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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 01:23 (8 Years ago)

She half danced around her room as she put her clothes away, and then laid on her bed to study her scheduel. They were naturally advanced classes which meant her sister would not be in any of them. Iggy gave a frown, she had hoped to spend more time with Missy, without being annoying.


Missy opened her dorm room and grumbled at the walls putting up a purple and black fairy poster. Her room was actually pretty empty. Now that she had to pay for everything herself things like T.Vs were something she could not afford. Actually she could barely afford the dorm room.

Missy got up and noticed the note in her bag, it was decorated with pink stickers..."Oh Iggy" She groaned then read the letter.
"Hey Sis. I can't wait to graduate with you. It's a new year, and that means dreams can come true. Love you"

she sighed slightly then dug out her phone, dreams eh. She wrote Charlotte a text,

"Are you okay? I know you and Lilly are close. Also don't forget you still owe me a dance from the last year." She erased the last sentence twice before retyping it in then pushing send.

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Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 01:05 (8 Years ago)

Iggy gave Lilly a small wave and smile.

She took a deep breath then let it out,
"Sorry I tend to ramble. My big Sister, her name is Missy, she goes to this school too, well she saids I can be annoying sometimes. I'll try harder. We should go have some orange sherbert ice cream sometime then. You will love it! I gotta go to my dorm, Bye!"

Iggy bounced away as fast as she could manage down the hall to her dorm. She swooned over at the pink walls and began to unpack.


Missy watched Charlotte storm off. She didn't blame her, it was sudden and sad news.

"I wouldn't worry about Charlotte, you know how she is. "

She told Lilly. "Well I better go get my dorm ready. I'll see you soon Lilly"
She gave Lilly a very small smile as she walked into the hallway.

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Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 00:56 (8 Years ago)

Iggy followed Ericka with a half skip in her step.

"Oooh orange is a nice color, though I really only like it in ice cream. Do you like orange sherbet ice cream? What kind of classes will you be taking do you know?"

She gave her a very large goofy grin.


Missy shook herself for a moment after Charlotte put her down. The crowd made her sink her shoulders down lower, as she continued to follow and lisen to Lilly though college wasn't exactly something she was hopeful about,

"Whoa Italy that's pretty far away. "

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Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 00:48 (8 Years ago)

Never being afraid to bug someone new, Iggy gave a bright smile over at Erika.
"Hi I'm Iggy."

She gave the girl a small squeeze as always before continuing,

"Your new right? What your favorite color? Mine is pink as I bet you can tell by my hair."

Iggy giggled slightly, the excitement of today was simply wanting to get out.


Missy eyes focused in on Charlotte. She was taller, making her presence even more known. Missy smiled at the sight and her heart skipped a beat. She kind of hoped she at least had one class with Charlotte or else the rest of year would be a bit horrible.

Her cheeks went pink from Charlotte's hug. "Hi Charlotte. I've missed you."
Then turning towards Lilly to hear what she had to say.

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Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 00:37 (8 Years ago)

Iggy Saw Lilly first and immediately went up to her with a huge smile, then gave her a hug.
"Look who's back!" She exclaimed. She grabbed the seat directly behind Lilly, smiling ear to ear.


She scanned the room. Her seat in the back just happened to be the tallest too, so she could see everyone's faces pretty well without having to be too social. She felt a little awkward with the crowd of people below. She tried to lisen to the announcement, but it was rather boring something about McDonald being a rumor.

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Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 00:23 (8 Years ago)

With a new calculus book tucked under her arm Iggy walked with a slight bounce her hair wiggling almost like an excited dog with every bounce. She had missed pretty much all of summer camp due her father not liking it having only one cabin, so Iggy was happy to find the hallway full of people, and greetings. Sometimes she did wish she was taller though, she made an excited squeal like sound as she skipped along to the auditorium after hearing the announcement.


Missy could see her sister's pink hair bobbing up and down up and down in the distance as she walked through the doors. Naturally Iggy was ahead of her. Their father had told Missy to keep an extra eye out for her sister, as he was going off to a business trip. She couldn't believe Iggy had managed to become a senior at the same time as she was.

Missy glanced at the crowd of people nervously. There were new faces among the familiar ones and she felt a surge of shyness. She heard the announcement and slowly, very slowly made her way. She sat in the back of the crowd.

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Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 00:02 (8 Years ago)
(Alright Queen made it too looks like. Should be a fun rp with everyone. )

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Posted: Mon, 15/08/2016 23:33 (8 Years ago)
OOC: Lets not bring up the past lol, moving into a bright new future! Since it's senior year we will have to have prom I bet)

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Posted: Mon, 15/08/2016 23:19 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: I know right, it feels like coming home or something after a long trek. It'll be nice to see new students too. )

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Posted: Mon, 15/08/2016 23:12 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: Senior year was a great ideal, so excited. I'm hoping Queen comes back too)

Username: clb89

Gijinka: Missy/Missingno (ghost form)


Got from Prometeus 123rf stock photo

Personality: She loves music, especially something with a beat she can really dance to. She is mostly a quiet girl, that at times can be awkwardly shy with her peers. Both is what has led her to becoming gothic, she can be loud with her appearance. She loves the colors purple and black, and during class she spends a lot of time drawing dark fairy based pictures instead of taking notes. She is now 18 and on her own. Her mother moved without her, so Missy now holds a job pet sitting for various animals.

