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Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 14:17 (9 Years ago)
ami o

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Posted: Mon, 09/02/2015 09:12 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 08/02/2015 17:18 (9 Years ago)
Icc Cricket World Cup-2015

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Posted: Sun, 08/02/2015 16:59 (9 Years ago)
it will be like a pole and u have to vote which team will won cwc-2015(1st suggestion) every correct guess won a random prize(u can vote it only 1 time)

in 2nd suggestion it is a event pokemon

and 3rd one is like #WorldCup

have u guys understand now?

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Posted: Sun, 08/02/2015 16:44 (9 Years ago)
CWC-2015 Suggestion(don't forget to give your ideas)

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Posted: Sun, 08/02/2015 16:33 (9 Years ago)

Icc Cricket World Cup-2015 Suggestions

I have 3 suggestions

#1 suggestion
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It will be like this

it will be like betting and You'd pick which team you think will win and if you're correct(like the pic) you won a fixed prize.Prize can be a week premium membership or month etc.

Each player can answere it only 1 time.

#2 suggestion
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2 event pokemon.Contact me for information.

#3 suggestion
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It will be like #WorldCup

Another side suggestion: all the suggestion can be in under the “Home” tab in a new folder named “Icc Cricket World Cup-2015 Events”

Note to the Moderators : if you guys want to Implement this suggestion then be quick because world cup will start soon and if u guys also have any confusion then also contact me :)

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Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 11:17 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 02/02/2015 10:22 (9 Years ago)
Price of a Tiny Mushroom?

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Posted: Mon, 02/02/2015 06:00 (9 Years ago)
battle compitition cancle karon keo khele na ar sobai ke entry fee return korsi

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Posted: Sun, 25/01/2015 15:13 (9 Years ago)
@Sadman 9 tarikhe practise match tai main match er moto interest nai ta sara oi match ta tv te o dekhabe na

18 tarikhe asol match suru hobe tokhon hoy sobay onek kisu post korbe :|

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Posted: Fri, 09/01/2015 15:14 (9 Years ago)
you can get more help from here here

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Posted: Thu, 08/01/2015 14:56 (9 Years ago)
it says the thread is locked

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Posted: Thu, 08/01/2015 14:39 (9 Years ago)
if you have watched season 1st(indigo league) there is episode 35(the legend of dirtini) there is a safari park.you can catch there a limeted addition of pokemon there with safari balls.

This feature will be unlocked in Trainer Lvl 10.Every day we will get 3(u can change amount)safari balls(we can also get safari balls in myestry box,Treasure Hunt,sky gifts etc)

so how about you open a new feature named Safari park or safari zone and add a new ball named safari ball?

you can get help from here here

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Posted: Mon, 05/01/2015 15:51 (9 Years ago)
I want 8 fire gems for 1600 pd ok?(sending u pd and setting up GE)

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 13:17 (9 Years ago)
Point Table:
Name Matches Points Win Loose
$Bulbasaur$ - 4 - 8 -2 -2
Latias_Master - 3 - 9 -3 -0
SAD-MAN - 2 -5 -0 -2
RABAT8108 - 3 - 5 -1 -2(retracted from contest)
Latios_Master - 4 -8 -2 -2

RABAT8108VS latias master : Latias won
RABAT8108 Vs Latios Master : RABAT8108 won
Bulbasaur VS Sadman : Bulbasaur won
RABAT8108 Vs Bulbasaur : Bulbasaur won
Latios VS Latias : Latias won
Bulbasaur Vs Latias : Latias won
Bulbasaur Vs Latios :Latios won
Sad man Vs RABAT8108 :RABAT8108 retracted
Sad man Vs Latios :Latios won
Sad man vs latias : ---

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 12:25 (9 Years ago)
my point is 6
SAD-MAN 2 points

amra amader 2 ta battle e ses korchi

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 11:42 (9 Years ago)
mega,legendary etc ki use kora jabe?

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 11:39 (9 Years ago)
Ami join korbo. 1k send korsi

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Posted: Tue, 30/12/2014 08:26 (9 Years ago)
ha ami razi

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Posted: Tue, 30/12/2014 08:20 (9 Years ago)

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