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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 22/03/2016 00:01 (8 Years ago)
Cas watched all the newly arriving wolves with caution, making sure that they didn't move too close to him. It wasn't that he disliked them, but being around other werewolves made him feel jittery and defensive, though he wasn't exactly sure what really caused it. He pulled out tufts of grass as he sat there, idly wasting time until they'd all have to change, and he could slip away for a few more minutes of solitude. His head immediately snapped towards a feminine voice, and he had to stifle a growl. She might not have looked dangerous to an entire pack of werewolves, but she didn't quite smell human, which immediately sent him into a defensive position.

James watched the female wolf approach him, nearly letting out a burst of laughter. "Now now, little lamb, don't go straying away from the flock-" he murmured, quietly enough so that only she, who was moving closer by the second, would be able to hear him. He wondered if she'd be offended at the little nickname- Most wolves hated to be called prey, after all. She definitely looked as harmless as a lamb- at least to a vampire who was obviously more than a few years her senior. He sat back and waited for her reaction- he partly hoped that he'd spook her into calling for her Alpha- he just loved aggravating that one- though he could probably have just as much fun with this one as well.

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Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 04:21 (8 Years ago)
Cassander sulked alone like a little baby

James stopped once he was sure that he was as close to the wolves as he could manage, quietly reciting a spell that should keep him hidden from even werewolf senses. He'd had several problems with the packs current Alpha- he just seemed to hate James, no matter how nice he was to the little mutt. He watched the little group of wolves with slight interest, taking note of how most of the pack seemed to not be there. He took special notice of the Omega wolves- he rarely ever got to see many of them, with how anti-vampire everyone seemed to be.

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Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 03:35 (8 Years ago)
Cassander twitched as he heard Fenrus' howl, and he ignored the small, wolfish, part of him that urged him to run directly to him. He forced himself to keep walking at a steady pace, though since he had a rather fast gait, he quickly found himself at the place where the Alpha- he always had a problem calling him his- was waiting. He noticed two other wolves, Akari and Jay, were already there. He waved at them, before sitting down as far away from the group without looking rude that he could manage.

James grinned as he heard a loud howl, putting his phone in his coat pocket and turning towards the direction of the call. He suddenly had an idea of what he could entertain himself with, and headed off in the direction of the forest, whistling an old time-y tune.

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Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 02:51 (8 Years ago)
Cassander grumbled nonstop as he followed the path out of town, to where the entire pack would be meeting. He would've just stayed home and locked himself in his basement, if he thought he could get away with it. Unfortunately for him, he was sure that they'd send someone after him when he hadn't shown up for roll-call- and that'd be another whole issue entirely. He sped up , hoping that he'd be able to find somewhere he could be alone, without any other wolf bothering him. He caught a whiff of the werewolves who'd passed by earlier, noting that the scent of the only other Omega and her brother were rather fresh.//

James wandered about the edge of town, playing a silly little rhythm game on his phone as he walked, trusting that anyone would be smart enough to move out of his way. He hummed along to the fast-paced song, idly wondering what time it was. Being one of the older vampires, he was able to move about in the sun (though he needed quite a few spells in order to be completely fine)- it really messed with his sense of time though, not that he'd ever been good with time in the first place.//

((@TrickyFox Pokemon
Could you please write a more descriptive personality? Like take what you already have, but expand on it?
Also, there's no more room for any Omegas, and she couldn't have been a wolf>human, because that's not how werewolves work. She can be a werewolf who stays in wolf form a lot though-
[Also all werewolves can freely transform in this rp, though it's always required on the full moon of every month//))

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Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 02:09 (8 Years ago)
That'd be gr8 ;v;))

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Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 01:34 (8 Years ago)
//I'm ready to start rn tbh

I might just make the 1st post in like, 10 minutes, and just let everyone else catch up rip///

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Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 00:58 (8 Years ago)
Yeah, she's allowed.//)

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Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 00:46 (8 Years ago)
Uh, I'd like if you could change somethings about your form//

1. I'd appreciate if you didn't put 'She has a small case of Bipolar Disorder, but tries to control her emotions around those in her pack.'
Like, having a mental illness is fine but!! Don't make it just some 'Personality quirk' bc thats super messed up.

2. I probably should've made this clearer, so my bad, but unfortunately she can't be an omega, bc we've already got 2 in this pack ;v; again, that might've been my fault for not making it clear.

3. Lastly, being intelligent isn't a power- since she's a werewolf, just put typical W.W things, like super strength/fast healing/ whatever else.))

