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Posted: Sun, 13/10/2019 15:42 (5 Years ago)

Fletchlu! (Fletching X Swablu)

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Posted: Sun, 13/10/2019 15:19 (5 Years ago)
Error, It's turned into Icecream!
Username: milkyu-
Pokemon: Lopunny
Other: tysm!! also ty for the pumpkaboo ones!! <3

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Posted: Sun, 13/10/2019 00:35 (5 Years ago)
She'd walk up to the lunch counter, ordering some Pecha Berries and some PokePuffs then going to a table, putting down the plate of Pecha Berries and PokePuffs down and then sitting down. She was slightly worried that nobody would like her.

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 23:43 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 22:57 (5 Years ago)
The Riolu and Zorua hybrid walked into the cafeteria, her head down.

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 22:47 (5 Years ago)
Here's the new form for Kiyoshi!

Username: milkyu-
Pokemon's name: Kiyoshi
Pokemon's Species: Zorlu (Riolu x Zorua Hybrid)
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Crush: None at the moment
Shiny?: Mhm!
Apearance/Description: She has a tuff of fluff on her head, looking like a zorua's tuff of fluff. She has a fluffy riolu tail. She has red eyes as well as a red glove pattern on her paws, she has a tuff of fluff on her chest also. She has a blue ribbon, with the bow part on the of her neck.
Personality: She's timid, she usually doesn't socialize with other students. She has the ability of making illusions, She's also a dark/fighting type.

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 22:09 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 22:00 (5 Years ago)
Is it alright if I change to a riolu x zorua hybrid?

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 21:44 (5 Years ago)
The Eevee X Zorua Fusion walked into the cafeteria, her head down.

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 20:10 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 19:30 (5 Years ago)

Recently got new shinies from the Auctions!

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 17:44 (5 Years ago)
Your Username: milkyu-
Item(s) You Want: Dark Blue Box and Dark Blue Key
Quantity Of Item(s): 5 of each
Donation To Shop (optional): 10,000 Money And 20 Honey! Hurray!
Other: tysm!! take ur time uwu

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 16:31 (5 Years ago)
Error, It wants to be shiny!
Username: milkyu-
Pokemon: Pumpkaboo
Other: tysm!! take ur time!! uwu

Error, two have become one!
Base Pokemon: Shiny Pumpkaboo
Second Pokémon: Shiny Gourgeist
Palette of which?: Shiny Pumpkaboo
Other: I'd like gourgeist's hair to be the same color and to be attached to the top of pumpkaboo's tuff of hair, i'd also like the fusion to have the smile that gourgeist has, tysm!!

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 15:16 (5 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2019 00:22 (5 Years ago)
Make yourself at home, just make sure to pet my pet dog uwu

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2019 23:39 (5 Years ago)
Waiter, theres a soup in my soup!

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2019 22:58 (5 Years ago)
Your Username: milkyu-
Pokemon you want: Mareep(x)
Donation to Shop (Optional):
Additional Comments: tysm!! take ur time uwu
I have read the Rules and Understand Violating them will result in a no trade 1 day ban: Absolutely!!

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2019 19:02 (5 Years ago)
a dj guy with ginger hair

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2019 17:34 (5 Years ago)
I have a lucario breeding pair, 3 gengars, and 1 haunter, u think that's enough so I could get something?? ^^;;

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Posted: Fri, 11/10/2019 17:17 (5 Years ago)

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