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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 03/11/2015 03:04 (8 Years ago)
(Finally after 2 months.)


James's POV

First thing I heard in the morning was a voice on the intercom.


Then a Russian dude, which I think is Nate's new AI, says "Emergency, go to the lower deck."

----Time Skip---

"Hi guys, what's up? There's no fire or monst---" " I said before I was interrupted by Ferbes. "Quiet. This is really an emergency." "What is it, then?" This is when some other demigods went in the hall.

I did a headcount and we were complete.

Ferbes started talking. "The prophecy is... fake."

We all gasped.

"Really?" Aura asked. "How do you know this?"

"Well, I received word from Apollo that he didn't know where his oracle's powers are. In other words, the prophecies aren't true."

I started wondering. "Ferbes, so what do we do now?"

"We head to Pompeii. We will receive more information there."

-------Time Skip-------

Our ship departed.

Nate reported a problem. "Our engine was hit by a monster. This will take 12 days to fix. We could stay in the air, but we would have to wait."

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Posted: Mon, 31/08/2015 13:58 (8 Years ago)
(Guys, my inner Riordan isn't released. I am experiencing a writer's block. You won't be seeing another chapter posted soon. I have planned for many chapters, but the prophecy is just too big ;_;. Give me one week.)

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Posted: Sun, 23/08/2015 12:01 (8 Years ago)
(WANNA KNOW SOMETHING????????? I'm bored.)


Justin's POV

Popsicle Sticks. The first thing I got was popsicle sticks...

We were greeted by a bunch of monsters, some were like freaking dragons and 2 hydras, but Ferbes rushed in to kill them all with Cassy.


"The god shall rush in it
War will not be hit"

This is exactly how it went:

"Dude, what do we do about those monsters?" I asked.

Ferbes, as usual?, said "I'll deal with them"

"No, I'll deal with them." James said.

"I am the god. I will do this. I will need help, though. Cassy?" Ferbes asked. "Of course!" She said.

Speaking of Cassy, I noticed that Silver and Cassy kinda have a crush on each other... Darn it! My ADHD is annoying, I really need to focus on staying with 1 topic.

Anyways, so Ferbes started killing monsters with Cassy while the rest of us stayed in the ship.

Some of us realized the verse "The god shall rush in it" happened then.

But what was significant about this is when Cassy got the blessing of Ares. I saw her slashing through the monsters, but she went faster when she glowed a red aura.

All the monsters just kept turning to dust, even a few dragons and the hydras. She even dodged most attacks, and the ones that hit didn't injure her.

"War shall not be hit"

It makes sense! So now 4 lines are done. The first 2, and the ones I mentioned above.

What is next? It is a bit obvious.
The outsider and the chemist shall revive the legend
Shall revive in the midst
A legend thought to be dead
With the price of a head

James "Purge" Cahill, son of Apollo, older brother of Cryo Cahill, 16
Cryo "Ice" Cahill, son of Apollo, younger brother of James Cahill, 14
Aura Jack, daughter of Athena, 15
Kate Brewster, daughter of Jupiter, 15
Silver Pierce, son of Neptune, 15
Ian Trent, son of Aphrodite, older brother of Sally Trent, 19
Sally Trent, daughter of Aphrodite, younger sister of Ian Trent, 16
Hammy Gachson, son of Hecate, 15
Cassy Bauglaire, daughter of Mars, 15
Ferbes ???, god of transportation, ???
Justin Albman, mortal, 16
Nate Polmon, son of Hephaestus, 16
(Woah, this is getting big. Anyways, I'm not planning on adding anymore people.)

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Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 14:14 (8 Years ago)
(Hmm... If the potato exploded, will we all die?)


James's POV:

This is the full prophecy:

Three big enemies come as one
Sky which has gone
Rivals shall enter the depth
Siblings will stop the demise

The outsider and the chemist
Shall revive in the midst
A legend thought to be dead
With the price of a head

The god shall rush in it
War will not be hit
The weakness of it now
Will be the dark arrow

A sacrifice shall be made
One that will cause to fade
The price will not be paid
Even if one will aid

The special shall start hail
The lieutenant will break the nail
All shall stop the bond
Of the 3 which shall correspond.

