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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Fri, 05/07/2024 01:16 (2 Months ago)
"Aha.. I don't know what you're taking about! I've always had it!"

Laughing awkwardly with sweat dripping down her cheek, she pretended to take off her armor and stash it away in her closet, when it reality, she just shoved it back into her system inventory.

She took a look at her roommate. However when she turned around, she let out a gasp.

"Olive what's wrong? You looked like you just saw a ghost!"

It might as well be a ghost! Olive screamed inwardly when she saw the faceless NPC. It was as if her face was just directly shaved off!

While it may seem normal in a video game, seeing it in real life.. was like a horror movie.

Calming her nerves, Olive averted her gaze looking at anything but the NPC beside her.

"N-no its nothing I thought I saw a bug haha.. Anyways let's go to class shall we?"

The NPC saw nothing was wrong and so they both left the dorm room shared between the two of them. Olive inwardly shivered at the thought of having to share a room.. with a faceless person.

'Isn't this too brain-numbing?!' She cried inwardly.

As they talked down the hallway, Olive's head bumped into somebody.


Words were immediately stuck in her throat.

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Posted: Fri, 05/07/2024 00:57 (2 Months ago)
Now that Olive thought about it a little deeper, she realized her surroundings did somewhat resemble a dorm.

'Wait wasn't there a small academy arc in the game too?!'

But the arc was just a rather small mission to save the students from danger of a certain event that she couldn't quite remember. Not to graduate the academy as the students themselves!

But before she could dwell upon it any further, she suddenly heard a voice call her name.

"Hey Olive Crocetti! Did you hear what I said- Hey! When did you get such a fancy armor hmm~"

Oh shoot, perhaps her peaceful life may need to wait a few years first.

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Posted: Fri, 05/07/2024 00:50 (2 Months ago)

Red was a rare color within the church, after all, it was the color that symbolizes passion, lust, and sin. But red is also the color of peonies that reside near the forest in the back of the church.

But this was a dark red.

A shade of crimson perhaps, he mused.

Perhaps their visitor should be thankful that he was the only person on cleaning duty right now while everyone else were in the praying room. Or else.. this may end up as a bigger mess than they could have ever imagined.

With silent footsteps, Ayran was infront of the flowerpot. He kneeled down on one knee against the pristine white tiles. Behind the potted plant was a poorly hidden boy with an injured leg.

The gaze within the boy almost made Ayran jolt, despite the fact that they looked like they were in similar age, the boy almost had a... rogue-ish look in his eyes. He barred his teeths like those wolves in those fairytale books whenever they were in danger (which was rare, afterall they were usually the villains, the predator weren't they?)

So... should he, the sheep in question reach their hands out to the wolf?

If Ayran were any older, he would resolutely said no. But a child like him, no matter how mature would still have some heroic fantasy in their heads.

So with a hand out, he said in a gentle voice: "Do you perhaps need a place to hide?"

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Posted: Fri, 05/07/2024 00:31 (2 Months ago)
Dragging her holographic window over, Olive took a quick glance through the tabs of her stats and equipment's and let out a satisfied sigh. Everything was exactly as she remembered in the actual game.

"I take that back, this game isn't stupid.. hehe truly I am the top player, afterall who could possibly have such stats!" With her chest puffed up and a smug look, she moved on to her skill. Afterall, she didn't waste all those cash for nothing since even the navigation on the system was simple and easy!

Perhaps she could get used to this?

Imean she is the top player so who could possibly win against her anyways? She could just go to the bounty board every so often and do some request to earn some easy cash while she lazes around the rests of her days in pure bliss!

Cough.. it seems like she was getting off topic.

Anyways, it seems like her golden skill is the same as always!

[Roar of the Lion (S+)]

It was this op skill that allowed her to climb up the ranks and become famous! It is her sweet sweet baby lucky charm!

Just as Olive was just about to close the system window, a notification appeared on her screen.

A... quest?

[Graduate the Magic Academy]
[Time of Completion: Few Years]
[Reward: ???]
[Failure: Death]


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Posted: Fri, 05/07/2024 00:11 (2 Months ago)
The grand church bell.

The pride of the church. It is unknown how old such relic is, but it is said by the pope that it's so old that it wields some sort of holy power blessed by the god above to protect them children. But Ayran didn't believe a single cent of it.

If it is said to protect all of its believers, then why didn't it protect her?

Was she not pious enough?

It couldn't be.

After all she kneeled down every single day for hours on end hoping for a better future for the two of them instead of rather going out and work. She believed that with the power of hope, surely the merciful gods above would give her a glance.

But they didn't.

They didn't spare her a glance at all.


What a joke.

