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Posted: Sat, 20/05/2017 17:05 (7 Years ago)

Shiny Chains

Minyhukkie is currently hunting Diglett.
Hunt started: 09/05/2017
Hunt ends: 11/05/2017

Chain: 237
(2 Shinies hatched so far.)

Shiny Diglett
Chain #193
May 11th
- Received from the Gem Collector

Shiny Diglett
Chain #235
May 11th
- Received from the Gem Collector

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2017 17:02 (7 Years ago)

Shiny Chains

Minyhukkie is currently hunting Bounsweet.
Hunt started: 17/04/2017

Chain: 326
(6 Shinies hatched so far.)

Shiny Bounsweet
Chain #46
April 18th
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Bounsweet
Chain #50
April 18th
- Received from the Gem Collector

Shiny Bounsweet
Chain #147
April 19th
- Received from the Gem Collector

Shiny Bounsweet
Chain #230
April 20th
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Bounsweet
Chain #286
April 21st
- Received from the Gem Collector

Shiny Bounsweet
Chain #325
April 21st
- Received from the Gem Collector

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Posted: Sat, 20/05/2017 14:17 (7 Years ago)

Shiny Chains

Minyhukkie is currently hunting Magikarp.
Hunt started: 11/04/2017

Chain: 300
(4 Shinies hatched so far.)

Shiny Magikarp
Chain #128
April 13th
- Received from the Gem Collector

Shiny Magikarp
Chain #147
April 14th
- Received from the Gem Collector

Shiny Magikarp
Chain #245
April 16th
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Magikarp
Chain #286
April 17th
- Found in the Wild

+ 3 Mega Able

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Posted: Sat, 20/05/2017 14:15 (7 Years ago)

Shiny Chains

Minyhukkie is currently hunting Scyther.
Hunt started: 01/04/2017

Shiny Scyther
Chain #115
April 6th
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Scyther
Chain #154
April 8th
- Found in the Wild

+ 3 Mega Able

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Posted: Sat, 20/05/2017 14:13 (7 Years ago)

Shiny Chains

Minyhukkie is currently hunting Drifloon.
Hunt started: 19/03/2017

Shiny Drifloon
Chain #4
March 19th
- Bred in the Daycare

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2017 14:11 (7 Years ago)

Shiny Chains

Minyhukkie is currently hunting Valenfloon.
Hunt started: 16/03/2017 - Event Pass

Shiny Valenfloon
Chain #55
March 17th
- Event Shop

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2017 14:04 (7 Years ago)

Shiny Chains

Minyhukkie is currently hunting Mareep.
Hunt started: 04/03/2017

Shiny Mareep
Chain #62
March 7th
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Mareep
Chain #66
March 8th
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Mareep
Chain #98
March 8th
- Bred in the Daycare

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2017 14:04 (7 Years ago)

Shiny Chains

Minyhukkie is currently hunting Rockruff.
Hunt started: 27/02/2017

Shiny Rockruff
Chain #94
March 2nd
- Received from the Gem Collector

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Posted: Sat, 20/05/2017 14:03 (7 Years ago)

Shiny Chains

Minyhukkie is currently hunting Caterpie.
Hunt started: 23/02/2017

Shiny Caterpie
Chain #50
February 23rd
- Received from the Gem Collector

Shiny Caterpie
Chain #79
February 23rd
- Received from the Gem Collector

Shiny Caterpie
Chain #94
February 23rd
- Found in the Wild

Shiny Caterpie
Chain #107
February 23rd
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Caterpie
Chain #123
February 23rd
- Bred in the Daycare

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2017 14:02 (7 Years ago)

Shiny Chains

Minyhukkie is currently hunting Combee.
Hunt started: 10/02/2017

Shiny Combee
Chain #76
February 16th
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Combee
Chain #106
February 19th
- Bred in the Daycare

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2017 14:01 (7 Years ago)

Shiny Chains

Minyhukkie is currently hunting Pichu.
Hunt started: 01/02/2017

Shiny Pichu
Chain #56
February 3rd
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Pichu
Chain #76
February 4th
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Pichu
Chain #161
February 8th
- Bred in the Daycare

[Read more]
Posted: Sat, 20/05/2017 14:00 (7 Years ago)

Shiny Chains

Minyhukkie is currently hunting Charmander.
Hunt started: 19/01/2017

Shiny Charmander
Chain #63
January 22nd
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Charmander
Chain #81
January 23rd
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Charmanter
Chain #129
January 27th
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Charmander
Chain #162
January 30th
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Charmander
Chain #170
January 30th
- Bred in the Daycare

Shiny Charmander
Chain #183
January 31st
- Bred in the Daycare

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 18/05/2017 17:56 (7 Years ago)
Thank you ♥♥

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Posted: Thu, 18/05/2017 17:54 (7 Years ago)
Your transaction has been completed. 300000 have been sent to Ghibli.

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 18/05/2017 17:15 (7 Years ago)
All thoses

Red Box (4x): 7,500 pd
Pink Box (2x): 7,500 pd
Brown Box (6x): 7,500 pd
Green Box (1x): 7,500 pd
Purple Box (4x): 7,500 pd

Gold Key (1x): 12,000 pd
Red Key (4x): 7,500 pd
Pink Key (2x): 7,500 pd
Brown Key (4x): 7,500 pd
Green Key (3x): 7,500 pd
Purple Key (2x): 7,500 pd
Dark Blue Key (2x): 10k pd
Light Blue Key (2x): 10k pd

300.000 pd?

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 11/05/2017 14:32 (7 Years ago)
Thankies ^-^

[Read more]
Posted: Thu, 11/05/2017 09:58 (7 Years ago)
Hello i would like to buy

Red Box (1x): 7,500 pd
Pink Box (4x): 7,500 pd
Brown Box (3x): 7,500 pd
Green Box (2x): 7,500 pd
Purple Box (3x): 7,500 pd

Red Key (5x): 7,500 pd
Brown Key (1x): 7,500 pd
Green Key (1x): 7,500 pd
Purple Key (3x): 7,500 pd
Dark Blue Key (3x): 10k pd
Light Blue Key (1x): 10k pd


thanks ^-^

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Posted: Tue, 02/05/2017 14:48 (7 Years ago)
Hey, i have 386x Rare Candy for sell. i look for Pd's but we can also do half half ?

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Posted: Thu, 27/04/2017 15:03 (7 Years ago)
Items Wanted:
1x Root Fossil
2x Armor Fossil
2x Helix Fossil
1x Plume Fossil

2x Light Blue Key
2x Brown Key
1x Green Key
1x Pink Box

Total Value: 12 Items = 150.000PD's
Payment Type: PD's
Password: Shuck Norris

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Posted: Wed, 26/04/2017 12:37 (7 Years ago)
Your transaction has been completed. 465000 have been sent to Omosky.

Thank you ^-^

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