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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 18/07/2015 14:47 (8 Years ago)
(Only like 2 days and I already forgot the format of the chapter title thing)
(Also, a writer's point of view is diffrent from a reader's. That is the challenge in writing)


James's POV
As head of the Elite Corps, which oh, by the ways has a dumb name which I should really change, it is my duty to lead these guys into battle. In times where we fight enemies, I have this power to change into a vehicle. Which was a gift from my dad, I'm guessing that this power is from his so-called "sun" which he rides.

Cryo, nickname Ice and my brother, and Aura Jack, second-in-command are out right now hunting for some monsters. Anyways, I became head of the Elite Corps, nope changing the name, the MonsterBusters when I found out about a few titans coming back to life. Chiron planned on asking the Prophecy of Seven to hunt them down, but I felt pity for them. They had went through enough trouble. So, I told Chiron that they had enough trouble for a few years and I asked if I could be the one to hunt them. Anyways, he made me head of the Elite Cor--... The MonsterBusters.

After 3 months of killing monsters, though, we have been experiencing, ummm.... technical difficulties with leadership. Aura had to so rudely start a revolution. She said that she doesn't agree with my strategies. No duh, she is one of those daughters of Athena. Not pointing fingers, but a few daughters of Athena, no offense, disagree with everything. Then later Sally Trent and Ian Trent went to her side. Gosh, I'm so mad at her now. Ice and Silver Joined my side. They are the only ones I trust now. Kate Brewster was smart and stayed neutral.

Maybe I should just take a break, relax, just chill. I should just think about what I'm doing, what she is doing. The problem is that demigods NEVER, and when I say that I mean it, get a long break. Then suddenly it hit me... She might be correct.

Aura's POV
I'm not sure why James would disagree with me. I am the daughter of Athena. I should be the one making the plans. I don't know why he doesn't trust me.

So this is how it all started: We spotted Krios somewhere, and then he made this "plan" of him rushing in a Koenisegg to hit Krios, then he'll distract him so we can rush in to attack. I had a different one, though. A better one. I know his weak spot. I said that we should all focus our attacks on it, but we'll keep our distance by using rockets and guns. Now that there is a civil war in the Elite Corps, or as James the one I hate will say, MonsterBusters, will be disfunctional for a while.

Cryo's POV
I dunno what to make of this situation. I agree with James because I feel like he is a smart guy, and the fact he is my brother. If there is trouble, I look up to him. But I also don't want there to be a civil war. Fact is, Krios was heading to attack Camp Half-Blood itself. So if we keep fighting each other, Camp Half-Blood will be in danger...

Note from writer:
Hah, the 2nd Chapter and there already is a big problem. I will try to write the next one as soon as possible. The reason why they already regenerated will be explained soon enough too... Feel free to put ratings, construction criticism, but please don't post hate, keep it to yourself. I might post this on Wattpad.

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Posted: Thu, 16/07/2015 15:04 (8 Years ago)
Note: The first chapter will be all about backstory. I'll try to make the second one as soon as possible. So Chapter 1 will be a backstory, as I mentioned, and Chapter 2 and beyond will be POVs of the characters, by the ways, I'll start with a list of the characters. So now... the story begins!


Major Demigods:
James "Purge" Cahill, leader of the group, son of Apollo, older brother of Cryo Cahill, 16
Cryo "Ice" Cahill, special force, son of Apollo, younger brother of James Cahill, 14
Aura Jack, assistant leader, daughter of Athena, 15
Kate Brewster, special force, daughter of Jupiter, 15
Silver Pierce, second-in-command, son of Neptune, 15
Ian Trent, elite, son of Aphrodite, older brother of Sally Trent, 19
Sally Trent, special force, daughter of Aphrodite, younger sister of Ian Trent, 16
(Dang, getting sleepy. This won't be good now.)

What is this "group" you ask? It is a band of Roman and Greek Demigods called the "Elite Corps". It was made right after the Giant-Demigod war. They were in charge of keeping the Giants, Titans, monsters dead. These guys in the Elite Corps were specially trained demigods having lots of experience.

People may think that because they are so powerful they can kill anything, but in fact it requires the effort of the members of the Elite Corps to kill just 1 giant.

After saving a crisis on Olympus, James Cahill got a new special power which will be explained soon...

( I have to sleep now, this is XxShinyGalladexX signing off)

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Posted: Wed, 15/07/2015 09:26 (8 Years ago)
(Wow this died out quickly)

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Posted: Sat, 11/07/2015 16:42 (8 Years ago)
Cryo: Mind:Heard a noise. I hope the crossbow can defend me while I try to make this gun a faster-firing one. Good to be paranoid

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Posted: Sat, 11/07/2015 16:31 (8 Years ago)
Cryo: Mind:I need to set up another one of these.I need a fire now. *makes a campfire* There! Anyways, I hear noises. I wonder where those came from....

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Posted: Sat, 11/07/2015 16:26 (8 Years ago)
Cryo: *heartbeat raises* Mind:I'm nervous.
Crossbow:7 seconds! Operational... Right.... Now!!!... *moves around*
Cryo: Mind:It detected motion there! *gets out gun and finds target*

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Posted: Sat, 11/07/2015 16:23 (8 Years ago)
Cryo: *hears noises* Mind:Faster!
Crossbow: 22 seconds!
Cryo: Mind:Just hold out a little longer... I just had a thought. I should make some allies, then I can gather the resources to make a better gun! I can't trust anyone though... I heard something...