Does hope fill your stomach?

Does hope give you clothes to wear?

Would hope bring her alive?

Ayran stopped hoping a long time ago.

The reason he was still in the church was because he knew he had no where else to go. The moment he went out, he would be a fat sheep within a crowd of wolves instantly devoured. He refused to end the same way as her. No matter how similar they reflected eachother, Ayran could absolutely never.

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Posted: Thu, 04/07/2024 18:19 (2 Months ago)
Finally, they entered back into the restaurant and thankfully their meal was still there, hot and ready to eat. He couldn't help but give the waiter a mental thumbs up for their thoughtfulness

Like thank you for not cancelling our table sweet angle!

Signalling for Li Yu to sit down, he sat opposite of her and thus they began digging in. It was as if everything was normal. He was the one rambling off and Li Yu would give short occasional replies.

If only they could keep this imaginary peace forever. How great would that be?

"...So how do you think of the cake? Is it good?"

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Posted: Thu, 04/07/2024 00:24 (2 Months ago)
She looks at the hovering status window beside her and hesitantly reached out. Perhaps this would give her clues to find a way out?

"As much as I'm a game addict, I don't think I'm enough of an addict that I'll sacrifice my perfectly fine life for this!" She said in a slightly pitched paired with a pained expression.

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Posted: Wed, 03/07/2024 19:35 (2 Months ago)

Hearing her reply Jing Yu took a sigh of relief.

He knew how sensitive their parents were about this topic, so if they happen to know of this news.. who knows what would happen to Li Yu.

Jing Yu grasped Li Yu's shoulder with both of his hands. Taking a silent mental notice at how thin his sister's frame has become over the years. He didn't care about the assassination attempt anymore, not when it has been years since then.

Li Yu needs to understand this.

"Meimei.. look at me. Why don't we go back inside and finish our meal. We can talk about this later but just promise me that you won't ever leave me alone ok?"

He never wanted to see her back ever again. Especially not when it was so frail and lonely.

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Posted: Wed, 03/07/2024 16:13 (2 Months ago)
Noticing that they are speeding up, he sped up as well. After all, he wasn't one to fall behind on a challenge.

Looking at Yu Xuanji's gloomy face, he wasn't fazed at the pessimistic answer. If anything, he didn't expect anything less from the other. Afterall, she is a very... introverted person (?)

"Well.." He scratched his cheeks awkwardly. She wasn't exactly wrong to persay, but it felt rude to call it a babysitter. Afterall, he was basically taking care of himself, except for the fact that someone will come by every-so-often to fill in the groceries and as well as dust the house.

But other than that, it was a overkill to say that someone was babying would it?

"It would be a bit over an overstatement to say that someone is watching over me.. Its more like a guard? Y'know like those knights in a fairytale!" At the sudden thought of those knights in shining armor got Jing Yu pumped up. While he wasn't big on superhero comics like the DC series, he was plenty into fantasy!

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Posted: Wed, 03/07/2024 02:33 (2 Months ago)
Now either she was high, or she really got stuck in a video game sword art online style and she didn't know which answer she really preferred.

Both sucked just as equally.

Hell, she even got a system that show her the exact stats she had in the game as the character! Even the 10% Mana Mastery that she decided to do just for shits and giggles was there!

But what now? She was never a lore player and rarely actually played the story quest. It wouldn't be an understatement to say that she knew basically nothing lore wise to the game.

How could she possibly get out?

"Ah shit.. I really shouldn't have skipped those cutscenes shouldn't I"

Olive's back slide down the wall as she put her head in her hands resisting the urge to bang her head against the wall in regret.

"If I knew this was going to happen, I would've never spend those money in the first place!"

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Posted: Wed, 03/07/2024 01:29 (2 Months ago)
THe first thing Olive saw when she logged on however wasn't the usual welcome screen of the game, but rather an error message?

Strange she thought, so she tried to pry the headset off.

When her hands reached up, unlike her expectations she didn't feel the hard metal of the VR set, but instead felt her locks. It was as if she never wore anything in the first place!

Olive looked around in shock.

Contrary to her expectations, her whole entire body felt heavy, as if something was pressing down on her. She looked down, it was a fancy suit of armor that looked exactly like the one she had in game.

"..Aint no way."

She couldn't believe it. She looked into the mirror and saw a face that almost looked exactly liked hers, except it had fiery red hair instead of her usual brown.

"What the fuck this? Sword art online?"

At that moment, a holographic window popped up from the corner of her eye.

Quote from System
[Update Complete]

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Posted: Wed, 03/07/2024 01:12 (2 Months ago)
Guess who just got their hands on the VR edition of their favorite video game?

