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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ~HydraLuckyCharm~.
Posted: Wed, 29/11/2023 01:14 (1 Year ago)

Title: Egg received!

Cottonblu egg recieved for @Braixie!

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Posted: Mon, 20/11/2023 23:42 (1 Year ago)
@all accepted! You’re lucky u don’t have to wait, we have obsidianix in stock, but @pokeashcool pls use the order form or we won’t accept.

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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 01:08 (1 Year ago)
Hey Charmander!
I want to buy a pokemon as an easter egg!

Username: ~HydraLuckyCharm~
Pokemon: Gible
Shiny or Not? : Yes
Cost: 200 pd
Tips? Some gems


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Posted: Sun, 19/11/2023 00:46 (1 Year ago)
@futuregurl accepted but at least tell me the rarity you want?

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Posted: Fri, 17/11/2023 04:09 (1 Year ago)
Dear Lemonly,
We don’t accept mystery boxes as payment, only nuggets or pd.

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Posted: Fri, 17/11/2023 03:32 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Fri, 17/11/2023 03:24 (1 Year ago)
Hey, dear Abufirestar01,
May I have an event? Event: Obsidianix and van bagon
Payment method: pd (45k 50% off voucher for van bagon)
Any gender requests: obsidianix: male (+5k pd)

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Posted: Thu, 16/11/2023 09:41 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Thu, 16/11/2023 08:02 (1 Year ago)
I’m sorry maskyzeno, but all the shop members are offline and I am currently breeding something else. You may have to wait for a while, thanks.

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Posted: Wed, 15/11/2023 06:42 (1 Year ago)
Currently breeding Conttonblus! For Braixie

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Posted: Thu, 02/11/2023 02:16 (1 Year ago)
Dear Abufirestar01,
May I have an event? Event: Catercream
Payment method: 15k PD

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Posted: Wed, 01/11/2023 06:00 (1 Year ago)
~HydraLuckyCharms~ ShinyCharms
Good morning/evening/afternoon/noon/midnight/night one and all! Welcome to ShinyCharms, the place where you can buy shiny Pokémon! ( Limited selections )
I am currently breeding ponytas and dark ponyta, so if you want a shiny, just pal pad me :)
Next week shiny spotlight Pokémon:
Shuppet and Zomppet!

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Posted: Sun, 29/10/2023 07:50 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Fri, 13/10/2023 06:20 (1 Year ago)
What about retro Zubat???

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