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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Ohffdog.
Posted: Mon, 27/02/2017 00:15 (7 Years ago)
Ginalas sighed in relief,
"Oh, thank gosh! I thought I screwed everything up!" Ginalas said, "You're quite right, I am hungry. . ."
"I hope Claire freezes to death. . ." She'd mumble under her breath.

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 23:51 (7 Years ago)
"I don't know her to well. . ." Ginalas fessed, "If needed to bring someone here, my go to person was supposed to be her. I had been told she had extreme healing abilities, and was great at combat. . . I wish I would of gotten to know her before I pulled her in here. . ." Ginalas looked over to Breese, then lowering her head, "My sincerest apologies, Breeze."

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 08:52 (7 Years ago)
"True colors shine. . ." Ginalas said.
"I won't be shushed~! I'll say what I want, sweet." Claire teased, "I'll get outta here~ Just you see. It'll be fun~." Claire we make a confused look, like Ginalas normally had, "Poor lil' Clash can't have a comrade die here~, especially me! this situation is funny!"
Ginalas' ears pinned back.

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 08:43 (7 Years ago)
Ginalas glared at Claire.
"Ya know, I've seen a lot of people try to make me be quiet. . ." Claire said, grinning, "They didn't tell me that again~"
"You might be a snowflake. . . I don't know why or how you were admitted, Claire. . ." Ginalas said.
"I don't get why I did sometimes, I could of helped those guys, torture you all~" Claire grinned, "Oh. . . what screams I might of heard. . ."

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 08:36 (7 Years ago)
Ginalas was silent, still looking down.
"Gina~ I'm gonna be a snow flake!" Claire yipped, "You wouldn't let that happen, would you~? You'd be in big trouble~"

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 08:30 (7 Years ago)
Ginalas looked down, in a state of deep thought.
"Ducks?!" Claire exclaimed, followed by her quacking like a duck multiple times, parading around Ginalas.
"Claire. . ." Ginalas warned, having Claire just quack louder.

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 08:27 (7 Years ago)
"Just thinking. . ." Ginalas answered.
"I just followed Gina!" Claire exclaimed, "I don't know what to do, at all~!"

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 08:20 (7 Years ago)
Claire got off Ginalas, Ginalas glaring at her, then saying "That was creepy. . . and unneeded, Claire. . . No wonder people say you creep them out."
"You're a genius, I'm with the new world changer." Claire said.
"I changed stuff immensely already, didn't I?" Ginalas pestered.
"So, I could of done the same if it was warm. . ." Claire whinnied, "But, you must of caught on already. . . or is your act not an act really anymore? You do it too well, sweetie?"
Ginalas growled a bit, wondering to the burnt spot in grass, Claire in toe.

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 08:11 (7 Years ago)
Ginalas would sigh, "You scare me sometimes, Claire. . ."
"Teehee~. You're scared too easily, and worry too much. Just lighten up~" Claire pestered, then whispering, "It was weird, I could almost tell when you went out, Clash. . . guess it's because you brought me here."

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 08:03 (7 Years ago)
"Get off meee. . . ." Ginalas said, "or I'll make Mae come and fill an area just for you with ice and snow. . ."
"No. . . you wouldn't~" Claire said, "You'd never try to danger a friend~" then whispering, "I know even in that act of yours, you'd still never pull something like that~. Nice try, Clash."

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 07:54 (7 Years ago)
"Claire. . . get off me. . ." Ginalas whinnied.
"Nooooooooo. . . you're going to keep me warm, and send me back if I have to deal with ice, again!" Claire insisted, "Or. . . Or. . . I'll trap you in a box. . . made of plants. . . or something. . ."

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 07:45 (7 Years ago)
"Oh thank--" Ginalas started to say, being tackled by Claire mid-sentence.
"I was gonna freeze, then I got thawed, then I was gonna freeze, and thaw. . ." Claire whinned, "It was the best and worst thing ever. . . Ginaaaa!"

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 07:39 (7 Years ago)
"I should of just shut my trap." Ginalas said, "Eh, biggest thing right now is to keep that crystal of yours safe!"

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 07:33 (7 Years ago)
"Pyro. . . your paw. . ." She'd say, "Are you doing okay. . .? I know it isn't much of a question to ask. . ."

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 07:29 (7 Years ago)
Ginalas silently followed Pyro, her tail drooping.

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 07:26 (7 Years ago)
". . . I could of done a better move. . . I could of at least tried to summon back up. . ." Ginalas said, "With all the snow around here, there are many great people I could of called for. . . but I didn't. . ."

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 07:20 (7 Years ago)
". . . I always mess up, Pyro." Ginalas whinned, "There is always a better move I could of made. . ."

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 07:13 (7 Years ago)
"I should of brought back up. . . instead of doing nothing to help!" She'd shout, "I can't help but feel bad, Pyro! I'm sorry I've let this happen!" Her ears would fold back, her tail drooping.

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 06:35 (7 Years ago)
"This was a mess up on my part. . ." Ginalas insisted, then mumbling "Why didn't I think of that. . ."

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Posted: Sun, 26/02/2017 06:32 (7 Years ago)
"Anywhere you won't hurt yourself. . ." Ginalas whinned, "I told you we should of gone back and re-grouped. . . I brought Claire here. . ." She'd pause, "Why didn't I bring people here. . . they might of helped you. . . this might not of happened. . ."

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