She herself of course!

Olive excitingly tore apart the packaging unbothered by the plastic scraps on the floor. She has waited week for the package to arrive, and now that it finally did, it was time to see if her money was well-spent!

Tucking a stray hair behind, Olive silently cursed. Why must she be borned with unruly curly hair. Of course it'll get in the way of putting the headset on. But eventually, with minimal hair loss, everything locked into place.


She logged in.

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Posted: Wed, 03/07/2024 00:00 (2 Months ago)
Jing Yu munches down the last on the last bit of his toast before lightly jogging and catching up to Yu Xuanji. With his hands behind his back he leaned forward grinning at her.

"So, I heard your parents are out of town too? What a coincident! So are mine!" He doesn't mention the fact that they were more often than not out of town on either their couple honeymoon or for medical procedures. After all, it was such a nice day despite all the smog, there's no need to ruin it!

"So whose gonna take care of ya while they're gone? Do you gotta nanny to watch over you or are you staying home alone hm? "

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Posted: Tue, 02/07/2024 23:06 (2 Months ago)
Sunny day.

Blue Sky.

Puffy funny looking clouds.

The day was starting almost just a bit too well, but who was he to complain?

Jing Yu swiftly went downstairs, casually put on a jacket and grabbed his backpack. His parents were out of town on a business trip and school was going to start in a hour. He grabbed a slice of bread and shoved it in his mouth main character style and messily put on his sneakers running out the door.

The wind lazily blew at his already messed up hair that he didn't bother combing. What was the point when it was going to get messed up by the wind anyways? Of course the only con was that it got in his eyes, but that was nothing a haircut couldn't fix.

Running down the neighborhood, Jing Yu counted down the houses in his head. He was from a rather rich neighborhood, so to get to his destination, a little bit of running was needed.

'3.. 2.. 1'

"Found Ya!"

Skidding to a stop, Jing Yu stopped in front of a much more ordinary house.

He took a deep breath. He raised his hand. And in one swift move-!

"Yu Xuanji! Wake up! We're going to be late!!"

He banged down.

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Posted: Tue, 02/07/2024 17:07 (2 Months ago)
"Because you're my sister. How could I let someone I care about die?"

Jing Yu said as he looked at Li Yu.

Since when did his sister become so thin? Has her eyes always had such bad eye bags? Why hasn't he noticed these signs before?

Just what kind of failure of a brother was he for noticing the signs earlier?

"...How long as this been going on? Does anybody else know?"

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Posted: Mon, 01/07/2024 23:11 (2 Months ago)
Once he was sure they were out of the public eye, Jing Yu finally lets go of Li Yu's wrist. They were in a dark alleyway with a flickering lamp above their heads. It was lowkey giving the start of a breakup scene or a horror movie with a kidnapper about to jump out from behind the bushes but he can ignore that.

It wasn't time to dwell on the insignificant details.

Rather, they have a much more important matter at hand.

Jing Yu looks down on his palm that has started to sting a while back ever since at the restaurant. He hadn't noticed, but his palm was slowly turning purple from the poison.

He was familiar with this color. This was the color of his scales when he got poisoned. And this was the color of the flower that is slowly killing his little sister.


The petal was crushed in his hands and the leftovers returned to the earth. Before his own life, his family comes first.

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Posted: Fri, 28/06/2024 20:22 (3 Months ago)
A nasal yawn sounded through the bodies of water. The vibration causes ripples to spread on the water. Upon closer examination, it turned out the ordinary body of water wasn't so ordinary after all.

With a color deeper than ink lay upon a island. The island held fields of flowers dusted with pure white powdered snow. It was unknown where the snow was coming from being surrounded by such high heat. If you ignore the land of flowers, it wouldn't be farfetched to say that it looked like a tropical sea.

But something was clearly wrong with it. It looked like the whole area was painted over with a wash of black.

The waters. Black.

The sky. Black.

The little critters swimming about. Pitch. Dark. Abyss.

It was almost enticing to see a spot of white amidst the black pooling waters, even when the flowers held no colors to them except various shades of gray were dazzling itself, adding a touch of warmth. To ordinary sailors perhaps, it may seem like a paradise to rest in after a long journey of zero civilization. But if you look closer. Just a tad bit closer you may see something off.

That little detail may save your life.

Since if you look closer and squint your eyes abit, you'd see that the source of the ripples came from the island itself. Strange as it may be, you ignore the slight inconsistencies, and continue rowing onwards. If only you know how you'd regret that decision for the rest of your life.

