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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from kendall_000.
Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 21:10 (8 Years ago)
" I got it " Kendall said and looked at the cuffs around her wrist and hit the chains holding the girl and they broke " come on we need to find someone "

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 20:40 (8 Years ago)
"No problem we all should help each other. How are we going to get these chains off you?" Kendall said thinking how to get them off

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 20:35 (8 Years ago)
Pokemon: shiny eevee
Special Objects:none

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 20:24 (8 Years ago)
"Fine " Kendall walked over and and said "move back " she kicked the lock on the door and it opened

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 20:01 (8 Years ago)
Kendall screamed as loud as she could "Otomara help I lost" she got lost trying to find him

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 14:42 (8 Years ago)
(I have to go because of school )

Kendall ran with him

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 14:36 (8 Years ago)
"Good job!! We got to keep going." Kendall said happily

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 14:30 (8 Years ago)
"I don't know a bed"

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 14:22 (8 Years ago)
Kendall thinks amd the word sun pops in her mind "it the sun!!" She yelled

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 14:17 (8 Years ago)
"Is it air? " Kendall asked

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 14:06 (8 Years ago)
Kendall ran after him

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 14:03 (8 Years ago)
"Fine!! Now let's go!!" Kendall yelled

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 13:58 (8 Years ago)
Then she punched the guard in the face and ran "don't call me a brat,because I am willing to kill you once I get a knife "

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 13:55 (8 Years ago)
"Of course you did. I can't even protect myself now" Kendall whispered to herself because she doesn't want to sound weak. Kendall tried to kick the gard but failed

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 13:51 (8 Years ago)
"Stop talking about a book you two! And can someone give me a knife " Kendall said wanting some protection for herself

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 13:39 (8 Years ago)
Kendall ran after Otomra "okay!"

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 13:31 (8 Years ago)

"Help!!" Kendall screamed because she couldn't get her cell door open

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Posted: Wed, 06/01/2016 13:26 (8 Years ago)
(Back on page 2 I made a form and it was never accepted or declined??)

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Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 22:57 (8 Years ago)
Name: Kendall Erickson
Age: 16
Prison reason: burning down her family's house, and killing parents in the fire
Extraordinary Feature?: working with weapons
Other: her hair was dyed blonde

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Posted: Sat, 05/12/2015 16:52 (8 Years ago)
Age(13 to 19): 13
Gender: Female
Appearence: (will post in the next hour0
Hobbies: making things out of ice
Type of (fairy/witch/wizard): Ice Fairy
History: her parents left her when she turned ten.

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