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Searching for: Posts from AriaWolf.
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 20:33 (8 Years ago)
mods please delete

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Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 14:47 (8 Years ago)

How am I still alive?
I'm fairly proud of how long I've lasted ;v;

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Posted: Sat, 05/12/2015 17:45 (8 Years ago)
I cri
I killed my district mate and an actual friend
I am terrible omg

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Posted: Fri, 04/12/2015 12:16 (8 Years ago)
Thank you for healing me Finny ;v;
I'm surprised I'm still alive xD

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Posted: Thu, 03/12/2015 15:00 (8 Years ago)
Ahhh, I actually made a smart decision to look for water?
H o w?
And my condolences to Eternity ;v;

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Posted: Wed, 02/12/2015 17:37 (8 Years ago)
Omg, I really wanted to do this myself but I was too lazy to make a forum of this ;v;

I would gladly join in the games!
And I prefer to be labeled as female :>

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Posted: Tue, 17/11/2015 02:15 (8 Years ago)
// I'm such a fail omg
I changed their ages but completely forgot to change their years when I made the form XD //

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Posted: Tue, 17/11/2015 02:10 (8 Years ago)
Name: Aria Wolf
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 5' she is ridiculously short compared to the rest of her family.
Race: Shapeshifter
Year: She is a third year.
Personality: Aria usually tries to keep a low profile and is fairly quiet towards new creatures. She is very insecure about herself and is often very modest when it comes to her appearance. However, if you manage to befriend her and gain her trust, she'll bloom like a flower and become a very bright and outgoing being.
Appearance: She has multiple forms considering her shape shifting abilities. She's most often seen as a teenage girl, young Dire Wolf, a Snow Leopard, or, very rarely, a Cervitaur.
Human form
{ I will edit this form once I have the art done~ }

History: Aria was raised in a loving family with her mother, father, and five older brothers. Yes, five older, very overprotective brothers. She had always been fascinated with humans ever since she was a young girl, and much to her families disapproval, had finally managed to enroll herself in the school of her dreams.
Crush: None. {Open}
BF/GF/Other: None. {Open}
Other: Nope.
Questions or Concerns: I don't believe so :>


Name: Jaylen Heart
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: He is approximately 25.5 hands, or 8'6
Race: Centaur
Year: He's a fourth year.
Personality: Jaylen, or Jay as friends would call him, is a very rambunctious, loud, and kind of geeky boy. He has always had a soft spot for video games and anime's underneath that rough boyish exterior. He is also gets pretty cocky during the springtime. If he sees a girl that catches his attention he will usually become very flirtatious and persistent. He is very stubborn and hotheaded though and gets irritated with people fairly easily.
Appearance: Here
History: Jay has lived a fairly normal life for a centaur. He lives happily with his mother and younger sister, both of them he is very protective of. His father ran out on his mother to go be with a younger made, not very long after his sister was born. Jay was 10 at the time so he started helping out a lot with his brand new baby sister. He did get in a lot of trouble in middle school however. He often got into fights with the other kids who continuously taunted and teased him about his family situation, but as he got older he realized none if that really mattered. To this very day he still hates his father and refuses to have any contact with him no matter how many times he tries to pry his way back into Jaylen's life.
Crush: None. (Open)
BF/GF/Other: None. (Open)
Other: Nope.
Questions or Concerns: Rlly quick one, could I possibly have a teacher character? Like, young flirty boy teacher? Bc flirty boy teacher XD

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Posted: Thu, 05/11/2015 23:51 (8 Years ago)
Rhydian wiped off his nose once again, glancing at her with his violet eyes. He huffed softly and placed his hands on his feet gazing curiously at the girl. "It's fine." He stated blandly, he looked warily at the staff in the girls hands before they briefly sparked with curiosity. "So what are you doing all the way out here?" He asked, hauling himself to his feet and stepping towards her. He wiped his hand on his pants before holding it out to her. "It's not like a human, let alone a woman, to come this deep in the woods." He informed her, picking his words carefully.


Akari laughed slightly at the the two friends from her end of the area. These boys were fairly amusing considering one was human. She finished her lunch quietly before deciding to make an attempt to be friendly to this duo. She quickly, well as quickly as she could, shifted into her human form. She adjusted her top and wiped off her mouth a little before slowly approaching the two males.

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Posted: Tue, 03/11/2015 02:58 (8 Years ago)
Akari immediately straightened herself out, her ears pricked forwards and er eyes narrowed at the other lycan. "So you're a lycan." She stated, dropping her lunch at her paws. She moved her golden gaze towards the human who had began stuttering. She glared at his hand before looking back at Fenris. "I'm fine, thank you for your concern." She stated politely before picking up her meal once again and dipped her head respectfully to Fenris. She snorted softly at Cassander before padding a short distance away from them and laying down so she could finally feast. Just because she didn't particularly trust this lycan and his human friend doesn't mean she can't be curious about them.


Rhydian's head suddenly jerked back at the vicious kick to his snout. He yelped in shock and quickly morphed into his human form, immediately cupping his now bleeding nose with both hands, loudly groaning in pain. "Damn! You have a hard kick!" He growled slightly, wiping his nose angrily, smearing his green jacket sleeve in dark red blood. "I just wanted to check if you were alright, jeez." He grumbled and sulked slightly as he went cross legged in front of the human.