This is really long. Me and Aura deciphered a bit for the part about ourselves.

Rivals shall enter the depth: Either we are going into Vesuvius or Labyrinth.

A sacrifice shall be made
One that will cause to fade: Either one of us would die.

But we both knew the truth. Fade means I would die since I'm the leader. She didn't tell anyone else because it could cause a panic. I guess she did know my fatal flaw, paranoia.

Aura's POV

Finally, we arrived in France.

It's been like a week. Nate and Justin had to run errands to earn some extra "moolah" as Justin would say.

Some big things, Nate fixed Cybernetic Titanium to not harm mortals. Justin got a scratch on his arm. Good for him.

I started mapping out what we were supposed to do.

"So first we go here. Then we approach the Eiffel Tower. Nate, assuming there are monsters, make an invisible sword." I said.

"Aura, I suggest we use our code names here." James said.

Our code names:
James: Purge
Aura: R&R(Weird name. I know.)
Cryo: Ice
Ian: Table(I'm serious.)
Silver: Metal
Justin: Shia(Get it? Justin Do It?)
Nate: Hate
Sally: Nike(Don't ask.)
Ferbes: Volvo
Hammy: Hamster(I don't know)
Cassy: Brick
Kate: Strike

Anyways, I agreed. We all got our weapons, then went out. Unfortunately, there were a few monsters waiting for us...

(This is freaking short. This is mostly an update chapter, the next one will have more action.)

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Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 04:57 (8 Years ago)
James: I found some supplies. Might be useful. *Starts eating some food.* This is good. Now Ima go to the local market and buy some arrows.

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Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 04:19 (8 Years ago)
James: I better drop by a castle for arrows and supplies. *Spots a castle* Ok... Now Ima get some stuff.

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Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 03:54 (8 Years ago)
James: *Practices archery* Ok, shot all 7 targets... moving on.

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Posted: Sat, 22/08/2015 03:34 (8 Years ago)
Age: 13?
Gender: Male
Personality: He likes talking to people and making friends, but he also gets mad sometimes.
Appearance: He has a brown coat, a red cape, and a backpack. The backpack contains many weapons, but his favorite one is a bow that can fire 7 arrows.
Species: Human?? Probably a demigod.
Wanted Rank: High Archer
Rank: Archer
Powers: He has super aim, and can hit anything up to 250 meters away with a bow or a knife.
Weapons: A 7 arrow firing bow, 2 katanas, a dagger, a broadsword, and throwing knives.
Where do you live?:(Kingdoms, The Underground, The Forest Villages, Etc) A treehouse which is small on the outside, but big in the inside like the Tardis.
Which path do you chose/Who do follow under?: A mercenary.
In any guilds?: An archer guild
History: He remembers an important event in each year of his life. It is said he is 13, but he remembers a few more years...

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Posted: Mon, 17/08/2015 11:49 (8 Years ago)
(Ba Dum, Ba Dum, Gimme your phone.)


Ferbes's POV

I'm sorry. I lied about the Eiffel Tower thing.

I wanted to protect Aura and James from Mount Vesuvius. I know of a certain beast there.

"Rivals shall enter the depth"

You can't evade a prophecy, can you? I was foolish to think I could.

Now, I have too. The hidden part of the prophecy.

The reason I hid it from them is because James might be worried about me and... it would put us in danger.

I woke up earlier than normal, and it seems like everyone else did.

"Guys, I have something to confess." I said at the table. "What is it, bro?" James said.

"This is serious. I am going to tell you the hidden part of the prophecy."

James spat out a bone in his food. Aura's eyes wided. The others had big reactions like those too.

"I wanted to protect you..." I said.

"Ferbes, remember the MonsterBuster's code of conduct. Fool me once, good for you. Fool me twice, I prepare my knife. Fool me thrice, I'll destroy you." James said in a jokingly manner.

He doesn't get the importance of it, does he? I sighed.

"This is serious. I will recite it now.

"The god shall rush in it
War will not be hit
The weakness of it now
Will be the dark arrow

A sacrifice shall be made
One that will cause to fade
The price will not be paid
Even if one will aid"

Everyone was quiet.

James then broke the silence; "A sacrifice. Who will make it?"

Everyone was quiet again.

