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Posted: Tue, 25/05/2021 17:37 (3 Years ago)
Someone approaching her? That’s not normal. “Can I help you?” Harper raised an eyebrow, cocking her head to the side. She scanned Val through squinted eyes, her surprise conveyed through the skeptical look she gave him. She wasn’t sure if he wanted anything, but at the same time, she wasn’t sure how she was going to inevitably shut him down for whatever he needed nor wanted.

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Posted: Tue, 25/05/2021 16:05 (3 Years ago)
The forest air around them seemed to ripple slightly, the magic in the wind becoming heavier. It’s not wildly noticeable, but if you’re perceptive, you can feel it.

Clearly, Finch did not feel it. “There was some voice, they were pretty mad I think...” The scarecrow scratched her head, flakes of hay falling on the grass. “I don’t remember his name, but he might have burnt a University? No wait, the curses did. Is that what he said?” She sighed and made a conflicted sound, her eyes closed and brows, or where her brows would be, furrowed.

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Posted: Tue, 25/05/2021 11:21 (3 Years ago)
Harper let out a long, exaggerated sigh as she stared at the school. A new school? After getting kicked out of her old one, she felt a pang of apathy towards... well, everything. She was probably gonna get suspended from this one too, so what was the point of even trying? She frowned when the sun blasted her eyes and put a regretful hand on her forehead. The voices of other students caught her attention, making her remove a single earplug to listen to the chatter.

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Posted: Tue, 25/05/2021 11:10 (3 Years ago)
Finch’s mouth hung open in shock. So, not only had she shared dreams with a bunch of strangers, but now a wolf had just appeared in front of them all. “Woah there, puppy! We’re not gonna hurt you!” Finch squeaked, her tone flicking between scared, patronising and shocked. The scarecrow jumped backwards, floating gently in the air with her wooden hands holding in front of her. This was overwhelming for her, so Finch decided to focus on the most normal thing out of all of this situation. She didn’t agree with the elf’s brisk and almost ignorant tone, but she did find it slightly humourous.

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Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 12:26 (3 Years ago)
Finch froze and twisted her body. “Telepathic voice in your head?” She blurted, her eyes sparkling with a sudden friendliness. Was it possible that the others were here for the same reasons she was? She felt a stirring in her stomach, one that made her want to shout everything on her mind at once. “H-hear me out,” She stammered, suddenly desperate to redeem herself. “I’m here for the same reason. I got this weird dream last night. I’m here for that!” She exclaimed, looking frantically between the two with her wooden fingers trembling. A smile stretched across her face, the short scarecrow suddenly bursting with energy as if someone had flipped a light switch.

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Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 09:14 (3 Years ago)
Three people gathered? Were there normally lots of people in this forest? Finch brushed her poncho and looked at the third person, her button eyes squinting. Both of these people were familiar, and they were close to the University so... Finch cleared her throat, or her equivalent. “I won’t be hanging around, I’ve got someone I need to find.” Finch’s gaze moved back up to the elf, giving them one more hard stare before staring off into the forest. The scarecrow put her hand to he forehead, looking out into the shaded green and watching for any movement. She felt a wave of apathy towards those around her, not necessarily caring what it looked like she was trying, because after all, she was bound to create suspicion anyways.

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Posted: Mon, 24/05/2021 07:02 (3 Years ago)
Finch widened her button-eyes. “What?!” She spat, jumping upwards to look at the elf face to face. As she started slowly drifting down, she hissed, “Of my age? I’m probably older than you! Okay, I do tend to forget my age, but that’s beside the point! I’m a fully grown adult! I’ll try my best to forget your age.” She landed gently on the ground and folded her arms, childishly pouting. Her wild acts may be realistic, but her sewn-heart was pounding.

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Posted: Sun, 23/05/2021 20:11 (3 Years ago)
That wasn’t the voice from her dream, she was quite sure. Or maybe not. Finch clutched her arm and walked towards the voice she heard. Was the scenario she just imagined actually real? The scarecrow revealed herself, standing face to face with an elf she would describe as skinny. She scanned his blond hair and blue eyes squinting as if trying to get a read on them. She felt magic, but it wasn’t the magic she was following. “Who the heck are you? What are you doing in a forest like this, just randomly, wandering conveniently at the same time as me?” The words spilled from her mouth before she could even recognise them. She decided that if she barraged the stranger with questions, she wouldn’t get any in response. Her floating fingers tapped along her wooden arms, she wore a bored yet suspicious expression.

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Posted: Sun, 23/05/2021 18:20 (3 Years ago)
Both accepted!

