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Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 23:06 (1 Year ago)
"I don't think Paiyoon is a Yokai.." Tarik stood by, staring at the dead bodies as he muttered a prayer. "She's obviously and archangel. I believe that the miko should investigate them next night to confirm my believes. IF I'm right, we know to steer clear from Shieta and anyone she 'suspects.' Since there are still two saints and less people in this, they should protect someone random, ignoring Paiyoon and Shieta. Yokai, if you can hear me, avoid Shieta. We can't afford to lose to a possible archangel." Tarik gave Paiyoon a dry look. "...Also we should probably stop taking suggestions from Paiyoon, she's rather random with her votes eh?"

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Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 10:51 (1 Year ago)
when do we start?

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Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 05:29 (1 Year ago)
Tarik raised his hand. "Well, that makes 4 for Luffy and 3 for nobody, I've decided to change my vote to nobody. It's a tie now, innit?"

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Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 04:10 (1 Year ago)
"Well, if you want to die again...Frankly, I have no wish to die once more, i have a sneaking suspicion that I'll be sent back to the hell of a void i came from, and I don't intend to go back there. I value caution above all else. Besides, I'm just a student, no way I'm a politician." Said the 6'5 half giant who looks and talks like a politician.

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Posted: Sun, 14/05/2023 02:49 (1 Year ago)
"Look me in the eyes, and tell me you're not a Yokai."

Tarik stared down Paiyoon. "I Don't know why you're voting out Luffy, nor do i know if you've actually played this game before. However, I do know that your argument is without evidence. Thus, it has no credence here. Remember, this is a death game, we're sending someone to their deaths again. You could be voting off a teammate, or if you're unlucky, one of the beings marked down by the archangel." Tarik paused. "Now that i think about it, you're sussing out two people in particular, doesn't that make you an archangel candidate Paiyoon? I don't trust you, I'm going to try to keep this group alive. I vote Paiyoon."

"Tarik turned to the others. "As for you all."

"I think we should give this more thought. Why are we trusting Paiyoon so much? Her so called experience? Remember, she could either have won her last few games to come here, or she could be lying about being in previous games. You're all lemmings waiting to follow her off the cliff while she clings to the edge. Change your votes to either Paiyoon or nobody,
I implore you. Miko, whoever you are, try to investigate Paiyoon tonight if possible. Keep ahold of your information and write down whatever scraps of info you get, it'll be important."

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 13:42 (1 Year ago)
Tarik opened his mouth, then closed it. Evidently Lydia Setou didn't want to converse with him. It's fine, he'll just talk to someone else in the meantime. Peering around, Tarik glanced at the girl who claimed to be a descendant of harry potter. Harry had been nice enough to Hagrid, a half giant like him. Maybe she would be nice to him too? Clearing his throat, Tarik walked over and extended a hand and a smile. "Hi, I'm Tarik, good to meet you. I presume we're both going to be working together to survive?..."

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 13:38 (1 Year ago)
"I'll try to provide meatshields!" Kira winced. "Did NOT mean to make it sound that way..." Kira waved a hand, and a dozen kira appeared, gathering together and rushing against the guards, slamming into them with their bodies to push them away from Fortevera so they can get breathing space. Kira winced as he felt a blade pierce one of his clone's arm. "How do we escape??"

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 10:43 (1 Year ago)

Tarik surged upwards from where he laid on the ground, eyes bloodshot and wide, as if he hadn't slept in weeks. He looked around in confusion, before everything came rushing back to him in an instant. "Ah, just a nightmare..." The half giant stumbled to their feet, tugging on their shirt. They considered their situation. Where exactly were they? He could've sworn he'd been stuck in the gaps between life and death days ago, how exactly had he been pulled out, and to where had he been pulled out? All this for a game of power...He touched a wall. Strange, he could feel it unlike how he couldn't interact with anything in his void. He clearly had substance now, one that felt very much like his previous body, but something was missing...No, something was off.

"What exactly am i now?..."

