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Posted: Fri, 09/08/2013 18:23 (11 Years ago)
Akamaru from Naruto

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Posted: Thu, 08/08/2013 21:38 (11 Years ago)
Well, I succeeded in getting two Totodiles this morning. :3 But the Tepig was outbid.. Q.Q I've been spending a lot of time at the auction house, I just wish I had the money to bid for that cute little Eevee.
I just need to concentrate on clicking and getting me a third Shaymin.

I am also in desperate need of Pokédollar, and I have seven small nuggets I will trade for them.

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Posted: Thu, 08/08/2013 01:15 (11 Years ago)
My name with an extra 'a' :3

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Posted: Thu, 08/08/2013 00:45 (11 Years ago)
*Sigh* I'm always gone for these things. Q.Q I wish I could have helped.

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Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 08:50 (11 Years ago)

(I'm bringing Disney back! xD)

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Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 01:57 (11 Years ago)
Lydia :3

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Posted: Wed, 07/08/2013 01:20 (11 Years ago)
01:20 Server time

Oh dear, oh dear.. v.v I have been trying so hard to find my second Shaymin. With no luck at that. Hopefully in the next few days I'll get him. Though now I can just concentrate on the new event and maybe Shaymin will show up between then and now. :D

Yay. Three days of clicking the Userlist, how many more days will I do this? Maybe a lot. I need to get some money. I have more fields to buy. :3 Still need to stock up on Pokeballs (may just buy them from the prize exchange..), need to get the main evolution items that I will be using soon, lots of Everstones.. Q.Q

I'm a failure at this game. Though if I buy everything now, I'll be able to save up money later for whatever I want! Yeah!
(Though that will be a long time from now..)

Oh, and I also need to go and try for the last of the lake trio soon. >.> Maybe save up 1000 Golden Game Chips.. Well, I'm more than halfway there! ^,^

4:31 Server time
Finally found my second Shaymin!! ^.^ Now I just need to work on getting that event. I'm already halfway through, So, I'll work on the other half tomorrow.

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Posted: Tue, 06/08/2013 03:28 (11 Years ago)
(That's right, I'm bringing Lion King into this!) :3

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Posted: Mon, 05/08/2013 02:02 (11 Years ago)
So, I haven't been able to get on a whole lot today (my time), but I did try to get as many interactions in as I can so I can get two Shaymin. v.v Though it is not going over so well. I have some seriously bad luck. I hope I can find them soon.
But on the other hand, I checked my Rumbles, and one of my Pokemon is in possession of a Mystery Key. 0.o Though it is of no help to me now since the Golden Box is the ONLY thing I don't get from the Legendary Mode.. But I'm not complaining! :3 I'm hoping these keys are tradable.. I may trade it for a Shaymin..
EDIT: Got my fist Shaymin today.. Now I need to nab that second one. :D
Also, started my first auction.. Hopefully someone will bid for it.. I put it for 5 Poke starting out..

Well today was a very tiring day.. Had to take my sister to the airport (have no idea why she would even consider flying when we are on high threat..), then I got home and cleaned most of the day.
Not to long ago I gave both my dogs a bath. Worst thing about having big dogs, especially if they hate water..

Well, that's mainly my whole day, maybe tomorrow will be a lot more entertaining. v.v

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Posted: Sun, 04/08/2013 02:36 (11 Years ago)
Oh dear, so sorry I haven't been able to get on much these past few days! I have been caught up in reading and spending time with my beloved before he left to go home for a month. v.v

I have been reading a manga I came across called "City of Darkness". It is actually really good. It is a martial arts mixed in with Chinese gang life. If you would like to check it out, here is a link:
Click here to read :)
Don't get me wrong, I'm very picky about what martial arts things I view. Some of them are just plain stupid, I believe they should be about fighting, not girls breasts flying all over the place.
I have also started back up on Wake Up Deadman after I lost all my saves on the computer. If you like zombies and metal, this is the manhwa for you. :D

I have actually been more active (socially) this week then I have been all month! LoL. I spent a few nights at my boyfriends apartment with all our friends. So nice to have gamer friends again. :3 Not just people who like to play CoD all day long. v.v I just really need to fond a job. This no money deal is not working out for me..

