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Posted: Thu, 01/12/2016 03:26 (7 Years ago)
Strongest Shiny Sandile OS!

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Posted: Mon, 21/11/2016 06:46 (7 Years ago)
"Come at me, I'm ready!"

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Posted: Sat, 15/10/2016 15:13 (7 Years ago)
aaaaaaa these are so nice
i'm gonna use the servine one for a bit

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 19:39 (7 Years ago)
I'll send the payment now, thank you so much !!!

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 16:21 (7 Years ago)
your art is so beautiful i can't even o mg
User: ~Spectree~
Reference: [x]
What Do You Want? Pixel
Payment Method?: 100k

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Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 01:10 (7 Years ago)
Luciel could hear talking from inside somewhere He wanted to check it out, but he was worried what it was.

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Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 01:06 (7 Years ago)
Luciel stood outside as he thought about what he should do

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Posted: Thu, 06/10/2016 23:20 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 06/10/2016 01:36 (7 Years ago)
(i don't normally join rp's, but this one looked fun so why not :'))
Pokemon: Krokorok
Name: Luciel
Gender: Male
Backstory: Luciel was born with a group of siblings, and he was the only shiny. Even though people made fun of him for who he was, but he stayed positive. He didn't have that many friends, and he was ignored a lot of the time. To this day, he has always believed in himself and the other Pokemon he had known.
Age: 15
Specialty: He can blend in very well in dark places
Moves: Crunch, Pursuit, Earthquake, Iron Tail
Ability: Moxie
Level: 34
Personality: Normally very shy, but when he does talk to people, he's very kind, but may stutter saying words
Other: ---
Pokemon: Sawsbuck (Winter)
Name: Dante
Gender: Male
Backstory: Dante was very rarely picked on. He had always had a positive attitude until one day, he was brainwashed by a group of dark types in a dark alley about 4 months ago. Now, he hangs put in dark alley ways and has always been avoided by everyone, as they think he's very dangerous and shouldn't be messed with
Age: 24
Specialty: He can defend himself very well, as he had been taking self defense classes for about 3 years
Moves: Reataliate, , Horn Leech, Nature power, Mega Horn
Ability: Overgrow
Level: 40
Personality: He has a negative personality, and has only 1 friend, an Arcanine. He won't be afraid to hurt someone, no matter what. Other than that, he normally keeps stuff to himself and avoids contact with others
Other: Dante is the hunter

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Posted: Mon, 03/10/2016 14:29 (7 Years ago)
Sandile :')

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Posted: Mon, 03/10/2016 02:57 (7 Years ago)

Title: this kik group chat im screaming

so my friends and i made this group chat on kik and i'm screaming

also about 2 days ago i got a gf irl so thats nice <3

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Posted: Mon, 26/09/2016 15:00 (7 Years ago)
Complete Support!
I'm doing a Scyther hunt rn and I have 2 special Pokemon in my party that I want to level up,, and I"m always nervous I'm gonna release them on accident,, anyways tho,, complete support!!

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Posted: Mon, 26/09/2016 01:56 (7 Years ago)
Hey Folley ! I Want Some Art !
Username: ~Spectree~
Style: Digital Full
Ref: my sandile son
Price: //sLAMS 70K PD ON THE TABLE// (and yes i am willing to pay 20k extra bc your art is gr8)
Password: i forgot

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Posted: Sun, 25/09/2016 15:19 (7 Years ago)

Title: no regrets about this tumblr chat

so my best irl friend and i had this conversation on tumblr last night,,we stayed up until like 12:30 am and,,,well,,,,it was,,,,

interesting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Posted: Sun, 25/09/2016 02:58 (7 Years ago)

blessed images

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Posted: Sun, 25/09/2016 02:45 (7 Years ago)

Title: MM


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Posted: Sun, 25/09/2016 02:36 (7 Years ago)
i found a beautiful image

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Posted: Sun, 25/09/2016 02:09 (7 Years ago)
that is so true lmao

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Posted: Sat, 24/09/2016 02:39 (7 Years ago)
Username: ~Spectree~
nickname(s): Spectre

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Posted: Wed, 21/09/2016 14:55 (7 Years ago)
How much would a shiny Teddiursa (Misdreavus) be worth?

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