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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Undefined99.
Posted: Thu, 11/01/2018 19:21 (6 Years ago)
So I checked through the reject ideas, regular ideas and a bunch of packed for the trading ideas and didn't see this:

I'd like to know what the final bid on an auction was (when I loose the auction). Right now I get a message I was outbid but if the auction has expired (or it was sniped) I can't see by how much. In the notification that says you lost it could also say "Final bid was xxx" at the bottom.
This could help:

-New players know what a reasonable bid for that 'mon is, since there's no auction history.
-It could also make other people's bids more competitive, since they now know how high it can sell for
-It would be fun to see if someone realllyyy outbid you or if you juuussttt missed


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Posted: Tue, 02/01/2018 18:13 (6 Years ago)
So you just have a bunch of food just sitting around in your bag?

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Posted: Tue, 02/01/2018 07:39 (6 Years ago)
So I've read the guides on cooking and recipes, etc but I'm still confused about what to do with the food you make. I know:

-making food gives experience
-need for berry bulletin
-maybe quests?
-something referenced "energy"?

But why would I buy or sell food in my shop? Can my Pokes eat the food? Do they like certain kinds?


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Posted: Tue, 25/10/2016 03:53 (7 Years ago)
I have no patience for being in a bidding war. I'm sure there are other people are like this so I can see why they'd either over bid to ensure success or just grab it at the last second. I also agree that bidding at the last second helps out newbies

Honestly curious, if you're in a bidding war couldn't the person you're against just "snipe" it at the last second too? Who cares who wins, you still lost... how is it less fun that a different stranger got it?

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Posted: Tue, 25/10/2016 01:29 (7 Years ago)
I just spent the past 10mins trying to figure out how to "random battle" people. I guess this explains it! I hope it gets implemented. It should filter people based on level and battles played and won, in my opinion. It wouldn't be very fun if you were new and kept getting trashed...
Maybe limit what level the Pokes can be in in your team as well?

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Posted: Tue, 23/06/2015 23:01 (8 Years ago)
How much is a fire evolution stone?

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Posted: Mon, 22/06/2015 04:24 (8 Years ago)

Title: *Post*

Hello World

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