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Posted: Sat, 13/02/2016 01:03 (8 Years ago)
If I was a Pokémon
I would be a Magikarp

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Posted: Sat, 13/02/2016 00:21 (8 Years ago)
I was walking through the potatoes one day, and I could have sworn I saw a giant potato frying potatoes.

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Posted: Fri, 12/02/2016 02:09 (8 Years ago)
Username: noobly_face
Pokemon Fusion: Sneasel, Ralts, and Skiddo (Note that she is still bipedal, but she has the horns of a Skiddo and maybe something else)
Role Play Name: Her original name is Flora, but she has adopted the title/nickname of --- (will come up with later)
Other: hihihi

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Posted: Fri, 12/02/2016 01:25 (8 Years ago)
Splashy smiled. "Thank you for forgiving me. I'll try to keep you two from fighting, whatever it takes. I-I just hope that he will agree... But, surely, if you tell him that you'll change, he'll understand?" Thoughts swirled around in her head, in a confused mess. But one, simplest of them all, was dominant. "How?" Would she have to befriend all these pokemon? Or would she have to do something else? Either way, she was determined to keep everyone happy and agreeable.

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Posted: Fri, 12/02/2016 01:19 (8 Years ago)
Hearing the Buizel's words (yes, all of them,) she bubbled up with rage. "Useless? I'm not useless! In fact, you've caused nothing but trouble the entire time I've been around you! Why don't you just go back to your rebel lair, or something, and be useless there? It'll actually be of some use to us!" Then she sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I've just got a bit of a temper... Well, I'll ask you one more time. Will you please, please stop this? It's hurting more people than it's helping." She flashed a nervous smile. He may not listen to her, especially after what she had said, but it was worth a try.

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Posted: Fri, 12/02/2016 01:14 (8 Years ago)
"Why are you asking these questions?" Splashy asked. "Of course I have bones! But just because he did something wrong doesn't mean that you have the right to attack him. Look inside. You know it's wrong, don't you? Why can't everyone just be happy and live in peace? I don't understand!" She ended her sentence by lowering her head and muttering a part of a mini-rant under her breath.

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Posted: Fri, 12/02/2016 01:10 (8 Years ago)
((Yes she is a fish and is very proud of it //shotdead))

"I know why you didn't heal that Deino's leg. Because you're a horrible person. There's a lot of worse things people could say, but you just go ahead and, from the looks of it, almost kill him! You even refused to help him before he did anything!" Splashy retorted. "Just because he didn't agree with you about the government. Trust me, you may be trying to fight for the right cause, but you're certainly not doing it the right way." She continued, tensing up in anticipation for his reply.

((Heh don't fight me I'm just being salty
And if you listen to her words then you will get it because attacking someone for being salty is being even worse

Also, if I forgot anything about him disagreeing with Miles, then whoops, she wasn't there and does not have special weird powers like that.))

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Posted: Fri, 12/02/2016 00:53 (8 Years ago)
((I cri because not on))

Splashy glared at the Buizel, though most likely failing to look even the slightest bit menacing. "Go away!" She cried. "Don't you understand? Nobody will ever be thankful if you don't do something worth being thankful for. And what you're doing, is quite the opposite of something to be thankful for!" Splashy then stood(/however karps 'stand' ) in between the two, in an attempt to prevent the Deino from possible further attack.

((Also, if he did walk away, then it would be a good idea to actually say that he walked away, or else I'll just assume he's still there, waiting for the Joltik to respond.))

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Posted: Thu, 11/02/2016 01:28 (8 Years ago)
As she approached the trio, Splashy noticed the Joltik and Buizel seemed to be fighting. She assumed that it had to do with the injured Deino, and hurried to break up the fight. Jumping in (near) between the two, she cried, "Don't fight!" And then turning to each of them in turn, she asked, "E-Erm, what's wrong? Why are you f-fighting?" In order to stop the fight, she had to know why they were fighting. A strong force had, just, pushed itself in; the will to stop everyone's conflicts, (well, argument-type conflicts) and if she wanted to do that, then why not stop with those two?
((Character development))