At that point, someone dropped down unceremoniously from 50 feet in the fecking air, much to Tarik's shock. "What the-" He was even more shocked when she sprung up like a spring right into his face and started looking around in curiosity. Around him, Tarik had finally noticed others rising and gathering in groups to talk, a group of two that seemed to know each other and another person. He'd have to talk to them and get to know them better later, for now time to interact with the fallen being. To be honest, he was quite nervous since he hadn't interacted with anyone in a while, but it's better late than never, he needed to forge ties and check the personalities of others. Extending a hand to shake, Tarik gave the black haired girl a nervous smile as he said in his booming and gruff voice, "Hello there, I'm Tarik, I'm assuming we're to work together to survive?"

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Posted: Sat, 13/05/2023 10:21 (1 Year ago)
(I'll just take it as though Kira smashed into Chris and knocked him out after the guards swarmed in)

Kira leapt up, rubbing their arms. "Holy hell that hurt. What no-" Kira looked around and the guards surrounding them. "...Oh. Anyone got a plan of action?" Kira raised his fists as if in preparation for a battle against the guards. "I hope we're not just going to lay down arms and surrender."

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Posted: Wed, 10/05/2023 13:53 (1 Year ago)
"On the wings of fire I descend, and to the arms of the sun I shall return to."


Kira took the jar gratefully. "Thanks, you're really well prepared for these kind of things aren't you? I can see why you were made a flower girl." Tread carefully, Kira tends to get jumpy around mentioning the Gardener. "Don't worry Rosa, I'm fine, but we have guests ove-" Kira stopped mid sentence as Rosa walked in, sniffing the air in distaste. "Something's burning. You might want to turn your pyrokinesis down a notch Kira, darling." Rosa nodded at Ariel. "Good to meet you ,I'm Rosa, the rose. And you?" She held out her hand lazily, extending only two fingers as if too unbothered to extend a full hand.

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Posted: Wed, 10/05/2023 13:49 (1 Year ago)

Now playing:
Dancing with the devil

0:69 ─I──────── 4:20

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Rosa snatched the egg like seed back, examining it closer before breathing a sigh of relief. "There's still some charge left in it, no need to hunt it down again." Rosa slid the seed back into the drawer before sliding it close. "Sorry, i got a bit anxious thinking about fighting the thing again. It can be taxing mentally. Have a seat, i gotta go check up on my friend." Rosa brushed past Emika and strode into the kitchen.

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Posted: Tue, 09/05/2023 19:19 (1 Year ago)

Now playing:
Dancing with the devil

0:69 ─I──────── 4:20

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Rosa turned to Emika, giving one last worried glance in Kiras direction before turning to Emika. "To answer your questions, kinda, but not really. When we recharge, if the eggs turn completely black they shatter and turn to smoke, and the plague we killed to get the egg returns to where we last killed it, though slightly weaker at first."

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Posted: Tue, 09/05/2023 19:10 (1 Year ago)

"Todays glories are tommorows wretches."

Gloria closed her eyes in her cacoon of vines in her base, scrolling through the sight of all her flower clones as if they were her cameras. "Damnit, that flower girl is gone, didn't expect her to move so fast, i got cocky..." Gloria paused as she considered her thoughts before bursting out laughong maniacly. "HA, I CAN'T BELIEVE I LOST TO A NEWBIE! BEGINNERS LUCK KID, NEXT TIME I WON'T BE SO SLOPPY."

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Posted: Tue, 09/05/2023 18:57 (1 Year ago)

Now playing:
Dancing with the devil

0:69 ─I──────── 4:20

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Before Emika could reconsider her choices, a ding sounded, and the doors to the cozy apartment slid open. "Welcome to the base, try not to touch anything expensive." Rosa strutted into the hall, aproaching a cabinet on the other side of the room, sliding it open to reveal a box of seeds of suffering. "I've got plenty, but i'd rather not have you be greedy though. Just take one and place it against your pin, that should do the tr-" Rosa looked at the kitchen doorway as she heard a crashing sound and the sound of Kiras voice. "Kira darling, are you all right?"

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Posted: Tue, 09/05/2023 18:25 (1 Year ago)
"On the wings of fire I descend, and to the arms of the sun I shall return to."


