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Posted: Fri, 19/04/2024 09:59 (5 Months ago)
Cloudy blinked for a few moments. "Grandson." He turned his head to Iteral, eyebrows up. "You have a grandson? You've had two generations worth of family, already? That-" He shakes his head adoringly. "You and your time hijinks." Cloudy smiled and took Ambrose's hand, shaking it firmly. "It's grand to meet you, Ambrose. Now, I have a question for you." He spread his hands wide. "Do you like tarts? My wife prefers cupcakes, but I'm a right sucker for fruit." No doubt, Cloudy wasn't young anymore. He wasn't the scrawny kid with bruises dotting his arms, nor the one that cried himself to sleep holding his horns. His eyes glittered green as he lead Iteral and Ambrose to the door. He held himself with confidence, maybe with a sprinkle of suave. Though underneath, he was a bumbling hive of nerves. His mind swirled with the things to say.

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Posted: Fri, 19/04/2024 09:37 (5 Months ago)
Cloudy stared back in wonder before the gears in his head turned. He finally realized the "Iteral!" He shouted loudly and immediately swept her into a hug. He spun around on the sidewalk, holding his sister in his hands with glee like a little child, hugging his cousin at a dinner. "Iteral!" He said again, almost disbelieving before he spotted the other person. He gently let go of Iteral and nodded in acknowledgement. "Good evening, I assume you are my nephew? Iteral, I didn't know you could pull." A childish smile pulled at the side of his mouth.

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Posted: Fri, 19/04/2024 08:37 (5 Months ago)
Thirteen minutes and forty seconds... thirteen minutes and forty one seconds... thirteen minutes and forty two seconds...

Cloudy looked up from his watch, staring at the vivid pins streaking across the blue sky. White clouds crawled at a leisurely pace. A perfect, not-sunny afternoon. He wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. He sure would look ridiculous, or atleast mighty suspicious. A middle aged man dressed entirely in a suit, gold watch and sparkling diamond ring adorned on his slender fingernails. Onyx ram horns glinting in the mellow light, protruding out of his still-purple hair. An attempt to cut it short was made, but locks of curls still fell over his face and around the back of his neck. Yes, if Cloudy saw himself on the other side of the street, he'd think he was awfully familiar, and also awfully peculiar.

Lilya would've kissed him on the cheek and told him he looked stunning. The thought of her voice made the corners of his lips perk up. She was waiting inside the teashop, with the rest of his family, err, a part of his family. After all, someone family would be visiting them today. It'd been a long time since they'd talked, an even longer time since he'd left the cottage. But the image of a fellow laughing, smiling witch with a clock in hand always brought joy. Did Iteral receive his letter? Email may have been faster, but an old fashion letter never hurt anybody. He closed his eyes, trying to remember what he wrote.

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Dearest Iteral Wavia Lucenox,
Sister from another mister.

Hello, I hope this letter finds you well and joyful. I reckon you might not be as thrilled to hear from me again, the way I abruptly left you all like that. My heartiest apologies, I had things to attend to, in my old world. Also, I hope you do not mind me calling you 'sister from another mister'. My wife advised me to add that.

I miss you, Iteral. I miss all of you. But you know me, I'm afraid. Of what you might think of me, of what Mercy would think of me. Don't get me started about Scara, or Kendo, or Yumine. I want to be family with you again. And I want to know what went on when I left, I want to tell you what happened to me, too. But I can't do it over words and letters, or else they would never be sent at all. If you could, would you please join me, and my family, for tea over at Evan's Tea Shoppe? I'll write the date and location on a separate note. If you worry about expenses, I assure you I will deal with everything. We will be the only ones at the shop for the rest of the day.

You don't have to come, you don't have to reply either. You can simply burn this letter and let its ashes fly away. I'll forgive you. I only hope you forgave me. Again, I miss you, Iteral. You're my sister, no matter how old you become. Oh, that sounds a bit wrong, doesn't it? I will be waiting for you, and I look forward to tea.

