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Posted: Sat, 06/09/2014 21:17 (9 Years ago)
While having random battles set up I think is a nice idea, although suggested before, I am confused about where the "random Pokemon" come in.

You'd have a choice to use random Pokemon people put into this wonder battle system? How does this work exactly? And is there anyway to filter out the Magikarps from the Rayquazas, the level 10s from the level 100s, and who would submit these Pokemon? Would it be me, I'd put in some of my Pokemon, and randomly get someone else's back? Why would I want to give my possible opponent my Pokemon xD ? If anything I probably wouldn't be putting in my best Pokemon, similar to how wonder trading is where people usually put in their overly populated Pokemon and low rarities. So it might just end up being a Magikarp verses Rattata battle, and not sure how that factors in with getting Battle Points (BP) due to these random battles.

Now getting to randomly battle people, with my own Pokemon verses theirs, instead of having to randomly vs seek people seems fun and fine with me.

Putting Pokemon into a pool and dishing them out randomly to other people however' relying on others to put their Pokemon into this pool for others to use (if that's how it works) I don't support. And I understand I can simply "not use this function" but I wouldn't support something I wouldn't use or am confused about.

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Posted: Sat, 06/09/2014 21:02 (9 Years ago)
You still seem to be missing the big picture and reasons as to why this suggestion can't happen.

So I'll stick to no support and say my reasons, along with reasons from Riako, have already been stated.

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Posted: Sat, 06/09/2014 00:05 (9 Years ago)
Already Suggested here and later suggested here

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Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 22:05 (9 Years ago)
Haha I feel bad having in a sense given up on this quest and bought two Raylóngs, but I do plan to go at a snail's pace and get one of my own maybe

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Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 20:49 (9 Years ago)
Well since Riako has made it more or less clear he would not make this site for multiple languages, I think suggesting something that goes against that is fruitless.

The site was made for English speakers plan and simple. Those who don't speak English well enough to use it probably wouldn't be using the site. If they prefer chatting to other users in their native language, we do have the clubs for it, whether or not you view them as convenient, and people make feeds in their native language for others to chat on.

It may seem unfair, but I wouldn't go to France and demand the people I talk to speak English would I? Nor would I go to a site written in Japanese and demand they make sections in English for me. People here understand this is an English speaking site, and that just about everything should be conducted in English except the language clubs and personal spaces such as feeds or about me sections. Even contests written in a different language other than English are not allowed, demonstrated here and this still doesn't even address the issue of mods. How would mods even handle the posts in chats in different languages? It'd be nearly impossible to find a mod fluent in each language offered. Hiring mods just for the fact they speak a certain language to mod a certain chat for certain people? It's too much.

Quote from LiirahThis is an English-speaking website and so the site-wide language should be English only. However, you may speak other languages in the Country Clans section.

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Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 20:03 (9 Years ago)
Have you tried logging out and logging back in?

If the error is still a round could you provide a screen shot of what the screen looks like when you enter a battle?

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Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 19:33 (9 Years ago)
No support, if you want chats for people with languages other than English then there are fan clubs for that. And it has been stated, various times, that Pokeheroes is generally an English Speaking site, so making different languages affect the site such as making certain sections translated or exclusively for other languages isn't fair or necessary. Again, there are fan clubs.

Also, you'd need a mod who actually speaks those various languages to mod those various chats to make sure no rules are broken. Just because a person doesn't speak English doesn't mean they should be able to get away with breaking rules if you know what I mean.

It would be too much coding, and adding of languages, and making sure those languages are correct, and having mods be able to understand those languages to know the difference between someone harassing someone else in chat verses making a joke. It's too much.

Pokeheroes is dominantly an English speaking site after all.

A suggestion talking about making different languages shows up here where it was rejected but it isn't the exact same as this suggestion. However it does show reasons as to why making this site have multiple languages isn't plausible.

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Posted: Thu, 04/09/2014 22:02 (9 Years ago)
I don't see the exact point of this suggestion, considering if you just click the link next to explorer bag it gives a list of the items. And when you pick up your Pokemon it says what items were collected, even in picture form, and therefore you know what you're getting (like Max's suggestion)

QuoteBecause the site or browser lags badly and tells me that about half or more of my rumblers weren't on a mission

I haven't had problems with lag in terms of rumbling on the site from my end. So I have never had this problem of not knowing what items I am getting from my rumblers. If this is a problem on your end, Navuso, I don't think a whole new change to the current system, or revert to an old system, should be made just for the lag you experience. Pokeheroes is meant to be played on a computer with hopefully stable internet connection to handle it.

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Posted: Thu, 04/09/2014 13:24 (9 Years ago)
No support, so far this isn't very well thought out and having to manage who would gain exp and how much in comparison to what level and auto levels should give exp at all.

Also you shouldn't make a suggestion and say "Riako will think about how to fix this flaw/answer this question in my suggestion" it's your suggestion so be sure it's thought out and be open to try and solve flaws or answer questions about it. After all, it is your suggestion.

So, if we are using the exp gain in the Pokemon games, your Pokemon don't gain exp when battling people online. It's just a battle of strength haha.

