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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ThatOneGeek.
Posted: Tue, 28/06/2016 00:28 (8 Years ago)
People who don't read that series will be confused!

I am a cubone! (idk ;P)

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 22:34 (8 Years ago)
A cat's gonna chase you and eat you(not sorry either)

I am an otter!

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 19:33 (8 Years ago)
Alex saw Sammy get dragged away... AGAIN! What was Alex gonna do!?

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 16:46 (8 Years ago)
(Alex isn't in the room...)

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 06:45 (8 Years ago)
"Is that fire behind me!?"

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 06:38 (8 Years ago)
Lewis continued backing away, his back now at the wall of the HQ.

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 06:33 (8 Years ago)
"Okay..." Lewis said, backing away from the typhlosion, "But I really don't really know my way around..." He looked at Tiger. "Can you come help me...?" he asked.

Axel sighed. "Lord I hope that idiot of kid doesn't screw everything up," he muttered.

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 06:25 (8 Years ago)
"I just want the truth, honestly..." Lewis said, willing himself not to cry.

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 06:22 (8 Years ago)
Axel looked at the closed door to his master's room. "Hmm... well, good luck to you," he said.

"Wait... who's HQ...?" Lewis asked in confusion.

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 06:17 (8 Years ago)
"Possibly..." Axel sighed. Sky annoyed him more than anything, even Lewis. "Where is master anyway?" Axel asked, tilting his head slightly.

Lewis and Arche flew after Pyroar again. "You know what's funny...?" Lewis said, "It was Axel who convinced me to go to Hoenn... Though I guess this was part of his plan..."

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 06:06 (8 Years ago)
"By making rash decisions without master's consent?" Axel asked sarcastically.

Arche dived down as well, and Lewis' feet hit the ground. He looked at the small-ish crack in the dome. "Wow... that thing is huge..." he said, "And durable"

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 05:58 (8 Years ago)
"Oh wow!" Lewis said, quickly waking Arche and Linus. "Huh, wha-" Arche yawned. "We gotta go!" Lewis exclaimed, "Im sorry, but we gotta go!" Lewis held Linus, forgetting to put him in his pokeball as Arche snatched them up and raced after the Pyroar from the air

Axel groaned. "What an idiot..." he muttered under his breath, "Why master appointed him any high position, I'll never understand

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 05:50 (8 Years ago)
Lewis handed Victor his three empty pokeballs. "I don't think it'll work though," he said, "He only used one pokeball, and it's gone..."

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 05:45 (8 Years ago)
"The master has final say in everything. You have no right to act without his orders" Axel growled.

"How're we gonna look, though," Lewis asked, "I don't really have anything to, y'know, trace the scent or something..."

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 05:35 (8 Years ago)
"Maybe... Yeah probably..." Lewis muttered

"Why is Snow here?" Axel asked, his eyes narrowing, "And you should consult the master before you try anything.

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 05:25 (8 Years ago)
"No!" Lewis exclaimed, "I never set it anywhere! It must've fallen out when... CRAP!" Lewis realized that Axel could've somehow gotten free while he was flying!
Axel looked over towards someone he recognized as... Snow, Tiger's half-brother? "Why is he here...?" he asked himself.

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 01:21 (8 Years ago)
(plus it states "No trainers" in the description, so humans do exist for the thought of trainers to come into mind, they just aren't around here they are.
Honestly, when I heard city, I thought of the towns in PMD, not like actual bustling cities)

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 01:11 (8 Years ago)
(I assumed they were pokemon, since it isn't specific. It looks like they're pokemon based on the description...)

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 01:09 (8 Years ago)
(what? now Im confused)

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Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 01:08 (8 Years ago)
(this rp would make more sense if the scientists were human. I mean, I get and like the concept, but its weird having pokemon as the scientists...)

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