Kira smiled nervously, shuffling around the kitchen again almost robotically as he pulled out a cup and filled it with more instant coffee powder. "I'm sorry I can't get you anything better, it's just the life of a broke colleage student i guess." Just as Kira was about to fill the cup with boiling water, Ariel asked the dreaded question Kira had been steering away from, causing Kira to jolt, making him spill scalding hot water over his right hand and causing him to leap back and his in pain, dropping the cup. "Ah! I'm so sorry, let me clean this up, none of the shards hit you right? Please go check out the games room while I clean up, I'll join you with your coffee soon!" Kira absentmindedly stuck his wounded hank in the sink he began to fill with cold water, before using his other hand to rummage around a drawer in search of a small dustpan he kept there. Kira didn't look like he'd be answering that question anytime soon.

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Posted: Mon, 08/05/2023 22:58 (1 Year ago)
Kira careened through the skies, flying towards Chris in a blur, Chris could still react and dodge, but if he didn't soon he would get some nasty fractures.

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Posted: Mon, 08/05/2023 16:59 (1 Year ago)
Username - Starchasm_Nyx

Name of Character -: Tarik

Character Age -: 31 (Died at 15, was stuck in void for 16 years. Still looks 15)

Gender | Sexuality - male/gay

Personality | Likes and Dislikes -: He's an extremely honourable person who won't go down without a fight. Tries to keep group morale up in tough situations though he fails miserably, and tells alot of bad jokes in an attempt to ease the mood. He's very open, though he can be a bit distrusting at first if you don't pass the vibe check.

Appearance - Well built, 6'5, tanned skin with sharp brown eyes and red hair. Wears a tee and a pair of baggy pants.

Backstory (Optional, but recommended) -: Borne half giant and half human (mom was the giant) Tarik grew up relatively alone, though he did recieve an education and stuff, so he has average intelligence. He became known as the big guy in school after he beat a bully senseless after they stole a poor kids lunch money and got into trouble over it. Everyone in the school loved him except for the bullies, along with the hospitalised bully. So when they recovered, they took a knife, walked up and slit their throat. Yeah, nobody liked that. He didn't want to leave his old man behind, so he resisted going to heaven so he could say goodbye to his dad. Due to this he lives in the space between life and death, unable to cross over to either side.

Reference Image (Optional, but recommended) -:

Password -: Mastix

Which role do you want? (this will not affect what role you get): Saint

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Posted: Mon, 08/05/2023 16:10 (1 Year ago)

Title: (deleted)


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Posted: Mon, 08/05/2023 16:00 (1 Year ago)

Now playing:
Dancing with the devil

0:69 ─I──────── 4:20

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Rosa smiled, she apreciate the girls enthusiasm. "Well then, follow me." With tht, Rosa dashed over to the elevator Kira and Ariel had gone through, pulling bleeding heart inside with her as she ressed the sme buttons Kira did.

"On the wings of fire I descend, and to the arms of the sun I shall return to."


Kira waved those words off as if he had heard them multiple times before. "Ah it's fine, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. It's too late to have regrets, there will be many deaths in our line of work, we have to get used to it." Kira smied sadly as he quoted his late master. At that, the elevator dinged, and an up sign was shown. "Looks like Rosa is coming back, i'm sure she'll be looking for her tea. Speaking of beverages..." Kira rose from the sofa and stretched, shuffling over to the kitchen almost tiredly. "Do you want coffee? I find that coffee dulls the senses considerably, you might need it to process all the news." kira bustled around, reparing the hot water.

"So the black death will only keep getting stronger," he concluded, voice shaking slightly. "I won't lie and say I'm not afraid, and I don't know what a newbie like me can do, but the gardener chose me and I'm not about to abandon the cause now that I know what's happening."

"Many have said that before, i wouldn't blame you if you were lying. If you're not though..." Kira began to pour hot water into the instant coffee power he had put into his cup, before lifting it towards Ariel. "I'll drink to your wellbeing. And yeah, you're retty lucky for a newbie, maybe the gardener planned for this to happen. You never know."

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Posted: Mon, 08/05/2023 14:45 (1 Year ago)

Now playing:
Dancing with the devil

0:69 ─I──────── 4:20

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Rosa scrunched up her face. "You can cut out magical, that's a given. And trust Kyubey not to give you the full details, they're either the worst minion in the world or they're trying to kill us all. I'm asking because if you don't recharge after a while, something terrible is going to happen. Not that i know what'll happen, I've never seen it happen since we mostly die by witches instead of running out of energy. I don't think you need to, or want to necessarily find out though miss Emika. Come with me, I'll give ya one in my stash and send ya on your way, you seem innocent enough."

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