You call on your crew mates to continue rowing to the strange island in the distance. Now as you move closer and closer, the swaying of the flower petals enticed you more and more as if it were calling you. Even the snowflakes fluttering in the air felt like a seductive wave. It is only now that you noticed how hungry you were.

So when you stepped onto the island with the rest of your teammates, the first you all did was make a fire.

A heat source to not only warm your hands but your heart.

As your team settled onto the island, unbeknownst to them, the island started to move. At first the movements were settle. It were just some irregular waves that no one payed attention to. But then as the heat started to melt away more chucks of snow, the sailors finally realized something was off. The island was shaking as if it were about to erupt. The waves grew violent and strong. The origin of those waves were the pitch black whale tails swishing about causing tides of ink like water to crash towards the island.

You and your team panicked, believing they have disturbed or perhaps even offended some unknown God that brought a storm onto them. No matter what they did to protect themselves from the unnatural disaster, there seems to be no way out. And just they were about to lose all hope, they heard a voice.

A light, nasally voice. Resembling a young girl.

"Awah.. it's so hot and itchy on my back. Where did those flies come from hm?"

They realize the island was alive.

One of the crewmates suddenly remembered an ancient tale from far far back into the past. It was about a island that drowned sailors. They said the island was alive, and when they feel a heat source on their back the island would flip itself to cool them, drowning the defenseless sailors alongside it.

Realizing the vital mistake they made, they lost all hope.

After all, no one lived to tell the tale.

Sinking into despair, the island slowly started to tilt itself, and the island slowly began to be engulfed by water. Each of the crew mates wailed in despair realizing fate was about to take their lives but just when they were completely engulfed and air was running out. All of the sudden, the island disappeared.

They back on their ship, stranded.

It all felt like a horrible nightmare.

They only sign of everything that it wasn't a dream was the fact that they were wet and their ship was in tatters.

They cheered that they lived.

However, in another body of water.

With a color deeper than ink lay upon a island. The island held fields of flowers dusted with pure white powdered snow.

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 13:06 (3 Months ago)

Jing Yu couldn't believe what he was seeing, nor hearing.

Did his sister just reveal that she knew all along, that somebody did know about the assassination attempt. After all, they've been wondering for years how the assassins got into the household in the first place.

But it turns out, answer has been close by his side all along.

Jing Yu clenched and unclenched his fist.

Sweat dripped down his back.

He didn't know what to say, or should he even say anything? What could he even do at this point?

Jing Yu looked at Li Yu in disbelief.

Should he feel betrayed?

He did, but at this moment, that wasn't the strongest emotion he was feeling.

Rather, confusion swirled.

"Accepted..? I thought we were fine being how we are! You even told me we should be proud of our family name!"

Jing Yu stood up with a bang. He couldn't care for the ruckus he was causing right now. Rather he wanted answers. But the murmurs that entered his ears maid him falter.

The first thing he did was snatch the golden star away from Li Yu before grabbing her wrist. He looked back at her with mixed emotions before signalling for her to follow him.

"... let's leave before we cause a ruckus."

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Posted: Wed, 26/06/2024 22:54 (3 Months ago)
"Xiao Yu? Where are ya?"

'Little Goldfish'
Jing Yu

He/Him - Male


December 3 - Sagittarius

A child that is searching for his missing classmate.
(So he will be investigating alongside the adults to solve this mind boggling mystery that may be more dangerous than a child his age could've possibly thought.)

| Cheerful | Sunny | Bright | Warm | Beautiful | Gallant |
| All the adjective you'd use to describe a sunset | Goldfish | Blub Blub |
| Passionate | A lil Reckless | Ball of Sunshine | a lil naive | super ultra instinct |
| Youthful | Headstrong | Stubborn | Simple Headed |

Jing Yu is a simple minded person. It's a no or it's a yes, there's no in-between. With a sunny smile and a easily energetic personality, he is easily approachable and fun to be around. Though he is slightly naive at time, he is a quick learner. Though his nickname may be goldfish, he has a bigger (?) brain than one. He is very athletic for his age, and seems to always be jumping around places faster than the eye can see.

Though some may argue that he is a difficult child to take care of due to how energetic and how they are unable to keep up with him, many may say otherwise claiming that he is the perfect child to take care of due to how he always tries to see the best in people and isn't overly chaotic to the point of being disruptive.

He is a good listener and a natural born leader. Though he still sees the world with his rose-tinted lenses.

