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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from TeaAndKookie.
Posted: Tue, 18/12/2018 09:14 (6 Years ago)
"At ease Darkclaw." Said Silverthunder in an authoritative voice. "Swanstar has given me the permission to look after Hailpaw's training." She looked at Darkclaw sternly, but hesitating.

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Posted: Tue, 18/12/2018 09:06 (6 Years ago)
"Well, thanks!" As she held it and gave it a swing she smiled. "That was quick!"

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Posted: Mon, 17/12/2018 16:05 (6 Years ago)
I hate auto correct

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Posted: Mon, 17/12/2018 15:30 (6 Years ago)
I'm everything you're not

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Posted: Mon, 17/12/2018 14:30 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 17/12/2018 13:43 (6 Years ago)
Nikaah woke up, as if from a bad nightmare. She breathed heavily, feeling the impact of the machine. She touched her head and opened her eyes. She was in a room. The room filled with some familiar sounds and she went into a whirlwind of memories. Some including Lunara.

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Posted: Mon, 17/12/2018 13:40 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 17/12/2018 13:36 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 17/12/2018 07:25 (6 Years ago)
"How about a scythe?" Anastasia said. "If not, then a sceptre is fine. But I would kill for a good book right now."

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Posted: Mon, 17/12/2018 06:57 (6 Years ago)
Anastasia smiled. "Well, the more the cookies, the better!"

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Posted: Sun, 16/12/2018 12:49 (6 Years ago)
Hi I'm Tea. I love myself a good Kookie.

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Posted: Sun, 16/12/2018 06:20 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 15/12/2018 12:33 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 14/12/2018 07:36 (6 Years ago)
She looked upwards and smiled, "Ah, but of course.." She said in her soothing voice. "I myself would personally like to help her..." She turned toward Swanstar, and smirked "...permission to do so?"

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Posted: Fri, 14/12/2018 07:31 (6 Years ago)
I can
I can
I can
I can
I can
I caaaan!
I can?!
imagine what?
*constipation noises*

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Posted: Fri, 14/12/2018 03:35 (6 Years ago)
Then what are you waiting for?

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Posted: Fri, 14/12/2018 03:30 (6 Years ago)
Can we frame it to look like a murder?

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Posted: Fri, 14/12/2018 03:22 (6 Years ago)
*haunts this post*

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Posted: Fri, 14/12/2018 03:20 (6 Years ago)

"Good morning." Greeted back Silverthunder. "Have much to do?"

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Posted: Wed, 12/12/2018 13:05 (6 Years ago)
Anystasia went to meet Astra and Lunaly. When she reached, she announced herself, bringing a jar filled to the brim with cookies. "Well.." She looked at the jar, then shifting her focus to the cookies Astra had made, "...that was a waste..."

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