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Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 22:42 (11 Years ago)
Well, Today was pretty awesome. I have managed to hatch the first Azelf on the site (This will probably be the only 'first' I ever get.. v.v), Shaymin is now obtainable. I hope I will be able to get one. It's so hard to get interactions when I spend more time on here at night when everyone else is off.
Though I know I can go through the userlist and click, but I get bored of it sooo easily. Q.Q

I have also spent most of my awake time reading some more manga, waiting patiently for Dendrobates to update. >.> It needs to hurry..

Nothing much happened today. I went outside early this morning with my dogs hoping I could find the lone wolf running around. I really really want to bring him home.
I also went to the animal shelter yesterday and saw the prettiest (and biggest) Great Dane ever! Poor thing got hit by a car, but that didn't stop him. :3 I wanted to take him home so badly but Mim is more of a Mastiff fan then Great Dane. And I almost got to bring home a chow mix, maybe I can talk her into it later. :3 She was a cute little thing. But what surprised me more on that trip, was I saw a full blood Collie! 0.o Why someone would abandon one, and why no one would adopt her is beyond me! I mean all adoptions were free all week!

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Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 11:24 (11 Years ago)
Is there a limit of how many days (or times a day) you have to wait to post in your diary?
I've checked the rules but it doesn't give an exact limit.

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Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 13:44 (11 Years ago)
Hello, this diary is about me in every aspect. I will contain my experiences and daily nothings: both online and in Real Life. (Oh no! I never would have expected the two to be completely different. I feel like a spy with double life. 0.o Which is the real me and which is the fake me? Hehe.)

Soo.. Back to the topic on hand. On this first, post I will try and tell you everything about me I can think of at the moment. And if there is something else you would like to know that isn't posted, Just ask in a PM and I'll add it (while answering you via PM so your time wasn't wasted). And you are also free to PM about random nonsense if you are bored and would love to talk. :3

General Info:
-Name: Sophiaa
-Age: Old enough but not quite old enough. ;3 (Sept. 19th)
-Gender: Female
-Sexual Orientation: Asexual
-Status: Single

I like anime/manga, all animals except coyotes (been attacked by them way too many times..), pasta, reading, music, video games, and much more.

Rudeness, cruelty, spiders, and coyotes. And lot's more but this isn't a good place to put them..

-Animal(s): Wolf and Dragon
-Dog breed(s): Pit Bull, Doberman, Mastiff, Great Dane, and Chow
-Band(s): Chelsea Grin, Breaking Benjamin, Whitechapel, A Day to Remember, and Five Finger Death Punch
-Anime(s): Darker than Black (I read more than I watch)
Manga(s): Dendrobates, Kubera, 1/2 Prince, Shinrei Tantei Yakumo, Seishun x Kikanjuu, Id, Cosplay Deka, and a lot more.
Video Game(s): Dragon Age series, Skyrim, Fable 3, Prototype 1&2, Resident Evil series, honestly, I'll play anything you put in front of me. :D
Pokemon: Jolteon, Tauros, Suicune

I am usually a very anti-social person but tend to socialize more online. I used to RP a lot back when MySpace was still awesome, and my character was named Okami Ochi. Though I haven't done so in a long time. I've tried everything, it's all the same to me now. v.v I like to read fanfiction (Who doesn't?), I am a very honest person, but I am not one to open myself up to strangers. I love psychology. I wanted to go to college to study forensic psychology and research true Psychopaths. I also spend a lot of time on www.mangamagazine.net, there are some really good stories on there.

Other sites you can find me on:
Pokefarm as OkamiOchi69
Tumblr as SophiaBayne

That's all for now. (It was longer than I thought.. 0.o) I will try to keep this updated regularly, though I do not know the time limit allowed to double post.

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Posted: Fri, 26/07/2013 07:26 (11 Years ago)
Can genderless Pokemon breed in the daycare as well? Or will we need a Ditto?

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Posted: Wed, 10/07/2013 04:02 (11 Years ago)
September 19th is mine.

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