"One that will cause to fade doesn't help either. If any one of us dies, it will be horrible." Cryo said.

Aura shaked her head. "No. It is most probably one of the main members. It should go back to the original members of the MonsterBusters." She started pointing. "Me, James, and Cryo."

Cryo gulped. "I don't wanna die!"

"No, we can cross you out. James has dealt with loosing loved ones. He will be very sad if you die, but not as sad if he died in your place."

James nodded. "Either me or you will have to die."

James's POV

I knew the answer. It is not Aura who will die. It is me. If Aura dies, surely we will be sad. But notice "fade". Fade, the MonsterBusters will fade if I die. Aura is a core member, but I am the leader. It will be totally be broken if I die.

I am so dead. Literally.

Kate's POV

The black arrow...

I feel like I heard it from somewhere.

That's right! My mom. She once told me of a legend involving a black arrow, hidden in... a place. The Labyrinth.

"Guys, I know the black arrow message. I was told a legend about a black arrow, and it is in the Labyrinth.. A secret place."

"So we are going to France after all." Silver said.

"How'd you know?" I asked.

Silver answered "I've been catching up. Ferbes told me."

Oh yeah, Ferbes wasn't here. He would have told us if he was here.

Our current destination: France. ETA: 1 day.

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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 09:26 (8 Years ago)
(Explanation to lateness)
Cryo: *falls of bed* OWW!!!
James:Dude, you okay?
Cryo:No... I injured my face. Can you stay with me while I recover?
James: Ok, we might be late though. I brought my quiver and bow. Bring your thinking cap and ego.

--In school--
James: Woah. Were here now. AND HEY IT'S SO LATE!! DUDE LETS HURRY!
Cryo: OK OK LET'S GO!!

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Posted: Sat, 15/08/2015 08:20 (8 Years ago)
(I don't have the time to write, sorry ;_;. I will be censoring the bad words, but you get the point of them.)


Aura's POV

I'm already making up with James. Cool would be an understatement for that, but I feel as if we have a bigger past with each other. The island we docked on seemed to have held something of importance to us both.

I felt an aura, welp, no not myself, which I think James felt. We both left the ship alone.

"Okay... so where do you think we should go? I'm guessing that you could detect the Aura because... Hehe." James said.

I punched him in the shoulder. "Ow!" "That's what you get, take this mission seriously and no more Aura's aura jokes." I exclaimed.

"Take a joke!" James said.

Well, our relationship is still rusty.

"I think we should go here." I said. James got out his gun, and I got my shield out.

"You gonna be killing things with a plate?" James asked. "No." I said, while pulling out a broadsword from the hidden part of the Aegis replica.

"Woah, is that what you stabbed me with?" James said. "Um... kinda." Nate made this for me a while back, like an upgrade. Instead of it being celestial bronze, it was cybernetic titanium.

We walked through a forest, and at the end there was a cave...

James's POV

I almost died when I saw the cave. Wait, I almost fainted when I saw the cave. I don't wanna make fun of death, Hades might get me.

"Holy Sh--" Aura said, before I interrupted. "LANGUAGE, PLEASE." I said loudly.

The cave looked like those ones in Pokemon, when you encounter Kyogre. It was a sight to see, anyone on the ship, even Nate, would say this is beautiful if only they saw it.

"So will we find what we are looking for here?" I asked.

Then we saw the thing, or rather the person, in front of us. It was a goddess with the name of... I'm not sure.

"Who is she?" I asked. "Hera, goddess of marriage." "As if I didn't know she was the goddess of marriage." I answered.

"Stop fighting! The both of you!" Hera said.

"Weird attitude. Wait, if she is here, does that mean were getting married?" I whispered to Aura. "Of course not. Maybe we have another mission." Aura whispered back.

"The girl is right. I have something to do for you. In exchange, I will tell you something."

"Ok, what do you want us to do?" I asked.

"Have you heard of the 900 monster tribes? They say after the Giant vs Demigod battle, all were destroyed. But that wasn't the case, 68 survived.

One whole tribe will be using this island as a passage way to Olympus. I need you to fend them off. Then I will give you what you need." Hera said.