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Posted: Thu, 11/02/2016 01:15 (8 Years ago)
As Splashy went along, the trees became more and more pervasive, but then suddenly thinned, right next to a riverbank. The water hurriedly flowed, on their way to who knows where. A large apple tree was close by, and Splashy gazed up at it in wonder. Then, she suddenly noticed the surrounding Pokémon. The Joltik, Deino, and Buizel she had seen before were all gathered, and as she looked closer, she noticed the Deino was on the ground. He looked as if he was injured, and she shivered. She did not enjoy seeing others in pain, that was for sure. In the distance, she could just make out a Braixen and a strange, Banette-Haunter fusion of sorts. But, focusing more on the Deino, she crossed the river, as unnoticeable as possible. The Deino had been nice to her, and, seeing as he seemed to be in need, she felt she had to help him.
((Heheh, the urge to help her friend(s) is coming in, though I'm not sure if they're actually friends or anything.
If you've seen my form on the RP Sign-up, you would've noticed she holds her friends dear and does anything she can to assist or pamper them, or anything.))

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Posted: Thu, 11/02/2016 00:02 (8 Years ago)
Please evolve my Pokémon!
Pokémon ID
: 8046566 -- Scyther -- Dex no. #123
Comment (additional): Thank you!

Edit: Thank you, (again)!

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Posted: Wed, 10/02/2016 03:19 (8 Years ago)
((Well I guess I'll start using center too because it seems to be trendy now lol))
After waiting a considerable amount of time, Splashy gave up and left the area she had been in. There was really nothing going on, and no one really needed her help, either. Instead, she started out on another walk. "There is nothing wrong with a little more exercise," she thought. "After all, my previous walk only ended in near disaster."

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Posted: Wed, 10/02/2016 02:58 (8 Years ago)
It usually takes about 10-15k, but it can take more or less.

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Posted: Tue, 09/02/2016 04:46 (8 Years ago)
Dance of Dog is also really good. Even though it's not in the soundtrack

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Posted: Tue, 09/02/2016 04:43 (8 Years ago)
ASGORE and Battle Against A True Hero are two of my favorites, but they're all really good. The only ones I don't really like are Heartache and Dogsong, because they are both good, but will get old pretty quickly.

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Posted: Tue, 09/02/2016 00:55 (8 Years ago)
Splashy listened the best she could as the shopkeeper of the music store listed the more popular music of the type she asked, but still uncertain, she asked another question. "D-Do those songs have lyrics? I-I prefer things with no lyrics, b-but if you don't have anything like that, that's okay..." She started, ending with almost a mumble. Fortunately, such music as how she requested was in stock, and she paid the shopkeeper and left with a disk of exactly what she had wanted.

She decided to wander, seeing as she now really had nothing to do. There was no real use (to her,) following the other pokemon she had met, as they had long gone. Finally deciding, Splashy headed out to a highly-populated area, in search of a small job or favor she could do for someone, to pass some time.

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Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 03:43 (8 Years ago)
Splashy walked up to the shopkeeper of the music store. She had some currency from the little jobs she would do every now and then, and she could afford something due to the sale. "E-Excuse me, do you h-have any good t-techno music or a-anything you w-would suggest?" She inquired. Techno had always been one of her favorites, especially anything with lots of instruments/sounds. She found herself to have a bit of trouble hearing things, so she always liked to have something with a bunch of different sounds at once, as it made listening easier, to her.

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Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 02:01 (8 Years ago)
After some small time of following along, Splashy came across a music store, where she assumed the pokemon she was following had stopped. Going inside, she discovered she was right. Music of all sorts littered the walls and displays (or something I don't really know how it looks) and she started looking around. Names she had never heard, titles of all sorts, and everything was everywhere. She had always been partial to music, even if she had rarely had access to it, and was amazed at the quantity of it and selection.

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Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 01:45 (8 Years ago)
Splashy watched as the Deino and Joltik left. For some reason, she felt the sudden urge to follow them. "Wait up!" She called as she started to go after them. The Ampharos might be left behind, but surely he could follow her, too, if he wanted to.

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Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 01:22 (8 Years ago)
The Magikarp shivered. "T-Thanks for offering..." She mumbled and accepted one of the gummies. "I-I t-think I'm fine in this p-place... It's j-just that I... I'm n-not that u-used to other pokemon..." She said, then popped the gummy into her mouth. (I wonder how, though?) It was good, even though she had never been that big of a fan of gummies.

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