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Searching for: Posts from YosukeHanamura77.
Posted: Fri, 22/11/2019 00:41 (5 Years ago)
Reality because those things do not exist

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Posted: Fri, 22/11/2019 00:39 (5 Years ago)

for he is the god of death in greek mythology

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Posted: Wed, 20/11/2019 01:54 (5 Years ago)
a black hat hacker

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Posted: Wed, 20/11/2019 01:43 (5 Years ago)
Ransomware virus

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Posted: Wed, 20/11/2019 01:37 (5 Years ago)
Minecraft Diamond Sword

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Posted: Thu, 14/11/2019 18:58 (5 Years ago)
(Last one was Future Gohan's speech before the battle against Future Android 17 and Future Android 18)
"The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed..."

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Posted: Wed, 13/11/2019 22:22 (5 Years ago)

"You know you can't win! You can't destroy what I really am! Even if you manage to kill this body, someone even stronger would surface and take my place! Not one death will go unaccounted for, not one!"
(Please tell me if I repeated quote)

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Posted: Tue, 12/11/2019 19:11 (5 Years ago)

"Eh? You don't know what that is?
What are they teaching you kids in school nowadays...?
Wa ha ha!
That's the Delta Rune, the emblem of our kingdom.
The Kingdom...
Of Monsters.
Great name, huh?
It's as I always say...
Ol' King Fluffybuns can't name for beans!"

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Posted: Thu, 24/10/2019 22:34 (5 Years ago)
Infinity War?

"P is for Priceless, the look upon your faces
E is for Extinction, all you puny races
R is for Revolution, which will be televised
F is for how f**ked you are, now allow me to reprise....
E is for Eccentric, just listen to my song...
C is for Completion that I've waited for so long!
T is for the Terror that upon you I'll bestow....
My name is Perfect Cell, and I would like to say... Hello."

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Posted: Thu, 24/10/2019 17:55 (5 Years ago)
(Last one was from Shinjiro Aragaki in Persona 3)
Flowey, but actually from a 1960's McDonalds commercial.


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Posted: Wed, 23/10/2019 22:22 (5 Years ago)
That's a meme if I'm not wrong.

"Adios, asshole."

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Posted: Tue, 22/10/2019 02:28 (5 Years ago)
IDK, but it rings a bell.


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Posted: Fri, 18/10/2019 02:35 (5 Years ago)
(Yes, but it was from SSBB's Intro)


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Posted: Thu, 17/10/2019 22:55 (5 Years ago)
(Junpei Iori from Persona 3 was last one)
Sounds like Harry Potter?

"Audi famam Illius"

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Posted: Thu, 17/10/2019 22:09 (5 Years ago)
(Actually Jevil's check text)

"...What the hell do you mean by that? You think this is a joke? We're going to die! Of course I'm scared! You all need to wake up! This is death we're talking about here!"

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Posted: Thu, 17/10/2019 18:29 (5 Years ago)
(SharkWillBraviary, my last one was form Future Gohan from DBZ)

Sans, in one of the Neutral Endings.

"There is no strategy to beat this enemy. Good luck!"

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Posted: Wed, 16/10/2019 23:20 (5 Years ago)
(Last was DELTARUNE)

Entry Number 17 from UT.

"You know you can't win! You can't destroy what I really am! Even if you manage to kill this body, someone even stronger would surface and take my place! Not one death will go unaccounted for, not one!"

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Posted: Wed, 16/10/2019 21:43 (5 Years ago)

"Once upon a time, a LEGEND was whispered..."

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Posted: Tue, 15/10/2019 23:12 (5 Years ago)
(WHAT you didn't recognize DBZ?)
(Also you're supposed to post a quote as well so I'll continue)


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Posted: Tue, 15/10/2019 02:07 (5 Years ago)
Oof idk.

"AND THIS.... IS... TO GO... EVEN FURTHER BEYOND...! [insert 5 minute screaming]"

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