EDIT: ALSO since almost everyone's here, could we start the rp?? qwq

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Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 00:00 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 22:59 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 22:56 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 20:11 (8 Years ago)
Souris grinned savagely, letting the tip of her sword poke the Siren. "Well, who woulda thought! A siren who doesn't like the sea!" She almost laughed at the idea. She kept her sword on him as she continued to talk. "Yer forgiven for the flirtin'- after all, my instincts are tellin' me to just run ya through with my blade, but since I'm able to control myself, I'll let'cha live." She pulled back a bit and spoke with a more dangerous tone. "But I haven't forgiven you for trespassin' on my ship. Though since you apparently want to be a part of my crew, we'll see if we can't" she grinned widely "arrange something."

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 16:39 (8 Years ago)
Accepted uvu

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 05:59 (8 Years ago)
Souris scowled at the trespasser and pointed her sword at him. His little comment about her height made her want to throw him overboard immediately. "Ya know, a sword through the gut hurts about as much as a bullet does." She said lowly, letting a bit of her anger seep into her words. "Also, it ain't the smartest idea to annoy a ship's captain an' her crew while you're in the middle of the ocean." She moved forward, and as short as she may be, she still was still the captain and she commanded respect as she walked. "Now, I'd lie to know what the hell you're doin' on my ship, mer-boy." She nearly growled. She trusted Lánh- or as much as a pirate captain could trust her crew. "And stop talking to my crew, they've got jobs to do." She ordered sternly.

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 01:37 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 19/03/2016 01:04 (8 Years ago)
The wolfpack in Moonlight Valley have been tense and on edge since the reveal of the supernatural to humanity-
While the local humans have been rather accepting -probably the cause of having at least one supernatural somewhere in each family- there have still been a few trouble makers and extremists, though they were easily handled.

The real problem was a sudden influx of new werewolves, and a few vampires due to a Rogue wolf attack in a town a few miles over. With so many new untrained wolves, the tensions between the humans, and even the local Vampire Seethe and Witch coven has skyrocketed, it's only a matter of time before someone snaps and starts a bloodbath- one that might get everyone in the area killed, supernatural or not.




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-PH rules apply.
-Mild swearing acceptable.
- Violence is not only possible, but highly likely.
- 6 character limit.
-No Godmodding, or OP characters.
-No Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus, please.
- Don't stray from the plot, unless I approve.
-I have the right to reject your form, and ask you to revise.
-I have the right to ban you, though I'll probably give you warnings and chances first.
-Dont spam, at all.
-Don't start any drama.
-Most important is to have fun, though!




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Species: (Species allowed are:
*werewolves, vampires, humans, half-fae/fae and witches.)
Appearance: (*Werewolves have wolf forms: they're allowed to have a few odd markings, but no unnatural colors or additions. Witches or half-fae may be allowed another form due to magic.
Pack ranking: ( For werewolves only, ignore for all other races. Accepted rankings are;
* Alpha: The leaders of the wolf pack, the most dominant and the most aggressive and feel the most need to protect the rest of the pack. All other pack members except Omegas will follow any order they command. They are responsible for the safety, welfare and comfort of the pack.
* Beta wolf: The second and third most dominant of the pack, and help the Alpha to keep order. They are responsible for getting new wolves settled, and for handling concerns and issues not important enough for the Alpha to deal with.
* Mid-ranking wolves: Wolves that are less dominant than the Alpha and Betas, to wolves who are naturally more submissive. They don't have any special jobs, unless given one by an Alpha or a Beta. Often fight and get aggressive around each other unless an Omega is present.
* Omega: A wolf who isn't strictly bound by pack rules and isn't effected by an Alpha (or any other wolf's) dominance. Often plays peacemaker between dominant wolves, and can calm them down just with their presence. Omega wolves are very rare, and typically there are barely 2-3 in an entire country. Being an Omega does not make them submissive, but it makes the rest of the pack want to protect them.
Background information: (optional- this is for little things you might wanna mention, such as the date of their Changing, or their least favorite species, etc)
Powers: ((a quick rundown of what kind of powers your character might have. I'll let you know if they're a bit too much for the roleplay, or if it's unavailable for a certain oc due to species. ))


My Character(s):


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Name: Cassander Wolfram
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf

