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GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2016 23:44 (8 Years ago) |
I made this shop since as I need Maps, Summoning Items etc for Legendary hunts Rules Current Hunt Future Hunts Show
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Normal Slots 1. carterd888 2. Normal Slots 1. carterd888 2. Shiny Slots 1. 2. 3. robel Normal Slots 1. sylveonlover30 2. Atavus x2 3. DragonSumedh 4. Cupcakes_ x2 5. Shiny Slots 1. 2. 3. robel Normal Slots 1. CoruShinoneko 2. 3. Shiny Slots 1. 2. 3. LEGENDARY_ZAPDOS 4. robel Normal Slots 1. TaishoSamara 2. 3. Shiny Slots 1. 2. 3. LEGENDARY_ZAPDOS Normal Slots 1. CoruShinoneko 2. 3. Shiny Slots 1. 2. 3. XD001 4. robel Normal Slots 1. TaishoSamara 2. CoruShinoneko 3. Devil0356 4. Shiny Slots 1. 2. 3. robel Normal Slots 1. 2. 3. Shiny Slots 1. 2. 3. Klepto 4. XD001 Normal Slots 1. Argentis 2. 3. Shiny Slots 1. 2. Mikushine01 3. Temy 4. robel Normal Slots 1. akari013 2. 3. Shiny Slots 1. 2. 3. robel Normal Slots 1. SallyAnn 2. Devil0356 3. Allybear 4. Shiny Slots 1. 2. 3. robel Normal Slots 1. TheInsaneTeddy x2 2. CoruShinoneko 3. TedizStalker 4. GneGne 5. Darkmount 6. Shiny Slots 1. 2. Sansica 3. robel Normal Slots 1. zangetsu 2. TheInsaneTeddy x2 3. Shiny Slots 1. 2. Sansica 3. robel Normal Slots 1. TaishoSamara 2. troy3030 3. TheInsaneTeddy x2 4. Atavus x2 5. CoruShinoneko 6. xCharizardx 7. GneGne 8. Darkmount 9. Shiny Slots 1. 2. 3. robel Normal Slots 1. TaishoSamara 2. Solar-Moonlight 3. Atavus 4. peaches071 5. TheInsaneTeddy 6. Shiny Slots 1. 2. 3. robel Normal Slots 1. TaishoSamara 2. TheInsaneTeddy 3. Lunala 4. Shiny Slots 1. 2. Sansica 3. Professor_Nafis x2 4. robel Normal Slots 1. Solar-Moonlight 2. 3. Shiny Slots 1. 2. Mikushine01 3. robel Normal Slots 1. troy3030 2. Atavus x2 3. CoruShinoneko 4. Cupcakes_ 5. Shiny Slots 1. 2. Sansica 3. robel Normal Slots 1. 2. 3. Shiny Slots 1. 2. 3. robel Normal Slots 1. 2. 3. Shiny Slots 1. 2. Sansica 3. robel Normal Slots 1. Professor_Nafis 2. 3. Shiny Slots 1. 2. 3. robel Normal Slots 1. DragonSumedh x2 2. Atavus 3. TaigaTheBuizel 4. GneGne 5. Professor_Nafis 6. Shiny Slots 1. 2. 3. robel Normal Slots 1. DragonSumedh 2. Ash_Ketchum__ 3. Payments Form Palpad/PM me if you have any questions! Kalos Legends Raffle Form Rock Gem Collection Progress: 7500/7500 Normal Gem Collection Progress: 7500/7500 Steel Gem Collection Progress: 7500/7500 Dark Gem Collection Progress: 7500/7500 Flying Gem Collection Progress: 7500/7500 Poison Gem Collection Progress: 7500/7500 Fairy Gem Collection Progress: 2658/5000 Dragon Gem Collection Progress: 8798/12500 1 Common Gems - 1 Ticket Normal Gems - 3 Ticket Fairy Gems - 5 Tickets Dragon Gems - 50 Tickets Show
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Entries: Gilthunder x2 (share), FlamingBlaze x4 (share), Professor_Nafis x715 (share + donation), Atavus x4585 (donation + share), MassacrePanda x8 (donation + share), Danielle121r x1 (share), Majora_Mask x38 (share + donation), MariChat x1 (share), Danuwa x1 (share), food x1 (share), MoonIvy x226 (share + donation), XxUnicornCookiexX x1 (share), Azy55 x1 (share), MonstaCarat x565 (share + donation), FrenchVulpix x1 (share), 3abbie3 x1 (share), swirl x1 (share), MagmaAdminMaxie x1 (share), Primalflexer x1 (share), Demon_Child x1 (share), Daemira x141 (donation + share), SallyAnn x50 (donation), ellen1987 x31 (donation), Laylarose x31 (share + donation), ducdavis x50 (donation), Disturbedstacy x123 (donation), troy3030 x283 (donation), Atavan x20 (donation), TheInsaneTeddy x12 (donation), Devil0356 x70 (donation) [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 00:19 (8 Years ago) |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Fri, 21/10/2016 03:50 (8 Years ago) |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Wed, 19/10/2016 05:11 (8 Years ago) |
