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Posted: Sun, 01/02/2015 02:50 (10 Years ago)
(kyliebell100 eevees don't work.... I tried.)

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Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:50 (10 Years ago)
(thanks... im still confused but... ehh.. what ever)
As RS woke up in a strange forest he looked around to see that the greyness didn't change but he felt that something was.... off... "....where am I?... and when did I fall asleep?...." as he sat up he rubbed his forehead as it hurt decently bad

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Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:41 (10 Years ago)
(recap? I have been busy with my sprite shop so I don't know whats been happening)

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Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:30 (10 Years ago)
Mega_Luxuray's request =^^=

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Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 04:34 (10 Years ago)
ok i'll try my best =^^=

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Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 04:24 (10 Years ago)

The shop is currently: Closed
Hello! and Welcome to my sprite shop. i'm still a bit of a noob but im still decently good at spiriting
I use MS paint and my specialty is recolors (but I can still do fusions pretty well) and all sprite will be posted here also I will palpad you if one of the pokemon you you if one of the pokemon you requested doesn't work
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no spamming
2. no rushing me -_-
3. some of my good friends may get stuff free but that's only because they have earned it, so please don't be mean to them
4. all PH rules apply

All sprites cost 500 PD for each pokemon you tell me to use but donations are welcome
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RS I want: (recolor or fusion)
And the pokemon I want in it are: (pokemon/shiny pokemon)
(if recolor) I want the (pokemon) to be: (with either the color pallet of a different pokemon or a custom colors and pattern)
and the code is (the code is "cookies")

Thanks for visiting my shop =^^=

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 23:31 (10 Years ago)
(ok sorry for doing something wrong tho ='^^=)
As RS walked back towards the blood lake he couldn't help but feeling that something was going very wrong... he shrugged off this feeling and continued to walk

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 23:26 (10 Years ago)
(this is my first rp and all im trying to do is stick to m character so if im doing anything wrong than sorry)

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 23:22 (10 Years ago)
(its in the game tho... and my defenses are horrible.... SEES is just a group of like 8 high schollers and a dog to... how is it OP?..)

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 23:18 (10 Years ago)
As RS started walking away back to the blood lake he wondered if anybody knew he was here... probly not he sighed and decided he would find the greyed child and show it what happens when it messes with RS Ink the leader of SEES and the savoir of earth "i'll show the child what happens when things try to kill me...."

(im not with anyone im off in the distance)

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 23:08 (10 Years ago)
(ok Nellie i'll tell you from my point of view.... I have no clue because im pretty far away from them XD)

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 23:04 (10 Years ago)
(im still decently far away from the group...)
being as far away from the group as he was RS couldn't hear a word of what they where saying as RS sighed he decided to not think about it any longer and turned to look in the direction he was should have been going

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 22:55 (10 Years ago)
".... more people?.... wasn't there enough people aready...." RS said quietly as he looked at the strange new woman

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 22:35 (10 Years ago)
As RS continues watching the pointless battle between the strange winged children he noticed that another strange child with a mask was talking to that jerk and the goat "....surrounded by children.... Wonderful" RS sighed and looked back towards the battle.... it was a lot more interesting than people talking after all

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 21:07 (10 Years ago)
( well iMakai I don't know either I know im still in the pokemon world and mostly every one is to but whats going on... I have no clue *RS is not helpful in this situation. Wonderful.*)

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 01:53 (10 Years ago)
RS sighed, a stupid battle. Wonderful. even though it looked like the battle had no point RS decided to watch. who knows maybe RS would meet someone who isn't insane for once

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 01:48 (10 Years ago)
As RS heard a crash he turned to see... an angel?.. RS turned and shouted at this stranger "Who are you and why did you fall like that?" RS glared a bit.... he could already tell that he wasn't going to like this new comer

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 01:15 (10 Years ago)
As RS turned to walk towards the gun he realized that if somebody wanted to fallow him what would he do? he wasn't use to being near people ever since what happened 10 years ago... he sighed and reached for the gun "this is.... my evoker... how did it get here?" RS growled at the thought of somebody messing with it ".....i'll take it... it will do me some good to have my persona calm down" RS put his evoker in his pocket and decided to head back the way he came after all he did want to get payback on that greyed out child for ruining his clothes

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 00:59 (10 Years ago)
As RS mumbled to himself "RS you didn't have to be such a jerk" RS growled to himself as he said it "Shut up Neon. you like everybody so of course you couldn't see how much of a jerk he was" as RS continued to have a fight with himself he stopped after a minute to realize "...what is a gun doing here of all places?...."

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Posted: Fri, 30/01/2015 00:43 (10 Years ago)
RS's grin grew even larger as he glared at johnny "of course im better than you, I mean did YOU save the world from almost being destroyed? have YOU even seen a shadow before? the same beings that wanted to kill us all for no purpose. where im from im the leader of SEES and I will continue to be leader of any group Im in." RS said as he started to calm down and as the fog returned to his eyes

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