--Time Skip--

"Hera said they'll be coming in a few minutes. We shouldn't ask help from the others. We don't want them to know the secret we'll learn." Aura said. "Are you even listening?!"

I was talking on my trans-dimensional speaker. I was speaking to my robot army.

"3 minutes. Near? Team Alpha, access code: Alpha Lima Papa Sierra." They'll be here soon.

The research team reported that the tribe we are fighting is called Fame. It is leaded by a dragon, and has the minotaur and a bunch of other monsters.

--Time Skip--

They're here! I pulled out my gun, and Aura brought out her sword and shield. "Open fire! Team Delta, take the minotaur! Team Gamma, defeat the monsters on the right! Me and Aura will take down the dragon." I shouted orders like that.

"Aura, let's go! This dragon has a wound somewhere, we have to get to the wound, then kill it that way. The robot army will deal with the rest.

"Ok, on my way!" Aura shouted.

I started firing at the dragon. It started shooting fire at me while I dodged. I saw Aura running up to it's abdomen.

"I can't hold out for much longer!" I screamed. "40 more seconds!" Aura said.

Eventually, I saw her hit the dragon's wound. The dragon yelled it's last breath.

The dragon died.

Shortly after, I got a message saying that my robot army dealt with the minotaur and the monsters.

--Time Skip--

"You will both grow to like each other and be best friends. After your work on the other places is done, head to Mount Vesuvius. By the way, Kronos, Gaea, and Ouranus will be your enemy. They have combined to become one being. Good luck." Hera told us.

"Seems as if we'll be working together much more now." I told Aura. "Yeah, unfortunately." She joked. I laughed.

Something about Hera bothered me...

Yes! The prophecy!

These 4 lines:

Three big enemies come as one

Sky which has gone

All shall stop the bond

Of the 3 which shall correspond.

I'm pretty sure Aura realized it too, now we gotta tell the others!

(SO LONG OMG. I'm so tired from writing, hope you enjoyed!)

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Posted: Fri, 14/08/2015 15:47 (8 Years ago)
Name:James Cahill
Personaility: Calm, cool, relaxed. He hates bullies, and will react violently to them.
Appearance: Brown hair, black eyes. He is big and wears a shirt and jeans. He also occasionally wears a jacket. He also wears shades.
Species: "Demigod."
Powers?: Sharpshooting, thus implying he may be related to Apollo.
Group & Role: "Just a geek."
Pets?: "Umm... I can't tame anything."
Likes: Cookies, guns, bows, really anything related to shooting. He also likes gadgets.
Dislikes: Bullying, misuse of property, anything bad. He also hates metal screeches.
Boyfriend or Girlfriend:Nope
New or Old?:Old
Classes & Clubs; "You know, I FREAKING love archery so why couldn't I join that? I got hunting, cuz why not? Then I got chemistry and math cuz my friend here got it.
Other: Best friends with Cryo.

Name: Cryo Pierce
Gender: Male
Personaility: Shy, but also a joker when around friends.
Appearance: Black hair, big eyes which are blue. He wears a cap, shades, a shirt, and pants.
Species: "Demigod, like my man James."
Powers?: Super intelligent, maybe a son of Athena?
Group & Role: "Geek."
Pets?: "I'm too busy."
Likes: Music, books, reading anything.
Dislikes: Bullies, arrogant people, etc.
Boyfriend or Girlfriend:No
New or Old?: Old
Classes & Clubs; "Archery and hunting are James's favorite, so I got them too! I also joined Chemistry and Math."
Other: No

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Posted: Thu, 06/08/2015 13:31 (8 Years ago)
(I was too lazy too write :P, anyways, I'll be putting translations for the Filipino I'll be using here in paranthesis(Can't spell that still))


Silver's POV

I heard I bunch of sound. An engine, a horse, and a car engine. I thought "Hey, what is James doing again?" But I think it is something else.

I put my shirt on, then went out my bedroom. I saw 3 new people. They introduced themselves as Hammy, Ferbes, and Cassy.

Hammy was a son of Hecate, it seems as if he knew Kate. Cassy was one Ian and Sally knew, she was a daughter or Ares. Ferbes was speaking in a language only James and Cryo understood. He said he was the God of Transportation, he was partially the one who gave James the ability to become a vehicle.

