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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 04/07/2015 21:14 (8 Years ago)
Hi ho!
I just participated in the Bug Game thing... I don't know what else to do.
Here's my pokemon:

An egg for now.
Meant to be cute.. I hope I win something. At least you get free pokemon! Yay!
Bug pokemon aren't usually cute, sooooo.. Yeah...
The butterfly ones are sort of cute.
Ps:I was in a car all day, ;(

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Posted: Sat, 27/06/2015 07:50 (9 Years ago)

Title: Randomness

I feel like writing feeds, which I almost never do. Two feeds. Grrrrreat, anyways, I'm sending a pokemon on a rumble mission now...-2 seconds later- GYARADOS yassssssssssssss. Finally, now all I need is my other magikarp to evolve.
Sending Gyarados on a rumble mission. Other stuff, now I have 204 pokedollar..... Wow.. I bought an egg radar.... And now to figure out what inn the hay I'm meant to do with it.... Ahhhhhh
Fun fact!
My avatar is Kuroo Tetsurou (I think that's how you spell it) from Haikyuu!!

Nothing interesting today....

PS: Spiders and spiders and Spiders in my bedroom, ahhhh

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Posted: Fri, 26/06/2015 20:16 (9 Years ago)

Title: Summer!

It's summer holidays for me and I'm in France, whoo hoo! It's nice here. Anyways, as I was saying(which I was not, but whatever...) I didn't get my daily pokedollars, I'm mad, Riako.
Announcements 2:

9,571 pokedollar, trying to get a pokeradar

In France! Holidays!

Ampharos auction over!

Yeah, I got like, 143 out of the auction, not exactly pleased with that amount... Oh well.. I have three eeveelutions so far! Happy. Jolteon, Flareon, Vapoureon. I need one more eevee to get enough eevee for all eight eeveelutions. I used to think you spelled.. I'm going to send some one of my pokemon on a 12 hour rumble mission. I am in need of items. Oh, gotta check Route 53 now...
PS: Umbreon next, yessssss

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Posted: Mon, 22/06/2015 18:26 (9 Years ago)
Don't know what to do with my 8429 Pokédollar.. I am sooo bored all of a sudden arrghghggg
That auction in my signature is for two more days now... 102 is highest bid, so I'm not getting much profit...
I like to read other peoples diaries, it's amusing and also, more than half of the people who write diaries write like, a quatre of how much I write every chance I get to..

Now even if I made a few of them just now, ANNOUNCEMENTS:

Ampharos, auction for two more days!

I got my iPad back!

Long time no see arrival 3rd time or so !!!

Anyways, yup! Got my iPad back ya hoooo!
(It was stolen)
I'm gonna try and write at least 3 times each week.. Probably won't be able to write five times a day though...
I hate my stupid berry garden, it never lets me plant seeds, even though I follow all the instructions and everything she says ahahahahahahsfsgshfgdj.....
I have 73 dream points Yay- and I am going to try and get 100 and more so that one day, I'll find the unluckiest user ever and------ KA BOOOM person gets super rare plushie!!
PS: it's 11:55 here... Lol

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Posted: Sun, 26/04/2015 16:11 (9 Years ago)

Title: Hiiii

Okayyy.... So I haven't been on for a long time, I looked at my notifications, the sign thing only said 5+ which btw doesn't really help... I had this annoying sign saying, "A caterpie has hatched from one of your eggs!" And so I checked my party and there was no caterpie, I was mad at the notification for lying but then I looked at it closer and I found out, I'd been away for so long, my caterpie had evolved into a metapod, but it didn't stop there, by now my caterpie in a lvl.10 Butterfree... I now have a zigzagoon.... Yayyyy... Zigzagoon are cute.. Anyways... I usually have my diary at the top of the Diaries forum thingy, but then I had soon discovered that... My diary was probably miles behind everyone else's because of the long time I'd not been here.. So I checked my notifications and Liirah had sent a link to a post about pal pad messages so I sent her a message about my situation, she told me that unless I had saved a link to my diary, I would have to flip through all the diaries manually.. Then I remembered about the link in my sig... I was thinking of taking that off but now I think it'll come in handy once in a while... I have 4,675 pokédollars left.... :0
Oh, just a quick message, there is auto correct...
Very annoying there will be stupid mistakes...

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 10:02 (9 Years ago)

Title: Wut?

I just looked and noticed, my lillipup evolved, I'm so stupid... XD. AnYwAyS, I just sent Ignis on a rumble mission and put one of my hoot-hoot into auction, (oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, an egg hatched into a hoot-hoot) I am going to put my mankey into auction. I got a petilil, and apparently it's nature is serious, which is sort of hard to believe, judging by the cute and fabulous face.. Anyways, imma check on what Ignis is doing.

