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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ThatOneGeek.
Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 01:04 (8 Years ago)
(can his magic affect water types at all?)

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 01:03 (8 Years ago)
(and you need a form!)

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 00:57 (8 Years ago)
(@Waffle 8)
@teius Hm, though it still gives him very few weaknesses... Both of them)

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 00:54 (8 Years ago)
(Im pretty sure Mig is the only water type, which contradicts the whole thing.)

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 00:51 (8 Years ago)
( And, Mig has a UFO. that's kinda OP, even if he IS missing, because he has a higher vantage point)

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 00:47 (8 Years ago)
(okay Im starting to not like the fact that Ditt and Mig are practically incincible. It's really making it not fun...)

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 00:26 (8 Years ago)
(its from PMD explorers of time/darkness)

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 00:24 (8 Years ago)
(Time gear!? why are we going to PMD now!?)
When he had just finished half of his project., he heard the sounds of commotion, breaking his concentration. "Come on..." he muttered angrily.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 23:56 (8 Years ago)
(why doesnt Mig use, idk... actual water moves?)

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 23:53 (8 Years ago)
Alex almost made a mistake when the snoring started. "Crap," he whispered. He placed a pillow gently under Artye's head to help her breathe better. Then he continued working. This was more difficult than he thought.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 23:49 (8 Years ago)
Alex then looked at the map, then at Artye. "Hmm...." he pondered. He walked over to the giant piece of leather. He got out a notebook, and started working.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 23:44 (8 Years ago)
"Whenever you feel like it, really," Alex said, "I usually wake up around sunrise, so I'll be fine." Alex then looked at the large leather map. "Do you always bring that when you go out?" he asked.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 23:39 (8 Years ago)
(I feel like everyone's gonna get tranquilized again XD)
"Oh, yeah, so Sapphire said we could go out to the forest tomorrow," Alex said, "I dunno if you needed permission, but I think it'd be cool to check out the other side of the forest you haven't mapped out."

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 23:21 (8 Years ago)
Alex laughed at himself a bit. "Yeah..." he said, "It was an insane first day..."

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 23:19 (8 Years ago)
Alex looked up at Artye from the bed as she walked in. "Hey..." he said.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 23:13 (8 Years ago)
Alex was wondering where Artye was, when he realized there were two people who worked/lived here now, and one bed. He wasn't given a room or anything. What was he gonna do?

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 22:52 (8 Years ago)
(im stuck XD)

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 22:13 (8 Years ago)
Alex wandered back to the room and crashed on the cot. He was tired from his insane first day here. "Augh..." he groaned, pulling a blanket over him as he stared at the roof.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 19:14 (8 Years ago)
Alex just sort of stared out at the forest. He used to explore it as a kid, but he never really remembered much about it.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 19:09 (8 Years ago)
"Um, okay..." Alex said, jumping down, again crashing onto the dirt. "Ouch... again..." he said.

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