Group: Gothic

Crush/Girlfriend: None yet, but open to it she likes both boys and girls. Kind of crushes on Charlotte

Shared: Not currently


and Second Character:

Username: clb89

Gijinka: Iggy/ Igglybuff


Iggy is Missy's younger sister, while she does look up to Missy she is also very much her opposite personality wise. She is only fifteen years old, but has skipped several grades due to her high IQ. She is also outgoing, and friendly to all. She mostly lived with their father spending every weekend with Missy and their mom. She had recently decided to go the same school as Missy, since their mother decided to leave. She here on scholorship. At school Iggy loves the libary, and spends many hours reading non-fiction books.

Shared dorm: No

Group: Geek but Popular

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Posted: Mon, 15/08/2016 05:22 (8 Years ago)
On her tippy toes Missy slowly left where Charlotte and Lilly were. Whatever those two were doing she had a feeling she wasn't really invited and she wasn't into conflicts. She found the same spot in the meadow and took out her phone. It was at least five years old, but did the basics including texting.

She smiled slightly at the phone number on her screen, a message from her little sister. Missy tried to call her back but got an answering machine, so she also left a message. Her little sister wanted to come to camp as well, perhaps she would if their father would let her.

Then typing a number into the phone Missy paused at the last digit. She gave a sigh,
"Calm down...just calm down" She said outloud pressing that final number. She sent a text to Charlotte that read:

"Hi Charlotte. Sorry I didn't respond to the squeeze you surprised me. We should get together soon. Maybe movie or well ..something. Let me know."

Missy shut her phone, then collapsed into the wild flowers.

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Posted: Fri, 12/08/2016 17:37 (8 Years ago)
I sent my details to Sableye for my fakemon. I'm excited to see it all come together. :)

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Posted: Fri, 12/08/2016 17:35 (8 Years ago)
(OOC: I keep missing you Queen lol)

Missy answered Jell with slightly red cheeks,

"Uh yes Charlotte and I do get along pretty well. Bane wasn't so violent, but I didn't get to know him very well. Lilly is the one who apparently got to know him well."

Then turning to Jack she added in,
"I'm actually pretty shy myself so I know how you feel. When I first went to high school I had zero friends for a very long time. Charlotte kind of helped me be more...open"

Missy was caught by surprise with Charlotte squeeze and she let out a small squeak. Her cheeks went from slightly pink to completely red. Then before she could gather herself to react Charlotte was walking away, Missy decided to follow her. She wasn't too surprised to see that Charlotte and Lilly were up to something. She took a peek at them hidden away from sight in a corner.

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Posted: Fri, 12/08/2016 02:44 (8 Years ago)
Missy jumped slightly at Jack's sudden voice. Then looked him over for a moment before speaking,

"You sure are a sneaky one Jack. What's up?"

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Posted: Thu, 11/08/2016 23:58 (8 Years ago)
She raised an eyebrow at Jell's laugh.
"Ah, the only thing I remember about Wobbu was him breaking things. Are you related to Bane too then?"

Missy gave Jolteon another pet, animals had a way of melting her. Then looking back at Armour she told her,

"You know if you ever need a pet sitter I get first dibs. He's just such a cutie."

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Posted: Thu, 11/08/2016 23:39 (8 Years ago)
Missy knelt down and gave Jolteon a small pet,
"Awe he's adorable. I have always wanted a pet."

She gave a small smile, "Drawing is one of my favorite things as I'm sure you already know. I didn't know you drew as well. "

Missy glanced over her shoulder at Jell, "Hi I'm Missy. I saw you earlier with Bane, are you two good friends?"

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Posted: Thu, 11/08/2016 23:23 (8 Years ago)
Missy found a spot next to a flowery meadow and began to draw. The fairy she began to sketched had a funny smirk on her face, and a crown made out of flowers. The wings had sharp pointy edges to them. Missy smiled to herself, the fresh air out here was very relaxing. The fairy's smirk reminded her once more of Charlotte, whom she had only seen with a true smile once.

That was when Missy spotted Amour stretching with pencils in her hands. She waved over at her, then called out,
"What you up to?"

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Posted: Thu, 11/08/2016 06:30 (8 Years ago)
Assuming the others would in fact take care of Shard and bring him to the camp doctor's office, Missy finished unpacking. She couldn't help but smile at Wobbu, Bane, and Jell's antics. Then dusting off her leggings she sighed slightly. She grabbed her notebook and went outside in search of the perfect spot to begin sketching. It was one of her most relaxing activities.

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Posted: Wed, 10/08/2016 21:56 (8 Years ago)
Missy gave a nod in Bane's direction and stiffed a giggle at Wobbu injury.

"Yes we probably should take Shard to the camps doctor's office at the very least. Then they can decide if Shard needs to be transferred to the nearest hospital."

She glanced at Shard, who seemed to be gaining a few new lumps, and bruises from his roll down the hill.

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Posted: Wed, 10/08/2016 17:58 (8 Years ago)
Some things never change Missy thought as she heard Armour speak about raining tacos. She was glad that shard had been caught and hoped with a little rest he would be okay. Seeing as the others had left, Missy could now unpack her items. She very quietly went inside the cabin, and began unpacking being careful not to disturb shard.

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