2.) The Breeder I'd like is Anyone who'll be willing to do it 3.) I will be paying with pd/nuggets if that's okay. [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Thu, 13/10/2016 09:56 (8 Years ago) |
Trade arrangement: my 2000 Nuggets for his shiny jirachi and shiny lugia Comment (additional): thanks [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 17:25 (8 Years ago) |
Username: GetsugaTenshou Wanted Shiny Slot: Snivy x2 Payment: 10 dragon gems Password: MagicCroissantRuledAllTheWorld [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Wed, 05/10/2016 13:04 (8 Years ago) |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Wed, 05/10/2016 12:16 (8 Years ago) |
Amount of gems to donate: 120 Item I want (if you want): Hard Rock (x2) [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Tue, 04/10/2016 16:55 (8 Years ago) |
Amount of gems to donate: 885 Item I want (if you want): Enigma Stone (x5), Resolute Stone (x6), Submarine Volcano (x3) [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Tue, 04/10/2016 12:58 (8 Years ago) |
Item - Shiny Krabby Payment - 80k pd Comment - [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Tue, 04/10/2016 06:45 (8 Years ago) |
Amount of gems to donate: 4200 Item I want (if you want): Vouchers (x16 Azelf, x16 Mesprit, x18 Uxie), Maps [Sky Pillar (x3), Volcano Cave (x2), Vortex of Time (x1)] [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Tue, 04/10/2016 03:50 (8 Years ago) |
Amount of gems to donate: 300 Item I want (if you want): Marine Map x4 [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Wed, 28/09/2016 05:21 (8 Years ago) |
Number you want brewed: 3 Offer: 225k + gems required (just like last time) [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Fri, 23/09/2016 03:51 (8 Years ago) |
UserName: GetsugaTenshou Pokemon: Vivillon (Icy Snow), Vivillon (Jungle), Vivillon (Ocean) Amount: all x1 Payment: 150 nuggets [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Thu, 22/09/2016 14:14 (8 Years ago) |
What Pokémon: Turtwig x3 Shiny or Mega Able: Shiny Gender and or Nature: Payment: 500 nuggets Password: I don't bite [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Thu, 22/09/2016 14:02 (8 Years ago) |
What Pokémon: Doduo x1 Shiny or Mega Able: Shiny Gender and or Nature: Payment: 125 nuggets? Password: I don't bite [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Mon, 19/09/2016 20:57 (8 Years ago) |
Shiny Wish: Klink x2 Payment Option: 160 nuggets (80 with discount) Password: Shooting Star Other: Want to avail 50% new wish discount [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 21:22 (8 Years ago) |
Slot Requested: Autumn Abra x1 What is the answer?: 133, including this :) [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Thu, 15/09/2016 13:59 (8 Years ago) |
What Pokémon: Happiny x3 and Lilipup x3 Shiny or Mega Able: Shiny Gender and or Nature: Payment: in PD or nuggets as u will want :) Password: I don't bite [Read more] |
GetsugaTenshou OFFLINE Forum Posts: 217 |
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 06:54 (8 Years ago) |
Which shiny are you wanting : Porygon How many slots are you taking up : 3 Have you read the rules : Yup, Any Sinnoh you wish to Username : GetsugaTenshou Which shiny are you wanting : Whismur How many slots are you taking up : 3 Have you read the rules : Yup, Any Sinnoh you wish to [Read more] |