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Posted: Sat, 14/02/2015 09:36 (9 Years ago)

Title: Yooooooooohoooo

So... today I decided to get rid of one of my eevee, no not trading or auctioning...... but EVOLUTION!!!!
There were no soothe bells in the item store, so I decided to eveolve my eevee into a flareon!!!!!

click please, lol. Any I also got a Hoothoot (Which I called Aooo, by the way).

Another egg also hatched, a lillipup.-

And also a sandile.-

Sooo, anyways I need to send one of my eevee to the mossy forest or where ver it said, I'm also sending one of them to the Playground. I hope I can get an umbreon sometime soon, because then I'd have one of my dream pokemon atleast.
Kitty Katty

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Posted: Sat, 14/02/2015 04:18 (9 Years ago)

Title: Yo

So, I sent my Furfrou(or however you spell it) and my eevee to the day care and the caption was ~These two seem to get along~ so I kept them there. I just received My Vanilite from the second 12 hour rumble mission. I got to level 2 of the Eternal tower or whichever one it was. I hope I get a card... a card, a card! If you give me one, I'll give you one of my many eevee, that's a deal. Anyway, I'm still really confused about how to evolve my eevee, I tried evaluation stones, but they won't work, so what to do? Somebody help please... Anyways, I'm hoping I'll get a battle with someone who's not to powerful and not too weak, as I am only a level 6 pokemon trainer. I just got rid of auto-correct, because it was annoying me by turning eevee in to eve... dude apple..

(Happy Valentines day!! ~<3<3<3~)

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Posted: Fri, 13/02/2015 09:54 (9 Years ago)

Title: Hi lo

So I just sent my Vanilite on a rumble mission and got some gem and 4 sweethearts. I just interacted with my Charkitty and checked my notifications. I really need to interact with my own pokemon more.. Also I need to rename my Snornutter and Vanilite. I know I won't get enough sweethearts in time for the valentines card thing, which really sucks, knowing that I won't get one of those special event pokemon.. I only have like 1742 pokedollar, so that rules out the auction house... Hopefully I'll be able to get some double pokemon and auction it away for money.

(Yay!, second page!!)

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Posted: Thu, 12/02/2015 12:37 (9 Years ago)

Title: Once again, long time no write

Sooo, I honestly don't know what to say... I need to check my Pokemon.. Wow..... I haven't been on for, like 5 months. I really hope I get a Valentine's thingy magij, because even though I've no heart thingies to spend, I just want to know that someone on this website acknowledges my existence and actually thinks that I'm not a weird person who writes way to much every day on a virtual diary that's not even about things that happen IRL.
Anyways, on the brighter side of things, Imma check on my pokés. (lol pokes)

12 /2/2015

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Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 10:50 (9 Years ago)
How much is eevee worthy.z.

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Posted: Sun, 14/09/2014 06:43 (9 Years ago)

Title: Hi

I got a new plushie.. A charmander, from secret910 who i think keeps that diary which everybody looks at because it says not to. Anyway, secret910 is my friend so I might send my first plushie to her, because even though liirah sent me that gardevoir I don't know if I should gift her it because her plushie collection is huge. Anyway I only have like eighteen dream points so I can't buy anything... I made an auction on my tempole evolved form thingy majingy. I want a shiny... Everyone's dream is to have one, but I want one to get the dream points too, because I'm just nice that way. Like I said I'm saving up dream points to be Santa. I have like one nugget, small nugget. I also have like 9 or 10 golden game chips.. Yeahhh. Battle, anyone?
(I can't keep up, if my ipad gets disconnected once in the day it doesn't connect again)

NICE BUT EVIL had to put that in

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Posted: Wed, 10/09/2014 15:07 (9 Years ago)

Title: Hi I

Guys, sorry I haven't posted, I couldn't connect to the internet so haven't posted..
Yo, I really want to send someone, feeling nice. Does a Corrsola evolve? I dunno, my pokemon are invisible, my internet is slow(bro). I have like five fire gems and I don't know what to do, apart from wait for the dream shop to want them. 85 clicks! Yay thanks guys. I'm so used to my diary being on the front page so I thought I lost my diary while searching for it. I need to check my POLLs for answers, I haven't for like 10-11 days. Any way I have like no event points so I guess I'll have to wait for me to be like super event AND pokemon master. I think I'll have to stop calling myself a pokemon master because I'm not and I know it.. WHO CARES. I wish I could download pokemon theme songs on my ipad.. Pokemon johto dododododododo hehe. Bye

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Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 14:04 (9 Years ago)