[Personality Type]

Show hidden content

*imagine it modernized

[]Height: 5'5

[]Weight: 60.2 kg

[]Skin Tone: Warm and fair - Pale Mory - #fddcb4

[]Hair Style: Ruffled side part

[]Hair Colour: Dark chestnut brown that shines gold in the sun

[]Eye Colour: Dark chestnut brown that shines gold in the sun

[]Clothes: Casual white T with a random cartoon character in the center paired with loose jacket (of random color), slap on some jeans and tennis shoes. (Or perhaps a chick yellow cardigan instead idk ask the weather)

[]Accessories: Silver plated goldfish necklace tied with a black string around his neck. (Its quotes by him to be his lucky charm)

[]Other: I didn't bother to describe the image as not only is lil old me sick rn with a throbbing headache and sore old bag of bones, but also I'm running out of time like always :'D

From a family of Chinese descent, Jing Yu was an energetic child growing up in the bustling city of Shanghai. Both of his parents were doctors whom were madly in love. So much that, it was a wonder why they brung up a child in the first place when nothing could stand between them.

Despite the neglect Jing Yu suffered as a child, it didn't really affect his childhood. He was still a ball of energy everywhere he went. He still was an intelligent kid who knew his way around people. Furthermore, to fill the empty space his elders left him since he was a child, Jing Yu's socialness made up for it. Thus growing up, reading people by their mood and expression was just like breathing air to him. It was natural.

His school life was just the same. He was the popular kid in town that everybody liked and admired. He was an excellent model student that the teachers adored and shower their affection on. And just like that, the space left by his parents were slowly filled up by those around him.

He's figuring that part out :'D

[Voice Claim]
Cheng Xiaoshi

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Posted: Wed, 26/06/2024 18:03 (3 Months ago)
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[Character name]
Phoebes de Cecil

[Gender identity]

[Prefer ponouns]
She/Her | Madam/Miss

Bi Curious

Unknown (says shes 27)

[Animal they're combined with]

[Original crystal color]
A gradient of pastel tinkerbell green (#b1e59f) and strawberry pastel pink (#ffcccc)



*the art is credited towards me :3 (pls praise me I spent a ton of time on it TT)

Phoebes is a delicately looking lady with pure white hair with black roots showing the signs of corruption within her. Her hair flowed alongside the wind like a wave, almost reaching her tail. Fluttering her long white eyelashes hides the pitch black eyes that shone creepily with flower shaped pupils. There seems to be no life in her eyes, despite how much it glows within the dark. With extremely pale skin that rivals a ghost, the rough scales scattered on her cheek bone is pitch black resembling the deep ends of the marine.

On her torso, she wears flowy white plain dress with no patterns that seems to be ragged towards the end and dusted with dirt and seaweed. On her hands, she wore pearly white gloves that barely hides her tremendously long nails. On her hips are slits that resembled gills.

However unlike her humane upper body, her lower body carries a huge whale tail. The tail is pitch black with a crystal covering over it with crystal spikes barbing the fins.

oh and shes also shoeless.

But despite that, she also carries the traits of a unknown creature that is rarely ever heard of, the Aspidochelone. The island carrying disaster. Due to her small stature resembling a young girl, it is unknown where the island part of the monster is.

| Cute | Naive In the Strangest ways | Merciless | Childish | Impatient | Eager | Dainty |
| Knows so Much Yet so little all at once | Sleepy | NOT chill | Boomer | Curious | A little Dull Headed |

Phoebes is a curious wondering soul. She may appear harmless and fragile at first impression, but if you do know her then its clear that she is the type of girl that is both ridiculous and someone who can't be measured by human standards. Human logic doesn't apply to a monster in the first place.

She is merciless, impatient and spoiled despite looking like a homeless girl. She is often very sleepy and craves the ocean or cool shade. But when she is wide awake (though not rare), she is curious about everything and if you do manage to keep her attention, it can be your biggest weapon as well as your biggest ticking bomb.

However she does have some genuinely cute side, which she is a big behind the times as well as dull headed. If she is not fully awake, you may need to repeat certain details through her dull head before she fully understands.

[What they have done to become colorless]
Casually drowns a few civilizations worth of species accidently :D ("It was a little accident! It's not my fault that I was hot and sweating and I felt something itch my back!")

Although she doesn't bare any regrets towards her actions, she does lament that the body of water that she had to leave behind wasn't as good as the one she has now.

There isn't much that is known about the mythical marine creature Aspidochelone, as none survived to tell the tale. It is unknown how Phoebes even bared this trait in the first place and how long she has bared it. However it isn't hard to assume that Phoebes is well beyond her years in appearance and may be one of the oldest creatures if not one of the first to gain the powers from the animal civilization.

It is unknown what she has done in her early days, or if she even remembers that far back or not. However the traces she has left behind within the world is huge, and she doesn't know that she has become a legend amongst the common folks. (Not that she cares). She is perhaps also the oldest living corrupted crystal being.

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