"Alam mo, umutot si Cryo sa iceberg! Hahahaha!"(You know what, Cryo farted on the iceberg! Hahahaha!) James said. "Edi wow!"(No apparent translation.) Cryo replied.

"Ano ang dapat gawain namin?"(What are we supposed to do?" James asked. "Sinabi ng mga gods na dapat pumunta din kami sa France. Ang entrance sa Underworld ay nasa bottom ng Eiffel Tower." (The gods said that we should also go to France. The entrance to the Underworld is at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower.)

After explaining his history, I found out that Ferbes was rivals with James. It fits in with the prophecy.

Shortly after, I became friends with Cassy, what is her place in the prophecy?

Hammy's POV

Apparently the ship already set sky. I hugged Kate hard. I missed her from our last mission together.

People think that I don't convey any emotion, but my head is just filled with dreams. I'd be happy to assist them.

Anyways, we are 500 km away from France.

The ship would be a replica of the Argo and Argo II. It is plated with "cybernetic titanium". I just hope it doesn't suffer the same fate as the Argo II.

(I don't feel like writing and I'm tired. I can't think of a better ending. So this will be it.)

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Posted: Sat, 01/08/2015 10:08 (8 Years ago)
(Sorry, took a break)


Kate's POV

Were on the ship now eating breakfast. The realization hit me. My friend who is a son of Hecate, named Ham, a nickname for Hammy, has power over ice.

"The special shall start the hail."

Should he be included? Will he join us? My thoughts were cut short though after Justin told me that Chiron was on the main Iris message place. I went there, and Chiron told me that Ham would be here soon.

James's POV

I saw the door.

I can't make a heads or tails what is inside. I saw it while exploring the ship.

I saw Nate going in it, then I sent a spying-bot to see what he was hiding.

I saw lots of cybernetic titanium bars. I also saw machines, a big gun, and more weapons. There were also daggers. They all glowed. What should this mean?

Nate probably spotted the bot, then crushed it. I was spotted

Nate's POV

I understood the spy-bot. I examined the remains, then saw James's fingerprints. I don't blame him for wanting to know what I do. It seems mysterious.

I went out, then showed James the gun I've been working on. "Hi, James." I said. "Uhh..." He replied. "Don't worry. I don't mind. Here, have this gun." The gun was a prototype hybrid. I combined a shotgun, a machine gun, a Death Machine, a laser cannon, and a particle death ray. It can switch between modes.

James fainted when he saw it. He hugged me, then said "Thank you my man!!!" He decided to name it MultiShot.

Justin's POV

In case you didn't know, Cybernetic Titanium works on me. I was injected when I first went to Camp-Half Blood by who knows who. I was still immune to celestial bronze and imperial gold, but the chrome in the Cybernetic Titanium works on me.

Me and Nate decided to follow the prophecy and we then added different parts to the ship. Boosters, Wings, Cybernetic Titanium Oars, A big sail, and a bunch of other stuff. We names the ship D ARGO because of the Argo II. The D stands for demigod. Nate assumed that we will set sail to the skies tomorrow.

(I forgot to put this paranthesis(Can't spell, wait a parenthasis in a parentasis?))

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Posted: Mon, 27/07/2015 13:15 (8 Years ago)
(I need a bore destroyer.)


Silver's POV

"Nice to have you in our group, The Siblings, Cryo." Ian said as he smiled. It was a small group in the MonsterBusters. Now, there is only 3 members. This happened 3 days ago.

Three big enemies come as one
Sky which has gone
Rivals shall enter the depth
Siblings will stop the demise

The outsider and the chemist
Shall revive in the midst
A legend thought to be dead
With the price of a head

The special shall start hail
The lieutenant will break the nail
All shall stop the bond
Of the 3 which shall correspond.

Three big enemies come as one. Hmm... 3? It also says Sky which has gone. Sky is Ouranus. So now 1 down, 2 left. Zeus would never turn on us.

Rivals, Aura and James, will go to Tartarus. Siblings, Cryo, Sally, and Ian will... I don't know. The outsider and the chemist, Justin and Nate, will revive something. With the price of something... The special, Kate, will do something. Same with the lieutenant, Silver. Then we will all end the war. Overall, I am not so sure about this.

