talking about. He would have been angry too.

Aurora translated for Sooki and Erebus what Yuki had said, "'I guess so, Sooki' is what Yuki said".

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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 05:23 (8 Years ago)
Haha I don't mind, Snouzering! ^_^

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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 05:01 (8 Years ago)
As the conversation went back to normal, Aurora tried to find something for her to do. That is, until Silar asked if anyone wanted a backpack since he was making some. Maybe I could learn how to create backpacks from him, and become a bit more useful! "Ah Silar, is there anyway you could teach me how to make one, and whatever one I create I will keep?" She was unsure if he would want to teach her or not, dpending on how patient he was and such.

Drake noticed Nyx watching him, as if examining him. He did not mind, he knew he could meet whatever "criteria" the cat creature had. He was that cocky and arrogant. Then the wolf, Dakota, was kind and gave him some food, Drake was happy he did that for he was unsure if the humans had remembered that he existed. As he easily finished off the meat quickly, he said, "Thank you, your human's cooking is quite remarkable, you are lucky haha." He chuckled to himself, which to the humans, probably sounded like a weird, almost creepy sounding noise.

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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 04:43 (8 Years ago)
Oi, I don't know if he completely understood what I meant...but I didn't want to say what she told me, in case they shouldn't know.. As Erebus spoke, what he was saying made sense to her and brought fresh questions into her mind. Why would he need to come, he will freeze his butt off up there. What could a magic user like him be of use on an icy mountain? This mission is getting weirder by the second. Before she could reply, however, Sooki came and gretted them, Yuki still playing with Kuro.

"Hello Sooki! How are you feeling, better I hope?" She herself had not know that Sooki had been injuried, but when Erebus asked she figured it would only be polite of ehr to ask as well.

Kuro looked between Sooki and Aurora, noticing the same intensity as Yuki had. He was unsure why the feeling was there, but it suddenly appeared when Sooki came. "Hey, Yuki. What is going on? Why is there this feeling between them?" He asked Yuki, though it sounded like a bark to everyone else- except Aurora of course.

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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 03:58 (8 Years ago)
She nodded, also curious as to how Trickster had managed to escape rather easily. "I have no idea, but I'm also curious as to how he was able to escape. But I guess the master will find out how haha." Aurora, as Erebus continued speaking, had not realized she had made any sort of expressions to give away her confusion. But, she figured, he was pretty good at picking up on things, even the smallest of hints can give everything away to him.

"I'm okay, just Master Virginia was talking to me and said something that has confuzed me, but I won't know what she means until it happens, so I don't really have much to work with if I want to think about it."

As Aurora and Erebus were talking, Kuro was playing with Yuki. He was happy to see her after such a long time away from each other.

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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 03:26 (8 Years ago)
Drake, although he seemed like a tough and scary griffin, did not mind the dire wolf sitting underneath his wings, nor did he mind when said wolf bumped into him. He honestly thought it was nice to interact with them, and something new, as he was usally a "lone wolf" when it came to socializing.

Aurora gladly accepted the food Kayoko offered her, not realizing until now that she was actually quite hungry. The food, to no surprise there, was amazing, not too cooked and seasoned just enough to taste delicious. "Kayoko, this is great. You really are an excellant cook!"

She turned her attention back to Paws, just as the said girl had handed over her book to Silar to inspect. Thoguh she was still unsure as to what had changed in the book, or was so fascinating about it.

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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 03:17 (8 Years ago)
As she headed to the practice rooms, she unexpectedly ran into Erebus, who she thought would still be practicing. "Ah yeah, Trickster just escaped from his 'jail' and tried to attack us, but Frosty knocked him out before he could do anything. Now Master Virginia is taking 'care' of him. I shutter at what she is going to do, haha."

It was not hard for her to explain what had happened, it sounded as if it was a normal occurance, and she guessed, in a way, it could have been. Though it did not bother her that Trickster tred to attack them, it did bother her that he so easily betrayed them. And what the master had said to her was stuck on her mind, she just couldn't help but be curious as to what might happen on their mission.

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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 03:02 (8 Years ago)
"Um, okay Master Virginia. I won't listen to anyone out there." Aurora, still a bit confused, knew that once she got to the Bearing Mountains, all would be unveiled to her. She nodded her head as the master said she could go, not wanting to see what she would do to Trickster.

As she walked down the halls, she figured she would go and practice her magic in one of the practice rooms, wanting to learn new ways to attack and become stronger.

