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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from The_Crazy_Dragon_Lady.
Posted: Wed, 01/11/2017 18:29 (6 Years ago)
those are so cute!
i love them

that's some cool fanart of those two games!

I got myself a new character
as in, i made a new one
and i immediatly drew them going ballistic
[basically, they are a hybrid between a dragon and a demon]
Their name is Allium

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Posted: Tue, 31/10/2017 23:09 (6 Years ago)
oml, i didn't know i had gotten any other responses!

i erhm...still struggle with hands. humans in general even

aaahhh thank you so much ;w;
i'm trying to throw my style that way, towards semi-realistic or realistc
[probs will keep it at semi haha]

i was planning on doing more in the hair, but then i kinda forgot about it, haha
getting the facial structure right was a pain, so imbedding the glitch effect traditionally was even more of a pain, hahaha
thank you ^^

that looks amazing! and absolutely adorable

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Posted: Sat, 28/10/2017 22:32 (6 Years ago)
i think you still have time!
and i feel like i outdid my self with that drawing
it was pain, suffering, enjoyment and one heck of a journey
and thank you!

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Posted: Sat, 28/10/2017 21:46 (6 Years ago)
holy mcfrick, i have been super busy working on this piece
i am so glad i finally finished it ^^
minor blood warning/possible trigger content warning[cut throat, not incredibly explicit]

i am going to treat myself to some coffee now, haha

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Posted: Tue, 17/10/2017 18:39 (6 Years ago)
she looks really cool!
i love the artstyle and the overall design!

holy frick
that is one heck of improvement!
good job man!

I drew my draconic shadow demon Azrak for once again

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Posted: Thu, 28/09/2017 13:26 (6 Years ago)
i live o3o
and i'm working on a new character
here was the first sketch design

and here is the second sketch design i'm currently working on

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Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 14:17 (6 Years ago)
i guess she is!
i really like her
shame of her tert....ah well

i also finally finished a genening project~!
look at this pretty boy~~

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Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 14:15 (6 Years ago)
look at one random 7-digit i saved from exaltion

she's kinda pretty, i think?
no tert gene though
the tert is blue [carrib] so i'm not sure what to do with her
but she's there

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Posted: Mon, 04/09/2017 10:53 (6 Years ago)
the primary is purple, so it's too far off ^^'
thanks either way

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Posted: Mon, 04/09/2017 10:14 (6 Years ago)
i'm looking for a female brown coloured dragon

to be more specific, these things are prefered:
breed: skydancer, bogsneak, imperial, coatl, WC
prim: skink, iri, petals or metals. colour range: around sand
sec : spinner, butt, shimmer or aloy. colour range: around sand
tert: scales, capsule, glimmer, circuit or stained. colour range: around brown? though things like
ivory are also ok.

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Posted: Thu, 10/08/2017 15:24 (6 Years ago)
i am arcane as well

I hatched two nests, 7 hatchies total, and i have some bea-ti-ful dragons
the first nest has 2 coatls with opal, of which one is an XYY
the 2nd nest has some nice imps, with an XXY
they are all in the AH, but i'might be willing to haggle

nest 1
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nest 2
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Posted: Sat, 05/08/2017 21:44 (6 Years ago)
it's far under the price
but she'll go to a good home
so you can send a crossroad to me [Marl1nde on FR]

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Posted: Sat, 05/08/2017 21:38 (6 Years ago)
haha, nice
i mean, arcane had a dom push quest thing against shadow
though it feels like shadow didn't do much...?
might just be me

i did
for the push, i exalted a total of 102 dragons

i just saw that the ah gem price has gone down a LOT for them
42 gems or 42k treasure?
[i believe that's the exchange rate nowadays]

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Posted: Sat, 05/08/2017 20:07 (6 Years ago)
i just exalted 100 dragons today

anyway, i have some dragons and hatchies for sale ^^
as well as some gen1's! [the ones that didn't get exalted by me, haha]
anything for gems is ok for treasure as well
[if i do not respond here in 24 hours, hit me up on FR]

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Male, XYX

Female, all colours are consumables XD



female, XYY

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Posted: Thu, 20/07/2017 22:18 (6 Years ago)
haha, still with the crazy nicknames XP
and thank you so much!
mmmm soft soft hair
i tried my best to make it look nice ^^

i'd also floof it up, haha
and thank you!!

aaahhh, thank you so much TTwTT
i'm working hard to work towards some realism
glad the hard work paid off :3

aaahhh TTwTT
i'm glad you can see my improvement, haha
i'm trying to go for some realism
it's so hard to do, haha

i'm sorry i'm so late with replying ack
i just...didn't know quite what to say to all of the nice comments

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Posted: Sat, 15/07/2017 11:11 (6 Years ago)
thank you very much ^^
i just spend three evenings on that, so i dunno if it's powers or something else
but thank you nonetheless~~

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Posted: Fri, 14/07/2017 14:28 (6 Years ago)
i finally return with some art!
it's been so long, haha
i went out my way and drew something far away from my comfort zone

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Posted: Sat, 08/07/2017 12:26 (6 Years ago)
i have some new hatchies for sale~~
opal coatls and cyan tert imps ^^
the coatls are in the AH, but feel free to offer
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female, only one without opal





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Posted: Tue, 27/06/2017 10:58 (7 Years ago)
I'm a flightriser!
Username: The_Crazy_Dragon_Lady
FR Username: Marl1nde
About how often do you get online?: pretty much every day :3
What's your favorite dragon from your lair?: why must you make me pick one XD

Which Flight do you like most and why?: Arcane because dreamy stuff adn SCIENCE

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Posted: Fri, 23/06/2017 21:14 (7 Years ago)
i got your message ^^

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