Were heading to France tomorrow, hope it's not to problematic.

Cryo's POV

--Next Day--
Hey! Were leaving! Nate built us the ship we'll be using. Right now, were loading our stuff. For now the ship will be our HQ.

In 2 months due, Hephaestus will be coming to help Nate build a "big" project. It's so mysterious, not even Nate knows what it will be.

(Ok, I'm running out of ideas. I will continue this soon, maybe Wednesday?)

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Posted: Sun, 26/07/2015 14:21 (8 Years ago)


James's POV
Ok, let's be serious, I love this gun. Nate handed some weapons to the other team members, and we've been busting through monsters like our name.

I'm sorry for that joke. I won't continue this paragraph now.

Ian's POV
This is our next big adventure. A few demigods are coming to help. We just lost communication for an unknown reason, so we have to find out their rendezvous point. All we got was that their in France.

Wait, France?!?!?! Heck yeah! I could buy all the clothes I want!

"Dude, can you please add 2 billion dollars to my credit card?" I asked James. He found a credit card with infinity cash in it when he transformed into a Bugatti. Pretty lucky, if you ask me. "For what?" James replied. "New Clothes for me and Sally! Please!" I said. "*sigh* Fine. Just don't forget our mission. Ok, let me borrow your credit card." He replied. I was freaking happy. "Thank you!" I said this while hugging him. He had a weird look on his face.

"Hey, Sally, James gave us free cash so we can buy new clothes!" I told Sally. "Yay!!!" she cried.

Then someone knocked on the door.

Aura's POV
France. A very nice place. When I was 7, I always wanted to go there.

When I heard the knock, I looked through the window. I saw Rachel, Chiron and Percy. When they got in, James greeted them. "Why are you guys here?" I asked. "We heard that you are going elsewhere. Rachel said she has another prophecy for you." Chiron replied.

Three big enemies come as one
Sky which has gone
Rivals shall enter the depth
Siblings will stop the demise

The outsider and the chemist
Shall revive in the midst
A legend thought to be dead
With the price of a head

The special shall start hail
The lieutenant will break the nail
All shall stop the bond
Of the 3 which shall correspond.

That was a lot. "So this is what we will do in France?" James asked. "No one can really tell." I replied. This was going to be big.

(Whenever I don't put something at the end, it means that I will still continue the chapter, it's just that I can't do it at that time.)

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Posted: Fri, 24/07/2015 14:32 (8 Years ago)
(EGFJIDSI so bored)


Cryo's POV
Krios ETA:2 days.
Now I understand what is in the prophecy. The bigger problem, we don't know yet. The outsider is Justin, he's a mortal! At least bro's injury wasn't so severe. So basically Aura stabbed his arm, but luckily no veins were damaged. Aura is ok too. So now us nine are currently on our way to attack Krios.

Ian's POV
Krios ETA:1.8 days
Nate left. Said he has a problem.

Kate's POV
Krios ETA:1.4 days
Where did Nate go? I don't know. We are still far from Krios, but we can make it. James is using a robot army Apollo gave him to slow Krios down.

Sally's POV
Krios ETA: 1.1 days
Found out that Nate is making a new type of metal. How long will he take?

Justin's POV
Kri-- what? ETA: 0.8 days
Were reaching that titan guy. Have my sword ready.

Aura's POV
Krios ETA: 0.5 days
Were here! Camp Half-Blood has it's protection ready if we fail. The robot army did their job. Now it's time to deal with this guy.

James's POV
*Crash!* *Boom!* I like this transform into a vehicle thing Apollo gave me! Krios is severely weakened but not yet dead. I crashed into him as a Koenisegg, then shot him as a tank.

That is when I saw the hammer. "DIE!" Krios yelled. I heard the blast, then everything went black.

So is this what death feels like? Travelling to the Underworld or Elysium, pitch black. Wouldn't I be there by now if I went to Elysium? Maybe I'm going to the Underwo-- It became bright, and I was in the Camp Half-Blood medical room. Ambrosia helps.

Nate's POV
I was the first to hear about the alliance between Kronos and Gaea. Basically, someone revived all the monsters from Tartarus. War will be starting soon.