Title: Hi

I sold my golden key and got 7500 pokedollar, I bought the vs. seeker. My first battle was with $Bulbasaur$, I pretty much sucked at it. I had three pokémon on my team.. THREE POKÉMON! I really want to battle more though, in my feed I put,"Someone battle me. I did get someone to battle me and I already told you who. I hatched an azurill and I'm working on getting dream points, I've been giving out gifts lately, calling myself "the anonymous gifter". If you've been gifted, welcome. I only have one plushies, I'm planning to be like Santa Claus, going around at night and gifting. Even though when it's night for me it might be midday for you. I just sent $Bulbasaur$ Another battle request, since whenever I post battle me I get $Bulbasaur$ saying "me", not like that's a bad thing, just ya know, randomness.
PS:I don't feel like writing much today

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Posted: Fri, 29/08/2014 13:29 (9 Years ago)

Title: Hi

Just collected Char from a mission and sent or I think Cleffa for thirty minutes to the windy prairie. I got some pokedollar and some berries, the standard getting a from a mission. Char is like Level 40 or up at the moment. Thank you everyone who helped my pokemon and are doing so right now. My pokemon are always hungry for my most prised berries, wait for when you need them please.. I have just unlocked gem thingy so I suppose that's why gems are for.. I haven't unlocked gem cauldron though, that level seven, I'm at level five so no...I really don't get why everything is (-o-)???????? It's annoying. Lucky enough for me I'm leveling fast.. Or I think so. My interacting thingy is 200 or more. Is that a good thing? I joined three days ago....
29/8/2014 (Y)

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Posted: Fri, 29/08/2014 12:18 (9 Years ago)

Title: Umm

I'm level 5 now, swablu just returned from a rumble mission I sent them her on, I just sent Char on a rumble mission so I'm hoping I'll get more than swablu got me: five pokedollar WAT!? I sent you for like, 1 hour! Anyways, I searched up swablu and it said swablu is a legendary, I dropped my ipad after that. Well on so e websites it says swablu is legendary on others it says swablu is just a common.. I'm confused.. Anyways, I don't care, my swablu evolves into pokemon that look and are awesome, so no worries in the look section BUT problem in the rumble section. Five pokedollar---FIVE POKEDOLLAR?? REALLY CHARKITTY GOT WAY MORE THAN THAT.. Then again, give a PKMN some more tries, it will eventually learn!

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Posted: Fri, 29/08/2014 07:28 (9 Years ago)


looks at profile -answers own poll- party CHARIZARD! OMG OMG OMG. I am going to celebrate no matter the weather!!, ,, ,, ,, ,!ndncnchchfjdjjc :)
Hehe yes Char did evolve but he's now at level thirty six, what do you expect? Anyway, I'm going to celebrate by uhhh ummmm by buying a really expensive item even thought only have like 1892 pokedollar.... I will celebrate though.. I will remember this day and celebrate it too! Oh of course, my psychic egg hatched into a swablu so it's a birthday AND an evolution day for me! Really really really happy day for me ( and char and swablu)
Kitty -some what too happy kitty-
A day to remember..

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Posted: Fri, 29/08/2014 06:05 (9 Years ago)

Title: Hi

The amount of pokedollar I gave the daycare yesterday was like 60 and it still hasn't run out.. Anyways, I left my Purrlion and my Corrsola in there, but I got them back. I just got Char back from a rumble mission and got like 144 pokedollar and a grass gem.. WHAT ARE YOU MENT TO DO WITH THEM? He only explored like 25% of the place anyways. I really need more pokedollar though, I want to buy that battling thingy, so i can battle(DUH). I was thinking of mabye sending some pokemon else to a rumble mission. I want to play a game in the center but I don't want to end up getting beaten up by coin flip again. I'm hoping to win a lottery sometime, I've only tried like six times sooo, yeah.
(Y) (Y)

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Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 16:46 (9 Years ago)


3 evolutions in a day! Cottoncandy just evolved! So let's see
and AND whoo! And of course let us welcome our dearest newly hatched- oh can you click? Hehe. Oh Imma put Charkitty here too- yay! So yeah I'm so happy, 4 amazing events all in one day... I know it's not a coincidence, otherwise I would be flabbergasted. :| well I just came to tell good news, I think I forgot to send some pokemon on a mission or forgot to collect someone..... Au Revoir! I dunno if I spelt that properly, it's good bye in French.. Je m'appelle Kitty.. Yeah not a French master, a PKMN master mabye, but no not a French..

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Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 16:10 (9 Years ago)

Title: Yay

I have a swellow now... How,you ask?
TAILLOW EVOLVED INTO SWELLOW! Anyways, I'm putting my diary into my sig, I want people to read this so that's why.
I hope people actually read this, I mean, I want people to know what a future PKMN master Is doing. Even though they'll probably be thinking "if you are a PKMN master, how come you're writing in a pretty Princess diary?", well to keep track of what i've done and when I did it, dummy. I just ate dinner, I didn't have any desert so I'll get pretty much hungry looking at berries... Oh by the way, if you are reading this- what are keys for? I mean I have a pink one and a golden one.. I'm pretty sure you use them to open stuff but I dunno how, then again I'm only a level four trainer, so yeahhh.

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