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I'm Feeling Lucky
Searching for: Posts from Milotic6721.
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sun, 11/06/2023 10:17 (1 Year ago) |
Zori waited for Trakonov while listening to Lisa, Vortex, Milla and Spark's conversation. One hour passed. Two hours passed. Twelve hours passed. Zori fell asleep. It was apparently 1 a.m. in the morning when they started sleeping. [Read more] |
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sun, 11/06/2023 10:02 (1 Year ago) |
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Fri, 09/06/2023 03:06 (1 Year ago) |
Breeder: Expecto for Igglybath, no preference for others Include an everstone?: Nope Tips (not mandatory): A few gems! Tysm! [Read more] |
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Thu, 08/06/2023 05:34 (1 Year ago) |
Pokemon: Slowpoke, Kingler Box#: Kanto2 Pokemon: Sandslash, Gloom, Venomoth Box#: Kanto5 Pokemon: Jynx Box#: Kanto6 Pokemon: Parasect, Persian Box#: Kanto9 Pokemon: Machoke, Slowbro, Marowak Box#: Johto1 Pokemon: Ariados, Cleffa, Igglybuff x2 Anything else?: Everstone Slowpoke (already everstone-d) [Read more] |
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Wed, 07/06/2023 07:46 (1 Year ago) |
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sun, 04/06/2023 12:59 (1 Year ago) |
Roselady please! [
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sun, 04/06/2023 12:57 (1 Year ago) |
Roselady please! [
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sun, 04/06/2023 05:10 (1 Year ago) |
Roselady please! [
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sun, 04/06/2023 04:00 (1 Year ago) |
Roselady please! [
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sat, 03/06/2023 11:52 (1 Year ago) |
I'm too lazy to copypaste, Zama 😭 [
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sat, 03/06/2023 05:46 (1 Year ago) |
hidden content
Name: Lily Fleuria
Gender (Can be male, but'll still be called a flower girl): Female Appearance: A girl with long silver hair, with a white dress. Associated flower: Lily Personality: Mostly warm and kind, but will be very cold to those she doesn't like. Powers (1-2 each, must be flower related): Can make flowers bloom instantly, and listen to her command. Weapons: A poison thorn she keeps in her pocket. Backstory (Must be related to associated flower): She had no parents, and people tried to harm her when she was young. She escaped to a river once, and found a thorn in a lily. She took the thorn and used it to protect herself, therefore adapted the lily as her lucky flower. Age (16-18): 18 Other (Put wish of character here): She hopes to grow every single flower that exists. Palpad?: Sure Password: When the time comes that what is green turns red, a woman clad in blue shall mark the dawn of mankind and an age of hunger. [Read more] |
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Sat, 03/06/2023 00:19 (1 Year ago) |
Breeder: No preference Include an everstone?: Nope Tips (not mandatory): A few Gems Congrats on starting up! I was so excited when I saw the Mystery Dungeon picture XD It really fits this shop a lot! [Read more] |
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Fri, 02/06/2023 12:12 (1 Year ago) |
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Thu, 01/06/2023 11:38 (1 Year ago) |
Grimm :D [
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Thu, 01/06/2023 04:43 (1 Year ago) |
The best doctor in the world 👀 [
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2023 12:32 (1 Year ago) |
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2023 11:36 (1 Year ago) |
the items I want: Nope the Pokémon I want: Female Easter Buneary, Female Gooseboarder, Teslagon, Tanghetti, Male Perchaun, both Space Spindas, Maneki Meowstic, Wreafki, Onitricity (Sword), Female Autumn Alakazam Everstone needed: Nope! Paying in: A mix of pd and gems! Note: Can you please tell me the price first? Ty! [Read more] |
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2023 10:08 (1 Year ago) |
Enigma Berries [
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2023 08:20 (1 Year ago) |
Milotic6721 OFFLINE Forum Posts: 226 |
Posted: Tue, 30/05/2023 11:07 (1 Year ago) |
the items I want: 2 Red Meteorites, 2 Yellow Meteorites the Pokémon I want: None Everstone needed: no/yes, on .. Nope Paying in: pd Note: Ty! [Read more] |