I left because I made a fusion of many metals. Like Justin, I fused Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold together. But what was different is that I added 5 drops of water, 2 diamonds, 4 bars of copper, 10 uranium bars, 6 chrome, and a bar of steel. Oh the steel has no effect.

7 years ago when i first went to Camp Jupiter, I got a kick me sign. I thought it was just a trick, but when I looked at the back of the paper, I saw an equation saying this:
5DofW+ 2D+ 4 before carats and wire+ 10 painful materials+ 4C on plates+ 1 robber+ CB IG= Cyber T

At first, I decoded IG as Imperial Gold. Next, 4C on plates was 4 Chrome Plating because of "plates". Robber confused me, so I thought rubber but I found the common thing between the ones I found already, and they are metals. So I thought robbers steal, then steel rhymes with steal. Carats are related to diamonds, and it said before. so 2D is related to carats and D will mean diamond. 3 years ago, I went on a quest and uranium killed a guy. So painful materials is uranium. 5 D of W is 5 Drops of water, easy, kinda. I couldn't solve CB until we became allies with Camp Half-Blood, so I found out it meant Celestial Bronze. Cyber T, the only metals I know with t are tin, thallium, titanium, technetium, tantalum, tungsten, terbium, thulium, and thorium. After I combined the things, I got Cyber T. I found out it was... titanium. Cybernetic Titanium is the new metal I created. After 7 years of hard work, the strongest metal ever formed, harder that Celestial Bronze or Imperial Gold, was made. I quickly forged it into a sword and went to Krios, and slayed him with one slice.

I don't want to abuse such a powerful creation though. I'm keeping it in a safe now. I'm hiding the recipe. Im using it only for a shield, a bow, two staffs, a dagger, a broadsword, a sword, a hammer, and a Rifle.

James's POV
"Can I borrow your gun?" asked Nate. "Sure!" I replied. He got my gun, then brought out my hammer... Then smashed it. "WHAT?!?!?!!" I shouted "THAT'S MY FAVORITE GUN!" "No." He replied as he threw the pieces of my sad gun into a pot. The (Wait, PSA. I forgot to mention Ian's nickname is Lester.). The pot blew up, then I saw a new metal. He got to work, then handed the new thing to me. It was a fast-firing semi sniper, semi shotgun, gun. I smiled. "Thank you.". See, my love of guns is clear.

--7 hours later--
I decided to test this weapon on the Minotaur which also revived. The Minotaur slashed me, then I dodged. I fired one shot, he disintegrated. My grin grew wider. "Hasta la vista, baby." I said.

(Very happy with this one. I was thinking about what to write since I was in school!)

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Posted: Fri, 24/07/2015 12:37 (8 Years ago)
(I love writing, like c'mon I'm one of the best essay writers in my class.)

Ok, so what would I put here? I don't know. Take a breath in... now take a breath out... Good. Now, say that the co2 going out of your nostrils or your mouth is what you don't need or know what it's use is. Your lungs may actually need it in a way, but maybe they don't. Now translate the oxygen that you need is a thought, and the carbon dioxide is the things you like the most about the thought, thrown away. Not saying breathing is bad, but if you are a joker like me, then breathing is your life. The oxygen is some random thought that rams into your brain at the speed of thought. The carbon dioxide, the "excrete" of your respiratory system is like the serious things in the thought, thrown out into the open. What's left? The good stuff in the oxygen which your lungs get and turn into energy. Energy is power, weird thoughts make you laugh. What is so good about laughing? Laughing, in case you didn't know, keeps your heart healthy. I mean the heart behind your chest bone, not the love of your life which I have yet to find. Why should I be healthy? Umm... I don't know.

So in this world I'm looking at through my trans-dimensional, Dorito firing, computer and watch hacking, mind-reading, leaser-firing, potato, PC, there is some guy who's name is.. reading... Cryo who is kicking a trash can. He slipped on a banana and broke his neck, went to the hospital, then got out. (From this point on, I will just what ever I want even though it doesn't make sense.) After that, he got out his AK-47 and then shot everyone in the face.

After that, he went into a portal which he found a watch in and he exited. At some point in time, the watch blew up then started explosions in a theater showing a Michael Bay movie, then he formed a faction. Then the faction blew stuff up. Then the stuff that were blown up had colors in them so they blew up again. Then I don't know what happened.