Personality: Usually he's quiet and reserved, preferring to be by himself until he gets lonely, but since his Change, he's been high-strung, paranoid and gets aggressive towards almost any werewolves who approach him- which seems to be happening way too often for his liking. He's super stressed out and tries to hide from other people.
Pack ranking: Omega Wolf
Background information: He's only been a werewolf for 6 months, after being attacked by a rogue wolf- he ended up being the only person in his family to survive- ending up a werewolf instead. He really doesn't like werewolves now.
He likes to knit and sing, mostly bc they calm him down.
Powers: Other than the usual werewolf stuff: super strength+ reflexes, stronger senses, fast healing- etc. He's also able to calm down most any werewolf who's getting upset.
Other: He's super-duper gay sorry ladies
Normal Theme

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Name: James Magellan
Age: 200, though he looks around his early 20's
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Personality: James is the biggest jerk ever. He's a manipulative, scheming SOB, who likes to make others suffer, though in recent years he enjoys emotional pain rather than physical. He's also obsessed with blood (what a surprise) and he'll stalk, manipulate, threaten, blackmail, etc anyone who he deems to have 'extraordinary tasting blood'.
He's just an all around Bad Guy.
Pack ranking: |||
Background information: He's technically the leader of the local vampires, though usually he's away in other countries ruining people's lives. He's very old and has caused many deaths-
Powers: He has fast healing, supernatural strength and speed, and an access to magic, though most of his spells require you to listen to his voice/look into his eyes.
Other: He enjoys dressing up as a priest.
Normal Theme




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Accepted Characters:


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Alpha: Fenris Lupin (Nyancat15)

Beta(s): Rue Caniul (Murasaki)

Mid-ranks: Jaylen Lykos (AriaWolf)
Ellis Drheer (Monochrome)

Omega (s): Cassander Wolfram ('tis i)
Akari Lykos (AriaWolf)

Vampires: James Magellan(also me rip)


Human: Kvinna Himvek (Scotland)
January "Jan" Melbrook (SandeviRae)

Half-fae/Fae: Juniper "June" Melbrook (SandeviRae)


Ok so basically a lot of everything is based on the Alpha and Omega book series- which is super gr8, check it out.

If you have questions about anything I tried to explain above, ask and I'll try to make it simpler!!

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Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 23:27 (8 Years ago)
Souris Winters woke up with possibly the worst hangover she's ever had- and she had been just lying in the hammock in her office while she pretended to work- not that she really had that much to do. She kept a very strict work schedule, and (mostly) stuck to it. She sighed loudly and dramatically, cringing as she did so. "Well, maybe a few minutes on deck'll help me get my bearings back in order-" she murmured tiredly, raking her sweet time getting up. As soon as she left the privacy of her quarters, her natural expression easily shifted into one that looked a lot more strict and cool. "Ok, time 'ta see what these sea rats've been mucking up-" she said, practicing her stern 'captain's voice'.

She whistled as she walked to the ship's deck, trying to ignore her pounding headache, when she noticed a small commotion happening ahead. She immediately noticed an unfamiliar man and narrowed her eyes as she stalked forward. She might not have spent very much time with most of her crew, but she could easily tell that the man wasn't one of hers- there were very few men in her crew, and he just seemed out of place. "Oi! I'd suggest that you step away from the lass, 'fore you find yerself with a bullet in ya!" She called out, reaching for her pistol- and then her fingers found nothing. She seemed to have left it in her quarters, and she cussed quietly as she grabbed her cutlass- hopefully she wouldn't need to use it. It's been quite awhile since she hadn't had some kind of gun in reach and ready to fire.

(Tfw u don't post 5ever then suddenly write a lot

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Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 00:05 (8 Years ago)

I'm here now rip)

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 03:11 (8 Years ago)
Scrounge tilted her head, still grinning. "Aw, you should not be worried about a little cat like me, Monsieur! Or you, Mademoiselle-" she addressed Valentin, ignoring Elliot for the moment. She scented the air, and slightly frowned- even shuddered maybe- at the scent she smelled. Within a second, her grin returned and she glanced at the audience before her. "Ah, you really should be more worried about the monstre running about. The one that smells far too close for my liking-" she stopped mid-sentence as some creature leaped out of the shadows and attacks.

(Writers block rip)))

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 02:18 (8 Years ago)
I'm putting in under a spoiler thing bc the pictures almost as huge as Lance's nose
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Name: Souris Winters
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Ship: The Night's Corsair
Position: Captain
Personality: She can be very strict and unforgiving on matters that relate to being a pirate, or of owning a ship (such as proper sail maintenance, or the quality of their ship's guns) but truthfully she's a very optimistic and genuinely fun person, or as much as someone who'll let nothing stand in the way of her goals, can be. She's always got a smile on her face, and a gun (or two) to shoot you with if you cross her.
Crush: open
BF/GF: open
Theme: Monochrome Rainbow Symphony ||The Lost Emotion

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