With love and hope,
your brother, Cloudy Turner Griffin

Then, he'd slid the letter (along with the paper with information) into an envelope, sealed it with green-gold wax and sent it off, hoping he'd picked the right address. Wouldn't that be funny? If he'd picked the wrong address? Iteral wouldn't have gotten the letter in the first place. Cloudy inhaled deeply, running his hand over his face. He watched the sky again as a plane droned across the sky. The wind blew through his hair and he sighed. He looked back to his watch.

Seventeen and twelve seconds... seventeen and thirteen seconds... Seventeen and fourteen seconds

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2024 12:04 (5 Months ago)

Hawseentire! I want to battle!
Username: IgnisCarmelita
Example of your art: Oc! - Another Oc! - Also an Oc! (Old art whoops)
Other: Please lemme know if I've done anything wrong! :3

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Posted: Sat, 13/04/2024 09:58 (5 Months ago)
Destroying the Earth and killing everyone on it!

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Posted: Tue, 26/03/2024 01:47 (6 Months ago)
"Oi! You stop doing that!!" Sweet Jelly pointed at Cami's glare. He huffed, patted down his fluffy hair then turned back to Mona. "The Council? Oh, are you folks a diplomatic team? Forgive me for my informal introduction, then!" He curtsied slightly. "It's lovely at night, isn't it? The stars are bright and shining, and everything is quiet! It's rightfully perfect for a walk, or a picnic!" Sweet Jelly smiled brightly.

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Posted: Wed, 20/03/2024 09:36 (6 Months ago)
"Well! Just seeing the sights! I figured there'd be some outstanding architecture or delightful tidbits I could purchase." He smiled at Monarda Cookie before gasping loudly at Cami. "What?? Me?? Evil?? I'm not- I-" He blabbered incoherently. "Of course not!! I don't even like catching butterflies in nets!" He folded his arms, looking a bit offended at Cami's question.

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Posted: Sat, 16/03/2024 01:54 (6 Months ago)
"Allegia?? What is that? I can't hear you- hold on! I'm coming over there!" Sweet Jelly slid down the hill he was on and climbed his way up to the group. He dusted his pants off and held out a hand with a large smile, holding his folded parasol lightly with the other. "Sweet Bean Jelly, it's a pleasure to meet you all. I reckon you're visiting Amaryllis City as well?"

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Posted: Thu, 07/03/2024 02:51 (7 Months ago)
A small hum echoed across the mountain. Sweet Jelly stood amongst the plants and sighed, sitting down and twiddling his legs. "What a glorious day today has been!" He exclaimed to no one but himself. His folded parasol rested at his side as he leaned over his knees, surveying the scene. Light spilled from his body. It made him look like a small star. He spotted some figures in the distance. "Hm? Oh! New adventurers!" He stood up and waved. "Heeeyy!!! Hallo!! You folk over there!"

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Posted: Thu, 07/03/2024 01:58 (7 Months ago)
"Living is art, dying is art! The world is only made of art! Just open your eyes and look!"

Username: IgnisCarmelita
Name: Sweet Bean Jelly Cookie
Nickname: Sweet Jelly
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Aloof and lightheaded, Sweet Jelly hops and bumbles about, curious about the world. He often comes across as sleepy the way he murmurs his words together. He gets excited over things easily, even through little things such as flowers or clouds or new smells and drinks. He wants to befriend everyone he meets and gets upset when people don't like him. A bit spoiled, if I may say so myself. He has to get over that.

Kingdom: Adventurer (Previously Teahaven)
Weapon: :Large Wafer Parasol
Class: Magic

[Ability] - Beanshine Bonanza
He spins his parasol daintily and shoots out a flash of light. It damages opponents and also applies the shock debuff and decreases enemy crit chances. There's a very small chance of his opponents mistaking each other for him and attacking each other instead.

[Ultimate Ability] - Sweet Jelly spins while holding his umbrella out. He slices the opponents around him with light and clears all the dispellable debuffs. If his opponent have been applied the shock debuff from before, it turns into Dazzled Confusion, which makes them attack each other and also themselves (sorta like confusion from Pokemon). Sweet Jelly does get a bit doozy after the attack.