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Posted: Sun, 23/05/2021 17:08 (3 Years ago)
It should be in the rules spoiler on the first post :]

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Posted: Sun, 23/05/2021 16:52 (3 Years ago)
You’re missing a password, but other than that the form looks fine! I won’t add you to the group chat as you said, so shoot me a PM if you need anything! ^^

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Posted: Sun, 23/05/2021 16:50 (3 Years ago)
No response, just what she expected. Not much could break her enthusiastic personality when in public, but when she felt magic like this from something which came from her own head, it wasn’t anything to snicker at. She shook herself, sending a few flakes of hay into the grass. She grumbled some curses under her breath and took a floating leap further into the forest. “Hell-o-o-o?!” Finch yelled again, her fear melting into hot frustration. Someone, or something was creating this magic, that much was easy to detect. She pondered whether other people would be in this forest, briefly wondering what the confrontation where she explains she was ‘merely doing what the voice in her dream told her to!’ Hah, that would be funny.

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Posted: Sun, 23/05/2021 15:02 (3 Years ago)
Votum wasn’t too far away, she could walk there pretty quickly - being close to the ground has its perks. Finch still lives in the house she rented for University, as she grew quite comfortable there. Finch enjoys taking walks, not ones that are too long though because being tired isn’t fun in her opinion, which is why she decided to live there. The feeling of the sun’s warmth against her was definitely calming her, the stupid feeling of following the directions of her dream fading into the idea of just taking a walk. She blinked, looking up to find trees looming above her. Oh, right. I guess she was already there.

The scarecrow suddenly felt that sinking feeling again, that regret and confusion which pulled her to the floor. That was when she felt it. Magic, stirring in the wind all around her. Being an animated scarecrow, Finch felt like she was being drawn into the green depths, however it was screaming at her to leave. “H-hello?” She called into the trees, taking a hesitant step into the grass.

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Posted: Sat, 22/05/2021 21:45 (3 Years ago)
Very old meme, other than that there’s nothing so.. 0/10 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Posted: Sat, 22/05/2021 19:20 (3 Years ago)
Username: Corviknight
Name: Harper Irons
Age: 17
Appearance: [X] Harper is rather tall, around 5’11, and has pale intensely freckled skin. She has ginger short hair which hangs at her shoulders and a fringe which covers her eyebrows. She often wears sweaters over shirts.
Personality: Harper, despite appearing soft, is actually rather mean. She’s spiteful, destructive, and smug, feeling comfortable when she’s in control of the situation around her.
Reincarnated from: Acri ‘Quill’ Sagitta, the silent mercenary of the forest who’s arrows are as deadly as night.
Theme: Let’s Go by Stuck in The Sound 👍👍
Other: Art by me :]

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Posted: Sat, 22/05/2021 18:33 (3 Years ago)
The steam of the kettle swirled around Finch. The heavy air reminded her of the dream she experienced last night, the feeling of confusion and blindness as she was faced with a sneering voice. She faintly remembered the sensation of that voice telling her to go to a spot near her old university, though she couldn’t be sure. Maybe she should go there anyways, it’s not like she has anything better to do. Reaching towards the kettle, she poured herself a mug of tea. Her mind wavered as she dropped sugar and a teabag into the mug, swirling a spoon until the water was dark. What was that name that was on the tip of her tongue? The milk spilled into the tea-sugar-water as she desperately wracked her brain, or rather, the equivalent of a brain, for the correct collection of sounds. Returning the milk to the fridge, she snatched the mug and returned to her bedroom to put on some proper clothes with the aim of leaving the house soon.

With the sound of Hokori’s voice, something definitely stirred within the forest. The flick of leaves, the stream of wind... something about it carried some type of magic.

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Posted: Sat, 22/05/2021 13:47 (3 Years ago)
Orange light spilled into the room, the gentle sun’s warmth promising a mellow heat for the day. Finch’s buttons were fixed on the ceiling, the fabric of her head scrunched as if eyebrows were furrowed. Images from last night swamped her mind, images which should have filled her with energy, rather than this draining apathy she felt. “This sucks.” Finch hissed into her sheets. She wasn’t sure why she was in such a sour mod, but she wanted it to be gone. She stood up and scanned her pillows which were covered in flakes of straw from her hair. Lazily scooping them into a plastic bag hanging from the corner of her bed, she looked back at the sun and sighed contently. The lone reminder that she was in the right place, the sun. Somewhere out there, her father might be looking at the sun too; it made her feel less lonely. Finch’s stitching pulled back in a smile

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Posted: Fri, 21/05/2021 21:17 (3 Years ago)
Link to the RP!

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Posted: Fri, 21/05/2021 21:13 (3 Years ago)
To Sign-Ups

You wake up to the blaze of the sun in your eyes. Good morning.

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Posted: Wed, 19/05/2021 19:45 (3 Years ago)
Accepted! Also I’m actually gonna make the group chat now, sorry I forgot :’D

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