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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 02:40 (8 Years ago)
Aurora, after hearing the calmness in Kayoko's voice, was able to finally relax and stop being nervous. She was glad to have been, she hoped, accepted into this new group of people. Though she felt a bit useless, not knowing much about cook, making fire, or anything similar to surviving- or at least she couldn't remember anything at that very moment. As she was getting used to things, the boy finally spoke up, saying his name was Silar. Then, as if calling an animal back, he whistled, long and drawn out. A few seconds later a cat like creature appeared in front of her, bowing its head as if in greeting. Silar announced the creatures name to be Nyx, and she thought the name to be very fitting. Then, both Kayoko and Silar, treated their wounds from a previous attack by Ligers. The same creatures Silar had just mentioned he would cook to add to their meat count, since they now had so many people to feed and two jackalopes would not feed them all.

Soon Kayoko was cooking the meat that Silar had sliced, while Silar was making himself a new backpack out of the Liger and deer skins. She pondered how they remembered how to do all that, but she figureed it would all come back to her in due time. As she was thinking to herself, the girl, Paws, spoke up about a book she was reading that had somehow changed.

"Yes, Paws? How did it change?" She questioned her, curious as to what she was talking about.

Drake, curious as to the event that had taken place, walke over to the cat creature, Nyx. He had seen only a few of them since his time here, for they always are sneaky and hide out of sight, even for a griffin as amazing as himself. Today has been such a strange day, but it's nice to be interesting every once and a while.

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Posted: Tue, 01/12/2015 02:12 (8 Years ago)
Be careful of what we might see up there? Like what? What could we not handle? She silently thought, curious as to the meaning behind the masters words. She guessed that once thye got there she would better understand everything.

As the master finished speaking and having placed Trickster into a room which, for some reason, had chairs and a table, Aurora couldn't help but reply and ask, "What does my past have to do with any of this?" She was confused as to what the master was getting at.

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 22:36 (8 Years ago)
Aurora was curious as to what the Master wanted to say to her, she had no clue what it could pertain to. She figured it was either about Trickster or possibly their mission tomorrow. "Yes Master Virginia." She said as she walked over to the master and helped her carry Trickster away.

"Bye Frosty, see ya tomorrow morning!" She called as they left, Kuro trailing behind her, his tail wagging happily as they walked.

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 22:12 (8 Years ago)
Should we, those who already got accepted, make a form for our pets or...?

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 22:07 (8 Years ago)
Man, Master Virginia is quick! I didn't even hear her come up! Aurora thought, as she eyed Trickster to see what he would decide. Of course, as she imagined, he wouldn't give up so easily and charged at her, his crystals ready to take whatever hit him. She was about to fire some lightning at him frying him and his crystals, but before she could, Collin had jumped behind the boy and knocked him out.

"Aww Collin, such a killjoy! He was totally mine." She rolled her eyes at him as she walked closer towards the sleeping boy, unsure as to if he was really asleep or not. He wasn't called the Trickster for nothing you know. I was about to try out a new move too, dang. I was really excited to show them my new skills. Maybe on our mission I will.

Kuro stopped his growling, but he, like Aurora, was still on edge. The wolf did not want to be taken off guard.

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 21:45 (8 Years ago)
"Oh look, a baby appeared." Aurora taunted Trickster, an icy glare burning into his soul- if he even had one. She had no care for the person who stood in front of her, a boy who was a double agent er guild member. And she sure as heck was not going to let him hurt Collin anymore than he already had. She drew her sword, ready to attack him if he so much as moved an inch.

Kuro growled, his fangs protruding from his snarled lips. His hair stood on end, and he was angry. If there was one thing the wolf hated more than being surprised, it was a betrayer.

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 21:42 (8 Years ago)
Question: What can pets do? Are they just kind of there, or can they have an ability/element as well?

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Posted: Mon, 30/11/2015 20:58 (8 Years ago)
Rustle. Sparky hopped off of Aurora's shoulder, his cheeks sparking, ready to attack whatever came of out the nearby bush. Stumbling out was a Poochyena, badly wounded and near exhaustion.

Aurora raced to is side, catching the poor creaure as it fainted. "We need to get you to a Pokemon Center, and quickly!" She scooped the Poochyena into her arms and ran as fast as she could down the road, where she could see the faint outline of the Pokemon Center.

Rushing through the door, Aurora explained the situation to Nurse Joy, who ushered Chansey off witht he Poochyena in a gurney. She paced anxiously around the lobby, waiting on any news from Nurse Joy. Prince and Sparky watched her nervously from two chairs in the lobby, unsure themselves of what to do.

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