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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 16:54 (1 Month ago)
Splash jumps onto cedar
“FI! Dough!” Said splash

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 16:51 (1 Month ago)
“Huh? I’m not a Liepard! Also I was just saying hi..”said Rey
“I’m the liepard! What do you want?” Said kim
“Fidough? Fi! Dough!” Said splash

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 16:41 (1 Month ago)
“Fi?” Said splash
“H-hey cedar” said Rey

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 15:58 (1 Month ago)
“*rey fidgets with her fidget necklace * would you like to- b- have a friendly battle?” Said Rey
(“Yea im- ok ” said leon)

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 14:15 (1 Month ago)
“Thanks! I actually built it myself!” Said ms thunder
“Fi! Dough!” Said splash

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 13:57 (1 Month ago)
“ well, you found your way to the camp!” Said ms thunder, walking towards the gate
“Fi dough fi!” Said splash

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 13:53 (1 Month ago)
“Hey, maybure” said Rey
(“Hi tycho” said leon)

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 13:43 (1 Month ago)
The blue fidough ate the puff happily
“Fidough fi!” Said splash
“Oh! You must be the new recruit!” Said ms thunder

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 13:33 (1 Month ago)
“Fi!” Said splash
“This little guy is splash! I’m the leader of this army!” Said ms thunder

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 13:12 (1 Month ago)
“Eep!” Said Splash
“Who are you?” Said ms thunder

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 12:51 (1 Month ago)
The creature walks back away
(No one knows if it is evil )

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 12:06 (1 Month ago)
A big…dragon-like creature comes out from the forest, scaring the dittos Away

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 11:52 (1 Month ago)
Rey winked back before attacking with crunch and killing two dittos
The cerulege got thrown into a tree
“Good luck!” Said the cerulege before it fainted
(“Ha!” Said leon, Leon grabbed a ditto and threw it with all his might )
Splash used surf again, killing 10 dittos this time
A ditto ran at Rey

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 11:34 (1 Month ago)
(“Wait… this feels familiar -is she really? Sacrificing her self?” Said leon)
Every one ran down the stairs to see splash defending Rey
Splash used surf…
5 dittos fainted
“No! Stay back…” said Rey
A non shadow ceruledge ran in front of everyone and attacked another 5 dittos

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 11:26 (1 Month ago)
Rey uses dark pulse, knocking the ditto’s back
(“how are you guys?” Said leon)
Splash ran up to the tower with kim, Odin, ms thunder, and stone
“Rey told everybody to come up here.” Said Odin
“Dough fi dou fi!” Said splash
“You- want to help Rey?” Said ms thunder
Splash ran down the stairs and walked towards Rey
“Dough- FI!” Said splash
Splash attempted to attack the dittos with moonblast

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Posted: Thu, 09/01/2025 11:10 (1 Month ago)
Rey runs out of camp with Leon,
She runs at one of the shadows and leon floats up to maybure
(“Hey, you three “ said leon)
Rey mega evolves and and attacks with crunch
“Go AWAY you shadowy dittos, unless you want me to to kill you!” Said Rey

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Posted: Wed, 08/01/2025 18:03 (2 Months ago)
“Dough fi?” Said splash
“ here!” Said ms thunder, handing splash a scarf

Splash hears a bush shake near a cave

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Posted: Wed, 08/01/2025 17:49 (2 Months ago)
Second character !

Pokemon: houndoom
Backstory: a abandoned houdoom who trains on a dormant volcano
Pronouns: they/them(nonbianary)
Description:she wears a big weighted blanket on her back, and she is very caring

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Posted: Wed, 08/01/2025 16:48 (2 Months ago)
I’d like to sign up!

Description:a shiny female poplio(she will evolve)
She wears a black scarf around her neck and has a ribombee plush that she carries with her.
Nicknames: bubby, pop, bublio
Hometown: littleroot in hoenn

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Posted: Wed, 08/01/2025 15:57 (2 Months ago)

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