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Posted: Sat, 11/07/2015 16:19 (8 Years ago)
Cryo: Mind:What? I heard something. *brings out gun* The crossbow isn't done yet! I have to press this button *presses it*
Crossbow:2 minutes until activation
Cryo: Mind:Dang! I'll have to do this manually now!
Crossbow:1 minute 20 seconds!
Cryo: Mind:Heard something! *fires gun*
Crossbow:47 seconds!

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Posted: Sat, 11/07/2015 16:14 (8 Years ago)
Cryo: *pulls out iPad then turns on the flashlight* --30 minutes later-- Mind:Here a shelter. I have to set up a defense now. I can't even trust humans now. Im setting this crossbow to fire at anything on sight. *sigh* When will this end...

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Posted: Sat, 11/07/2015 16:05 (8 Years ago)
Cryo: *fires a warning shot* Mind:That should scare anything near me. Now, I will make a place to set up camp. I can't really sleep, so I have to take my medicine for this. I will start a base of operations here. I need to make AI though. The hard part... *gathers wood* Time to make an axe.

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Posted: Sat, 11/07/2015 15:59 (8 Years ago)
Cryo: *sees something moving* Mind:What was that?! *fires gun all arouns* Mind:Reload! Oh wait, that was a tree. Wow. What should I do seriously?

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Posted: Sat, 11/07/2015 15:45 (8 Years ago)
Cryo: *gets gun* Mind:Hmm... nothing here. I dunno what to do next. I have to kill anything on sight. I hope I don't detect motion. I'm pretty freaked out.

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Posted: Sat, 11/07/2015 14:55 (8 Years ago)
Lemme just break one rule: No playing before night. Dun worry im manly enough.

Appearance:A masked person who revealed only one part of his age. He is tall, wears black clothes and has a backpack.
Personaility:Usually runs away from things. Rarely talks, and most of the time uses hand signals to speak.
Human or Creature:Human
Inventory:Knife,gun, food,translator machine, iPad with infinite battery,water.
History:He was a hunter who got stabbed in the arm. After that, his personality heavily changed. Shortly after, a typhoon forced him to live alone.
Other:Im getting goosebumps

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Posted: Thu, 02/07/2015 13:57 (8 Years ago)
James: *Stabs wheel* I haven't made a full introduction yet. I am James Arthopolo Cahill. Son of Apollo. After I defended Mount Olympus from a crisis, Father gave me the ability to turn into any vehicle and imortality. My sword is a fusion of Imperial Gold and Celestial Bronze, a symbol of unity. I was born in 1950, witnessed WWII. I had OCD and ADHD at that time. After when I was 18, Olympus was being heavily attacked by monsters of diffrent kinds. I took up the challenge to fight every one of until it was safe. Apollo then gave me my reward. Right now my mom is dead, but I don't to talk about it, it's personal. (Ill continue tom, have to sleep)

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Posted: Thu, 02/07/2015 13:44 (8 Years ago)
Percy: (Geez almost typed Cryo again) Wise Girl, where do you get that memory?
James:Ok, so who's missing now? Oh and Percy, we may be crossing water so don't blow everything up. I have OCD so... don't mess anything up. So here is what we have, free food hamburgers included, hotdogs, a bathroom, weapons area, free entertainment, you name it!
Percy: Can I have 4 hamburgers?

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Posted: Wed, 01/07/2015 13:12 (8 Years ago)
James:Annabeth said everyone is going, so yeah.
Percy:Annabeth, Chiron said we shouldn't harm mortals. How about this mortal you're talking about?

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Posted: Wed, 01/07/2015 12:39 (8 Years ago)
James: Ok, but get your barf bags. I used to be a racecar driver. Anyways, in 15 minutes will be going.
Percy:Is Chiron going?
James:If he is, then I need to be a double decker bus. *Transforms into one* Get in!

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Posted: Tue, 30/06/2015 13:08 (8 Years ago)
(Ill just continue it)
-- 30 minutes later--
Percy:Chiron said that we leave soon.
James: (BTW his last name is Cahill, props to u if u got the reference) Annabeth, what should I become, a bus or a jet?

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Posted: Mon, 29/06/2015 13:50 (8 Years ago)
Cryo: *Gets out sword* Ill stab him. Anyways, can you try to guess where he'll be going? We'll plan a sneak attack.

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Posted: Mon, 29/06/2015 13:48 (8 Years ago)
(Oh shoot, I used the name Cryo)
Percy: How will we get the-- OWW!!
???:U forgot my existence? (Aura allowed me to add one more dude, not from the story) I'll take you there with a helicopter.
Percy:Oh uhh this is awkward. James, meet Annabeth daughter of Athena and my girlfriend(Its kinda awkward, cuz I am Percy and LucarioLand is Annabeth ;_;). This is James, a lost demigod who has immortality after Apollo gave him the power to shape shift into vehicles. Anyways, he got lost and traced us to here. He came back only 5 hours ago so yeah. He's literally our ride.
James:Dem dang monsters keep attacking me. I EVEN RAN OUT OF AMBROSIA! I went all around the world looking for this place.
(History of James: He was blinded after an attack, so he had to rely on radar. He helped in the Titan war by killing the rest of the monsters that didn't die. Still, he couldn't detect where the other demigods were staying, his presence wasnt even known. He eventually healed his blindness. There were also a bunch of minor giants, which he slayed himself. After that, he earned an army of robots to help him in his missions.)
(This is a long post)

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