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WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Thu, 03/04/2014 20:09 (10 Years ago) |
Signatures: 3 Signers: WaningGrimalkin, megashadowsamurott, Leptro EDIT: Alright, so tell me which one you guys like best, or none at all. 1. 2. [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Wed, 02/04/2014 22:44 (10 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 23:41 (10 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Tue, 01/04/2014 00:09 (10 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sun, 30/03/2014 23:56 (10 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 29/03/2014 23:59 (10 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 29/03/2014 23:45 (10 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 29/03/2014 22:04 (10 Years ago) |
Shifting to a slowpoke, Miso sniffs one of the berries. "Oh, we should plant one, though. So I can grow into an awesome tree!" [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Mon, 24/03/2014 21:19 (10 Years ago) |
"Can I eat it?" [
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Mon, 24/03/2014 21:01 (10 Years ago) |
Miso sees the berries. "OMG! What kind are they? Are they the Healy kind? Or the reducing damage kind? I HOP E THEY'RE THE HEALY KIND! Can we plant them?" The happy little fox looks expectantly at Zaneo. [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sun, 23/03/2014 21:30 (10 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sun, 23/03/2014 14:10 (10 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sun, 23/03/2014 02:05 (10 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 22/03/2014 21:46 (10 Years ago) |
However, if it was to be in a game, I think I would style the game unlike others, and have 3 pokemon replace the main. The 3 would be servants of Yvetal, Death, Limbo, and Resting, or Xerneas, Birth, Jorney, and Accomplisment. Death would be a reaper, limbo holds souls and sends them to their next forms(ie spiritomb, Yamask) and for resting, it would be made very, very unclear what it does, other then send souls to their final resting place. After all, this is more about life then it is religeon. For the life trio, birth would create souls(using other souls? I dunno.) Jorney would watch over souls on a Jorney(the 10 year old Jorney is an ancient tradition that this pokemon watches over), and Accomplisment would see that most souls eventually find the purpose in their lives. The current names for these pokemon are just placebos, the real ones would be a lot less obvious. I thought a bit about Death, and have made some art and ideas for it. I'll put it on my first post, as too not get too off topic. [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 22/03/2014 21:17 (10 Years ago) |
I finished my fox legendary. Here's what he looks like: His appearance is kinda coyote like, but still very foxish. The mist show around him is souls. He is asleep, so he can focus on managing the souls and sending them to the right place. I got the idea from this because some ghost type pokemon are said to have been people, like Yamask. This is the pokemon that decides were the souls go after they die. When you first encounter him, he is in the Focus form. His typing is Ghost, and his ability is Snoozy. He is constantly sleeping, but he has a large boost to his defense. Using a move will wake him up, and he will go into Viligance form. Vigilance form turns his typing to ghost dark and gives him the Ability Vigl, which lets him dodge all psychic type moves. In the games lore, he will have developed this form after having to stay vigil for 100 nights, guarding someone as he did something(I haven't gone that far into the lore.) However, using Vigilance form now is pointless, and you actually stop the flow of the dead, as when he is awake, he is not organizing the souls. In the endgame, right after you learn the move, someone will battle you. If you choose to have him transform, that will change the end of this miniark. End one is better then end 2. In end 1, you choose not to use Vigilance form, you get a special item. If you don't, then you don't get the item, and you are scolded for messing with the passage of life. After made him, I thought of how most games have a sort of trio. So, I made the "Travel Trio". These 3 are servants of Yvetal, and aid in death. I'll add more to this post. Just want to save it by posting it for now~ As for my second, and probably favorite of the trio, is a pokemon who represents death. He has a silence form, and a reaper form. It appears as a creature standing on 2 legs, with a hoodie.(I'll post a picture of it) However, when facing most pokemon, the hoodie is off. It's face is that of the pokemon it's battling, but there are some exeptions, such as all legendaries, Zorua and Zoruark, Ditto, and Unknown. In these cases, it is shown as having it's hoodie up, covering the top part of it's face. Will write more~ [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 22/03/2014 19:56 (10 Years ago) |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 22/03/2014 03:58 (10 Years ago) |
Here is your sprite! I tried the men's fashion thing, with mild success. Foods lover, if will try to get your sprite done soon! The same applies for everyone else! On a final note, I have a new type of sprite that I am making! I am calling it griffinocation. It is taking the wings of one pokemon and sticking them on another. The section will be posted soon~ [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 22/03/2014 02:41 (10 Years ago) |
"Ack! Cookie, don't eat out of the pot! I, suppose if you want to eat your rations now, that's cool, but other people might take slight offense. But I'm gonna have to skimp for the sauce on your poke puff..."The little fox runs back over to the pokepuffs cooking in the clay oven. "They're dooooooone!" The Zorua grabs a stick by the ovens, and squers each of them, putting them onto a clean riverstone. She puts the stones with the pokepuffs around the fire, and pours some of the newly made sauce on to each of them. Smiling at her work, the Zorua sits beside Cookie and begins to eat her own. ((I think I'm gonna change her character in a few posts. Maybe by the battle scene, if we're gonna have one. I think and island would be cool, but it seems we're sharing this place with other clans, like the cat clan. Also, lots of other RPS do islands, so it may be cool if we do do something different.)) [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 22/03/2014 02:26 (10 Years ago) |
And if she was here, do you think she would want you to be sad?" Miso looks down for a while. Her outline fizzles, and she slowly transforms into a Woobat. "I don't think she would. So let's eat strawberries and blueberries and be really happy, huh! We're still alive! Everybody past don't have the privilege to be happy! So we better be happy. We better..." Her shape quickly turns once again, from a Woobat into a Axew. "Thanks for the berries, Zane!" Pushing the berries into a pot, she takes the mixture she was working on before, and sets it on the ground. Placing the pot with berries in the old pots place, she throws some herbs into the berry pot, and dashes off to the clay ovens. "Good job, Cookie! Thanks!" Taking a smaller pot, she rations the mixture into cupcake sized holes. Each is filled almost to the brim. Throwing a few sticks into the fire, she stands back and gives it a good look, before Turing around and running back to the berry pot, to continue making the sauce. ((I might be changing my characters personality a bit. I kinda flew into this without thinking, and now that I have done some thinking, is it okay if I change it.) [Read more] |
WaningGrimalkin OFFLINE Forum Posts: 119 |
Posted: Sat, 22/03/2014 00:46 (10 Years ago) |
Miso looks around as the two Zorua disappear. "Musta turned into kelceon or somethin." She turns back to her pot and gives it a stir, grabbing some more herbs and throwing them in. Blowing on the pot slightly, she turns to Cookie. "Hey, Cookie, can you get a fire started under clay ovens? If you do, you'll be getting your blueberry poke puffs a lot faster." Miso shifts into a glameow and gives the pot a few more good stirs. ((Is it okay if I add a section called the clay ovens? They would be little shelves of clay above a firepit, dug out by a friendly diglet of drillbur. They would be used for baking stuff. [Read more] |