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Searching for: Posts from Therru.
Posted: Sat, 07/10/2017 19:05 (6 Years ago)

Hey Skele-sis! I'd like some art, Purrlease~!

Username: Therru
Up to chest or Fullbody: Fullbody!
What you want drawn: Adalia and Lilium~!
Backup character/drawing: You could choose from here
Payment: 300k, 200 nuggies
Anything else?: Oh, could you maybe incorporate aspects of this drawing?
Like, having her hold a pokeball, and those socks/shoes. Maybe relaxing together, or something? Purrlease and thank you!
Password: Sansica


Hey Skele-sis! I'd like some art, Purrlease~!

Username: Therru
Up to chest or Fullbody: Fullbody!
What you want drawn: Think you could take the screenshots here as reference to create a chibi of this character?
Backup character/drawing: You could do Lilium and Adalia again purrhaps in something Halloweenie, but honestly I'm REALLY hoping you'll be able to draw her.
Payment: 600k, 100 nuggies
Anything else?: She's basically just a witchy neko, her names Saoirse.
If you have trouble drawing the clothes, or hat.
Feel free to switch it up in any way you'd like as long as the concepts the same.
They're just a point of reference until I can get a reference sheet created of her!
Hope it's not too much a challenge!
Password Sansica!

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Posted: Fri, 06/10/2017 12:41 (6 Years ago)
Super shmancy, Miqo-butt. 10/10 💕

{ Just gonna say meow that my About Me looks terripawl via mobile. ;c }

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Posted: Wed, 04/10/2017 01:07 (6 Years ago)

Erida's Mime Jr. has been hatched!

Two of two have hatched for Chibi_Nnoitora_Jiruga.

Bussola is next!

🌟 Edited: 10/11 🌟

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Posted: Thu, 21/09/2017 02:55 (7 Years ago)

Both of Toma &#x1F345's Mime Jrs have hatched!

They're in the GTS waiting for you!

Erida's Mime Jr. is next!

🌟 Edited: 9/23 🌟

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Posted: Fri, 15/09/2017 17:48 (7 Years ago)

Hey Bei-bab! I would like some art purrlease~!

Username: Therru
Type: Full-body Humanoid and pokemon.
What you want drawn: Adalia and her best furriend!
Payment: 600k
Extra: Her reference is a chibi, but it'd be wonderful if you drew her..ya' know. Not as one. xD
Also you're so purrecious for saving me a slot!
Thank you very muchly, Bei-bab~

Super Smooches~!

(ˊ ꒳ ˋ)

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Posted: Fri, 15/09/2017 17:40 (7 Years ago)

Rice's Mime Jr. has been hatched!

Toma &#x1F345's are next!

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Posted: Mon, 04/09/2017 17:58 (7 Years ago)

Hey Bei-bab! I would like some art please~!

Username: Therru
Type: Full-body Humanoid
What you want drawn: Little miss Taira!
Payment: 400k + 100 nuggies
Extra: Omgoodnesssssss. (ˊ ꒳ ˋ)

I just noticed your slots were full! I'm sorry!

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Posted: Thu, 31/08/2017 19:30 (7 Years ago)

Will be ending my Honedge hunt and will be starting a hunt for Mr. Mime.

Same amount of slots, two max. per purrson.

Rare rarity.

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Posted: Thu, 31/08/2017 19:06 (7 Years ago)

Hey Skele-sis! I'd like some crayons, Purrlease~!

Username: Therru
Up to chest or Fullbody: Fullbody!
What you want drawn: Little miss Taira!
Backup character/drawing: You could choose from here
Payment: 200 nuggies
Anything else?: Purrlease and thank you!
Password: Sansica

Hey Skele-sis! I'd like some Art, too~!

Username: Therru
Up to chest or Fullbody: Fullbody
What you want drawn: ^ ^ ^Same as above form ^ ^ ^
Backup character/drawing: ^ ^ ^ Same as above form ^ ^ ^
Payment: 300k
Anything else?: Purrlease and thank you!
Password: Sansica!

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Posted: Wed, 16/08/2017 13:02 (7 Years ago)

If anyone should want to order a Shiny Honedge slot,
currently I have three available, so you'd get them immediately!

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Posted: Sun, 13/08/2017 16:43 (7 Years ago)
May I have the Impish male Gastly, the Calm female Haunter for 150k

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Posted: Mon, 07/08/2017 23:43 (7 Years ago)

Just wanted to say I'm no longer hunting Fennekin and am meow hunting Honedge.
Hard rarity, same amount of slots.
When you should get the chance to update again, that is.

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Posted: Mon, 31/07/2017 21:52 (7 Years ago)

Hey Beibichii! I would like some art, purrlease!

(✿´ ꒳ ` )/)

Username: Therru
Type: She's a nimbei. So I'd consider her in the pokeman/animal?
Reference: Rosalia!
Willing to pay: How about 100 nuggies and 125k?
Extra: I'm so happy you opened your shop back up! ≧ ◡ ≦ ~ ♡

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Posted: Thu, 20/07/2017 02:38 (7 Years ago)
250k for the naughty female Rockruff?

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Posted: Wed, 19/07/2017 17:54 (7 Years ago)

Hey Beibichii! I would like some art, purrlease!

(✿´ ꒳ ` )/)

Username: Therru
Type: She's a M Gardevoir x Mismagius fusion,
so I guess she'd be more humanoid? Fullbody purrlease!
Reference: Beep-boop
Willing to pay: How about 100 nuggies and 100k?

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Posted: Thu, 13/07/2017 17:08 (7 Years ago)
Username: Therru
Your Trainerlevel: 39
Do you know how to play bingo?: Yep!
Region you want to play with: Kanto, purrlease!
Anything else?: This seems so cool, thank you!

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Posted: Wed, 12/07/2017 04:21 (7 Years ago)
Beautiful work as always Cynda!

Look at my team, Cynda!

Username: Therru
Trainer: Red
Pokemon 1:Venusaur (Shiny)
Pokemon 2:Charizard (Shiny)
Pokemon 3:Blastoise
Pokemon 4:Garchomp
Pokemon 5:Dragonite
Pokemon 6:Aggron (Shiny)
Other: It's a gift for a furriend. > w<

Let's cosplay, Cynda!

Username: Therru
Pokemon:Do you think it could be this fusion, if pawsible?
Or should I requested them separately furrst?
Trainer gender:Female
Preferred sprite: Your decision!
Do you want the Pokemon next to the trainer: Yes, purrlease!
Other: You're literally the best~! (`//7//`)b


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Posted: Tue, 11/07/2017 06:17 (7 Years ago)

@Ravvie, your shiny Sentret has hatched!


That being the only request, I'm going to start my Fennekin hunt meow!

It is of the Special rarity, And I'm accepting six slots
and they are as followed:


Will actively be editing this post to keep track of said hunt.

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Posted: Mon, 10/07/2017 21:13 (7 Years ago)
100 nuggies for the female sassy Wigglytuff?

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Posted: Mon, 10/07/2017 15:45 (7 Years ago)

I just noticed that Sentret is in the future hunt slots.
Since I'm currently doing this hunt, I suppose I'll take on that position.


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