(*sigh* I'm just bored. Anyways, there is an easter egg in this story. Something to do with words...)

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 13:59 (8 Years ago)
(Im too bored, Chapter 4)


James's POV
The battle is today.
I met Aura at our main base.
The new ones just joined.
When I saw Aura, she shot me a disgusted look. I brought out my gun, Vicro, and fired a warning shot. She then bought out her imperial gold sword Slice. On the corner of my eye I saw Kate, Silver, the Trent siblings, Cryo, Nate Polmon, and the mortal Justin.

Aura slashed here sword at me, my instant reaction was to bring out my bow to deflect it. "You don't deserve the leadership!" she shouted "Oh yeah?!" I shouted back. She used this opportunity and slashed my right arm. "Argh!" This was a major injury. I saw Cryo trying to run to help me, but Silver held him back. I held my arm and flashed a grin to Cryo saying I was alright. A milisecond after that injury, I shot my gun. As a son of Apollo, it hit her in the shoulder. She fell down, and from pain, me too. She was about to stab me in the chest, but the mortal, Justin went in between us. It just past through him, since he was a mortal. He shouted "Stop! Why don't you just agree with each other?! If one of you dies, then the others will also die. Suicide, murder, grief. I can't imagine what happens!" I reconsidered this, then lowered my gun.

Aura's POV

I was already half conscious from that shot. What Justin said takes bravery. It was true, though. It will be tragic. If me or James die, then our group will be in chaos. Which means that Krios will reach Camp Half Blood. Which means danger.

I made up with Cryo shortly after, and now I understand the prophecy. "An outsider shall help" is Justin Albans.

Justin's POV
I don't know why I did that. Since Silver gave me the briefing for our team, it seems as if they had been through a lot. More than my 14 year old mortal mind can handle.

By the ways, Nate is 16. Useless info. I have been diagnosed with some talkative disorder.

I'm a mortal, which has pros and cons, who has that power which makes us able to see monsters. I myself have trained to protect myself against monsters. I use a cleaver called Butcher, a fusion of imperial gold and celestial bronze.

Anyways, I'm just a rookie. I heard Krios is attacking something close to them though....

(These were written in different sessions so it would suck)

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Posted: Mon, 20/07/2015 12:34 (8 Years ago)
(I'm bored, Ok, so here's another chapter.)


Silver's POV
I'm not a fan of talking, people call me anti-social. The main reason I'm always such a "debbie downer" (As Kate would say.) is because I have all these phobias.

Right now though, I heard news that 2 new members, one of which is a son of Hephaestus, and the other is a mortal, will join the Elite Corps, or as James my friend would say, MonsterBusters. The mortal is Justin Albman and the son of Hephaestus is Nate Polmon.

Aside from that, more bad news. Cryo told me a while ago that James and Aura were planning to kill each other tomorrow for leadership. Chiron and the other gods now about this, but the hatred between James and Aura is so bad I'm not sure anything can stop it.

Currently, Lester, Sally, Cryo, and me are finding a way. Tomorrow marks the day either Aura or James die.

Kate's POV
3 months ago before the MonsterBusters formed, prophecy. This is the decoded version.
A monster you seek
A problem you shall meet
An outsider shall help
Lots of pain shall be felt

"A monster you seek" refers to our goal to stop all the monster regeneration.
"A problem you shall" I don't know, maybe the one tomorrow?
"An outsider shall help" I don't have a clue, maybe that mortal?
"Lots of pain shall be felt" Obvious. The mission.
The battle begins tomorrow. The mortal and the son of Hephaestus joins tomorrow. What happens after?

James's POV (Dialogue begins)
"Celestial bronze bullets, check. Magnum, check." I mumbled to myself. "Bro, can I ask you a question?" Cryo asked. "Of course brother!" I said. "Why are you going to fight with Aura?" he asked. "She wants to take my position." I replied. Cryo, being curious, asked "I don't believe that. Why do you care so much about titles?" I froze. "She appointed the battle. I can't stop it now. I swore on the River Styx that I would go." Cryo just sat, clearly disappointed in me.

(Chapter 4 soon!)

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