Used to have a very wealthy family but decided that lifestyle wasn't for him. He said goodbye and departed, instead opting to travel the world and see its wonders up close. He's still in touch with his family, of course, writing letters to them in his notepad and sending them off to the wind (do they ever reach them? oh well). Sweet Jelly can also stab people with his closed parasol, though he uses this jokingly or as a taunt.

Password: Animal - Miike Snow!

Done!! :D

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Posted: Wed, 06/03/2024 01:31 (7 Months ago)

Looks like a silly little goober!

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Posted: Tue, 20/02/2024 01:57 (7 Months ago)
As he followed after Aleksander, Reshen looked down. His eyes swept over the town below, taking in the houses and the people and the little things he could see. Ah, houses. What lovely things. He preferred them to the tall, imposing masses of metal and glass that most, hum, metropolitans had. What were they? Skyscrapers. Why people built things to touch the sky, he had no idea. He hooked his lantern to his belt and glanced back. "Are you alright?" He called to Crow-2 and Emmie, as well as everyone that followed. "Watch your step now, don't tumble and break your crown."

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Posted: Sun, 18/02/2024 01:55 (7 Months ago)
"Alright! Alright!" He chuckled, following her out the door. "You've got more energy that a woodland brownie." Reshen missed this kind of enthusiasm. Most of the people the stories wrote about were moody and glum and sarcastic. Of course, he liked the cheekiness but too much was too much. "Aleksander!" He called out. "Could you guide us to the marketplace?" Reshen gestured to Crow-2 and Emmie.

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2024 04:50 (7 Months ago)
"Why, of course not, Crow-2. Aleksandr invited anyone. The more the merrier!" Reshen turned to his book, which had flipped to the last page again, recounting the conversation between Evan and Leanne. He waved his fingers and it shut again and returned to floating behind him. "I haven't gone yet, dear Emmie. That makes it much more exciting doesn't it? A brand new world, a brand new marketplace for you to explore."

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2024 01:36 (7 Months ago)
Play? Now that was a word he hadn't heard in years. "Of course, young one." A small smile danced on Reshen's lips. "What games shall we play? Hide and seek? Ring around the rosy?" He heard Aleksandr's announcement. "Ah, why don't we play in the marketplace? That seems a more interesting background than this house, correct?"

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 00:46 (7 Months ago)
When Emmie tapped the lantern, it turned a vibrant blue almost as if the bugs inside were shocked. Small things inside hit the glass. "Well, if you want one of your own, you'd have to go hunting for these pesky things." He shook the lantern vigorously and the light turned back to a strawberry lemonade shade. "It's not very fun, young one." Reshen smiled.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 14:16 (7 Months ago)
"This man is Aleksandr." Reshen pointed, releasing the book and letting it flutter away angrily. "Hm? Why, little youth, I am the Storyteller. Greetings." He waved his free hand to Emmie, holding up the lantern. "This one? It's a very pretty lantern, full of very naughty bugs." The lantern emitted a darker crimson light in response and he tapped it twice.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 12:44 (7 Months ago)
Reshen smiled at the question. Even after all the worlds he'd hopped through, he still remembered his the fondest. Who wouldn't? "My world is... a wonderful one, Crow-2. Where the folk speak in riddles and try to turn you into groves day by day." Hm. Now that he said it, it didn't sound too lovely. The book reacted to Reshen's words, flipping to the front of its pages. To the first chapter. He reached forward and snapped it shut (with one hand, too) before Crow-2 could glimpse anything inside.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 12:03 (7 Months ago)
"Yes. Supposedly." The book floated in front of Crow-2's face, showing him the pages that detailed what was going on, albeit with the format of a fairytale. There was even a picture of Aleksandr and the house colored in sepia and brown tones. "Fret not. I don't believe there're any dangers around. You're safe in this man's realm." Reshen pointed to Aleksandr.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 10:20 (7 Months ago)
Reshen grunted a bit at Aleksandr's sudden appearance, leaning his hooded head away from his arm. "Careful there, those gods might hear you and strike you down." Praise the shadows, I'll never get used to this! His tome fluttered open and shut in surprise. Feathers and leaves fell out onto the floor.

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