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Posted: Tue, 03/11/2015 02:20 (8 Years ago)
Akari crouched low to the ground, eyeing him warily. Her ears flattened against her head once again, the hare was clamped tightly in her jaws. She jumped in fright at the sudden appearance of another male. Her paws slowly began to move backwards when Fenris turned his attention from her to the new human, her tail between her legs.

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Posted: Tue, 03/11/2015 01:41 (8 Years ago)
Rhydian's head snapped up at the loud squawking from the startled murder of crows, his ear twitched in frustration at the thought of the small back birds possibly planning to steal his lunch, but soon enough his violet eyes traveled from the birds to the being that had startled them. A young woman sat in the brush, attempting to free her heel from the roots. He slowly stood, his head low but he's ears were pricked forwards as he slowly approached her. His violet eyes were wide with curiosity.


Akari 's gold eyes widened in surprise at the voice. She quickly scrambled to her paws, her prey dangling loosely from her jaws. Her eyes were full of nervous fear at the male in front of her.

// -whispers-
Nyny, is Fenris in his wolf form or human form? ;v; //

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 14:33 (8 Years ago)
Akari flinched and whipped around, snarling in whichever direction the voice had come from. She was utterly terrified of humans, and if there were two in this forest, she wanted to leave, immediately. She flattened her ears against her head and cautiously continued on her way, following the scent of the other hare the bird had spooked off earlier. When she finally spotted the rodent, she didn't hesitate to make a mad dash after it. She growled quietly to herself as she ran, chasing it into a fairly small clearing. Finally, she pounced, clamping the creature up in her jaws with a single squeak before rolling over herself, tumbling into the stump that Fenris was draped over.

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 05:15 (8 Years ago)
// -laughs @ nurd senpai-
Eyyyy Cloud :> //

Akari lowered herself closer to the ground, low enough so the black fur on her belly brushed against the dirt. Her amber eyes warily watchrd the two hares several yards in front of her. Rhydian, her older brother, was several yards to her right, his eyes locked on the hares. She waited impatiently for his signal, her eyes darting from him to their targets. Just as the older male was about to give the signal a large bird shrieked before snatching up one of the hares, spooking the other into the brush.
Rhydian pounced from the bushes and leaped angrily at the bird, snapping his jaws onto the feet of the hare and dragging both the bird and the hare towards the ground. Apparently, the bird didn't feel like being lunch so it quickly released it's grip and skyrocketed back into the blue sky. The white wolf growled through a mouth full of hare fur and turned to his sister who emerged from the brush, a not very pleased look on her features.
"Whaf?" He asked, his blunt questioned muffled by their lunch.
"You should have just let the bird have it." She snapped. "He's probably just as hungry as us, maybe even more." Akari's amber eyes were clearly filled with irritation with a spark of concern for the bird. Rhydian rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, so? He has wings, sharper eyes, he can easily find a new meal. We've been trying to hunt for the last two hours and came up with nothing until these two popped out." He stated blandly and nudged the hare towards Akari, how simply turned her nose up defiantly.
"No, I'll catch something for myself." She stated and raced out of the area, making the male sigh in frustration.
"What am I gonna do with her?" He muttered softly before preparing to eat.

// what have I done omg
I didn't mean for this
I'm sorry XD //

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 02:19 (8 Years ago)
Akari glanced up when she spotted movement in the window near her. She looked that the white haired boy and offered a shy smile when he looked at her. She frowned slightly when he sat down, completely oblivious to the blush on the boys face. Akari's ears twitched slightly as she debated on how to encounter him and actually speak to him.

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 01:27 (8 Years ago)
Akari hummed quietly to herself as she tied back her thick curly hair with a hair tie. She opened one of the larger windows on the side of her home, her amber eyes looked over the cute home beside her, noticing a few eastern items through the window. She quickly redirected her attention to the notebook and art supplies on her table. She smiled like an idiot and grabbed the book and a pencil before sitting next to the open window and drawing miscellaneous flowers that grew along the base of her neighbors home.

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Posted: Mon, 02/11/2015 01:02 (8 Years ago)
// -screams bc lycans are my fam- //

Name: Akari Caine
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Lycan

Relationship status:
Themes: Encounter Theme
Fight Theme


Name: Rhydian Caine
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Lycan
Personality: Rhydian is very quiet and shy towards people he has never met, but if he has known you for years and befriended you, he is very snarky and playful, constantly poking fun. However, if he is still fairly shy and quiet towards you, he can get very cute and clumsy, especially if he begins to develop feelings for you. Rhydian is also extremely protective of his baby sister and absolutely adores her.
Relationship status: Single, very single.
Themes: Encounter Theme
Fight Theme


// -casually doesn't fill out my form all the way-
I'm so distracted right now omg //

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Posted: Sat, 31/10/2015 23:59 (8 Years ago)
Pokemon Name: Greg and Grace
Amount Bidding: 90K PD
Other: ;v;

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Posted: Sat, 31/10/2015 18:20 (8 Years ago)
Pokemon Name: Greg and Grace
Amount Bidding: 60K PD
Other: I need them and their cyootness so much, o mg

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Posted: Sat, 31/10/2015 16:10 (8 Years ago)
I'm very sorry to announce but I will no longer be a hunter here ^^U
It's kind of frustrating to hunt for other people and not really get a chance to hunt for myself other than the month of off time for hunting.
Besides, I want to use the next two months of November and December to do some planned hunts that I've been thinking about for a while, and in that time you would most likely remove me from the hunters list anyways.
So, I'm sorry my friend but I have to quit, good luck to everyone else and their hunts ;v;

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