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Posted: Fri, 03/01/2025 20:26 (2 Months ago)
*the egg shakes*
“ we don’t know what type, but im guessing it’s about 1-3 weeks old “ said kim

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Posted: Fri, 03/01/2025 18:41 (2 Months ago)
“Also, while you are listening…” said ms thunder
“Me and thunder have some announcements!” Said kim
“Yep! We are happy to announce that first of all deoxys is fully healed!” Said ms thunder
“A second of all we found a wild Pokémon egg!” Said kim

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Posted: Fri, 03/01/2025 17:30 (2 Months ago)

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Posted: Thu, 02/01/2025 19:59 (2 Months ago)
Hi! I’m interested in some fletchlings so what do you think about prices?

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Posted: Wed, 01/01/2025 11:07 (2 Months ago)
My least favourite ones are probably fuecoco, pawmi, jynx, and mr mime.
(Nemona was recently turned into my least favourite character aswell)

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Posted: Sun, 29/12/2024 16:23 (2 Months ago)
Hi! Im currently looking for breeding pairs, I don’t mind what mon it is but the main ones I’m looking for are Skiddo Buneary Zorua(preferably normal form) & Torchic!
Please comment if you want to offer a breeding pair!

Ways I can pay
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pd, gems, & pokemon (I need to save my nuggets)

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Posted: Sat, 28/12/2024 16:59 (2 Months ago)
Nickname(s):sparky, bo
Appearance: scar on front left leg, always wears glasses
Positive Traits: brave, loyal, & responsible
Negative Traits: they get angry very easily, can be very sensitive sometimes & has poor eye sight
Motivation: they decided to leave their hometown to try to get stronger after losing to a purrloin
Fears:they hate all bug type Pokémon & they are scared of dragon types.
Hometown: a nice calm island called springspark island
Role:they used to lead a Pokémon training centre before they left their hometown, now a member of The Ironclad Brigade
Backstory: after their parents died when they were 14 they joined a Pokémon training centre and they quickly rose to the leader, but they were beaten by a purrloin and gained a scar on their leg and they were kicked out of the training school so they left the island to train, evolving into a manectric while training.
Primary Skills:they are very strong, and can attack very fast
Weaknesses: they are not confident enough at times so they need the other mon’s to help them be more confident, and they don’t talk much
Items: always keep a knife with you them

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Posted: Sat, 28/12/2024 12:54 (2 Months ago)
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that isn’t how it’s evolved, it evolves into leafeon by rumbling in the mossy forest that you unlock by getting the silent forest area to level 5

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Posted: Tue, 24/12/2024 13:08 (2 Months ago)

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Posted: Mon, 23/12/2024 18:47 (2 Months ago)
3/10 I have only seen you a few times

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Posted: Sun, 22/12/2024 18:21 (2 Months ago)
Also you can do some stuff with them here!

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Posted: Sun, 22/12/2024 18:17 (2 Months ago)
Here’s the hearfang!

[url=https://imgbb.com/]two in one pics[/url]

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Posted: Sun, 22/12/2024 16:52 (2 Months ago)
Acc! I’ll send the art when you send the PD

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Posted: Thu, 19/12/2024 09:56 (2 Months ago)
[edit: thank you so much it gave me a retro egg!)

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Posted: Thu, 19/12/2024 09:35 (2 Months ago)
Could I get the buneary in box 3?

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Posted: Tue, 17/12/2024 08:46 (2 Months ago)
“Don’t worry about it! I already wrote it down on my chalkboard of food” said kim

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2024 12:30 (2 Months ago)
Slot or Stock:stock
Which pokemon?:galarian zigzagoon
Shiny, Regular, Mega-able?:regular
Specific Gender?:female

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2024 10:42 (2 Months ago)
“Today we have home-made burgers!” Said kim

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2024 16:43 (2 Months ago)

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Posted: Fri, 13/12/2024 17:08 (2 Months ago)
@mcbeeftarts done!


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