With this added it sounds like people with higher leveled Pokemon above level 100 (since if going by the Pokemon games there are no Pokemon above level 100) would get little benefit from this, considering how much exp it takes to get up one level, while people with lower level Pokemon would raise up in levels very quickly.

Considering we even have a rank list and medal rally for highest leveled Pokemon (one for all time and the other for a small amount of time), I think leveling up for now should be mainly about how many clicks you get not how many battles you win. It wouldn't be fair if someone hatched a Pokemon, made it their first Pokemon in the battle team, had it come out, switched it out for their level 500 Pokemon to win the battle, and their Pokemon rose up like 20 levels.

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Posted: Thu, 04/09/2014 02:12 (9 Years ago)
No support. I'd never pay for this, as a premium member who has spent quite a large sum of money on site I will say personally from my point of view I would not pay money for Pokemon (unless buying nuggets to give to other users in exchange for their Pokemon. I'd never just buy a Pokemon outright for let's say a few dollars like certain sites have started to do). I'd pay for features like easier shiny hunting and increased experience for clicks on Pokemon, not for just Pokemon. This wouldn't encourage me to donate, what encourages me to is the features I get. If premium users only got an egg vouchers for example or could only buy exclusive Pokemon, I would have never bought it. I would have been upset and considered the site desperate and money hungry for charging me for something as simple and needed as a Pokemon on a Pokemon adoptables site.

Again, coming from a premium member, I wouldn't use this feature.

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Posted: Wed, 03/09/2014 03:02 (9 Years ago)
No support since things similar have been suggested before and shiny Plushies will be added later. One is already in the store now and it is 200 DP (a lot) so I think it might be better to just save 200 DP and buy a shiny instead of making a way to just randomly get one for maybe cheaper or maybe more expensive if the odds are good or bad.

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Posted: Tue, 02/09/2014 23:09 (9 Years ago)
I don't understand. Well, I understand Prof. Rowan sending you on a scavenger hunt but I don't understand how this would work out, what would be the benefits, the plan on executing this out, things like that.

Please make your suggestion more than just a sentence, especially when making one that involves new mechanics to the site. What you've written doesn't detail or explain much as of right now.

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Posted: Tue, 02/09/2014 10:57 (9 Years ago)
No support, as stated this isn't an MMORPG but an adoptables site where you interact with eggs and collect/shiny hunt.

It seems like it'd take a lot of work to code having RPG elements into this site when this isn't what the site is about. It's like suggesting adding hamburgers to a taco stand if that makes sense, there's nothing wrong with hamburgers but they don't really belong/fit into a place that sells only tacos.

MMORPGs aren't bad, they just don't belong on this site currently.

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Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 13:48 (9 Years ago)
What's an adventure map?

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Posted: Sun, 31/08/2014 21:30 (9 Years ago)
There are various trainer card making sites, a more popular one is located here called Pokecharms. If you want it in your profile there is an image link that will be created for the card and you can put it in your about me.

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Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 14:43 (9 Years ago)
Suggested, and rejected, here and also here (the second one being the original suggestion but the first one has the reasons as to why this would be rejected).

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Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 14:38 (9 Years ago)
Exactly as Doopliss said, if you're making hashtags then they'll be in your feed. That's your list right there.

I don't know how many hashtags you're doing a day but you can still scroll through your notifications and/or feeds on your profile page to see them. And since you'll see the hashtag you can just click it and it will take you to a list of the same hashtag.

I'm assuming this would only be useful for raffles, so if you're participating in a raffle you just have to keep track of the person who started it and when they announce a winner anyway. Or if you're in charge of e raffle then chances are you know the hashtag you used anyway, you can search it to see the people who participated or just click the hashtag you made and see all the people who used it as well.

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Posted: Fri, 29/08/2014 23:14 (9 Years ago)

You can search for hashtags already. But since I'm not big in using hashtags I'm kind of confused what the filter would do, how it'd be used, what benefit it would have, etc. Please explain further if you don't mind.

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Posted: Fri, 29/08/2014 20:43 (9 Years ago)
So it is Higher or Lower.

Except if you get 5 or over, it will always be higher?

No support. That's not a new game, it's just higher or lower isn't it?

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Posted: Fri, 29/08/2014 20:00 (9 Years ago)
Mojo this isn't X and Y, it is Pokeheroes. Mega Pokemon can only be mega Pokemon for a few turns while holding a mega stone in X and Y. So comparing how it works in X and Y to Pokeheores in this case doesn't work. Mega Pokemon are their own Pokemon here. Once your Pokemon becomes mega it is it's own, it doesn't hold the mega stone after it evolves, it goes away, because it doesn't need it anymore.

In X and Y you need the mega stone because that is what determines the Pokemon turning mega for a few turns before going back to normal.

Therefore the megas on Pokeheores can have an empty slot, because they'll never revert to their old form if you take a mega stone away since the mega stone disappears like a regular Evo. Stone, so making it hold one for no reason is not needed. That's like saying making an eevee hold a fire stone even after it evolves for no reason, or a soothe bell, or a leaf stone. There is no reason.

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