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paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 15:24 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 06:54 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Mon, 10/11/2014 06:26 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Fri, 07/11/2014 07:01 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Fri, 07/11/2014 06:57 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Thu, 06/11/2014 17:05 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Thu, 06/11/2014 08:24 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Thu, 06/11/2014 08:23 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Mon, 03/11/2014 04:35 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Sun, 02/11/2014 14:32 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Sat, 01/11/2014 15:40 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Sat, 01/11/2014 05:04 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Fri, 31/10/2014 11:26 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Fri, 31/10/2014 07:11 (10 Years ago) |
Username:paivansade Entry number:81 Password:Spom and Snackers Other: used my grannys age as my number ^^ [Read more] |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Fri, 31/10/2014 06:48 (10 Years ago) |
Username?:paivansade Other?:^^ Password: [
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 08:33 (10 Years ago) |
This story should be okay for all to read so no warnings. Show
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Trick or Treat?
Its halloween evening and a little Pichu dressed up as a ghost. He's going trick or treating with his friends,Togepi and Igglypuff. They met at pichus house.Togepi was dressed up as a vampire, and Igglypuff had dressed up as a pumpkin.They all had their little pumpkin baskets with them. When they left pichus house it was dark outside and only the streetlights lighted the way.They started trick or treating houses in the pichus homestreet and got a lot of candies. They all were getting sleepy,so they decided to start heading home. In the way to pichus home,they saw a shadow run across the street to the forest. They froze and stared at the street.Togepi got his courage back first and wondered if they should go look,what the shadow was.They were all a little scared,but wanted to see where the shadow had gone.So they walked up the street and saw a little trail going in to the forest. They started following the trail and after a little while they started hearing whispers coming from ahead.They stopped to listen but could'nt hear anything. Igglypuff was getting scared and wanted to leave,but Pichu and Togepi were determined to find out what the shadow was.Igglypuff did'nt want to be left alone, so he followed Pichu and Togepi deeper in to the forest. They started seeing flickering lights ahead and heard more whispering.A group of shadows had appeared in the trail and was walking towards them,and they heard them asking, trick or treat?They all froze and could'nt move an inch.Shadows kept closing in asking again,trick or treat? Pichu got his voice back and shouted,treat! As soon as Pichu had shouted,treat. The shadows disappeared and they heard a beautifull singing coming from the meadow at the end of the trail. They all looked at each other,and started walking towards the meadow. When they came in to the meadow they saw a meloetta singing and gastlys,haunters and other pokemons listening her singing. They started smiling and joined the crowd.This was a halloween they'd all remember. The End [Read more] |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Mon, 27/10/2014 04:40 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 09:56 (10 Years ago) |
Spooky Pokémon:Murkrow Why you consider it Spooky:It looks like a witches pet,and i dont think its gonna be a good witch who i might run into... "Demon Eve, I have art for you" Image URL: Warning level, if needed:i dont think this needs one ^^ [Read more] |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Tue, 14/10/2014 03:49 (10 Years ago) |
paivansade OFFLINE Forum Posts: 86 |
Posted: Tue, 14/10/2014 03:23 (10 Years ago) |