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Posted: Sun, 28/04/2024 20:35 (5 Months ago)
Asher jumped in seconds, not being seen moving as she kicked him off the branch and watched him land on his face, his knife Doug into the ground.

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Posted: Sun, 28/04/2024 19:55 (5 Months ago)
Asher growled, as she stood very very tall, her eyes getting sharp. "it's going to take a LOT more than...THAT. To make me back down ....I'd rather not " Asher growled watching Tenebrous's knife and claws. "I thought our clans were allies...."She'd say as her fur puffed up, circling around The cat.

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Posted: Sat, 27/04/2024 15:41 (5 Months ago)
Asher caught Tenebrous in his tracks, as the star on her forehead shined brightly. "What do you think your doing on Lightningclan grounds?" She'd ask with a snarl.

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Posted: Fri, 26/04/2024 11:57 (5 Months ago)
Asher heard something in the bushes and turned around, smelling the faint smell of Tenebrous. (Lightning clan is right between Denialclan and Dark clan, but is more better lands and lighter.) she'd look around, wondering where the scent is coming from. "Thundershock, take Lightningstar back to camp..." She'd say ordering him away as the smart on her forehead got more visible and easy to see in the sunlight..

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Posted: Fri, 26/04/2024 02:06 (5 Months ago)
"what makes since?" She'd say suddenly forgetting what she had said.

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Posted: Fri, 26/04/2024 01:28 (5 Months ago)
Asher smelt her clan getting closer. "So... What do we tell everyone... Do we say that he got attacked by Denialclan and mix up a bunch of mess or?..." Asher said.

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Posted: Fri, 26/04/2024 01:10 (5 Months ago)
She bumped into him, smiling a bit "I'll believe that once I see it my self." Asher said making sure her leader wouldn't fall of their backs.

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Posted: Fri, 26/04/2024 00:58 (5 Months ago)
"Heh- Yea okay. Stop playing games Thundershock, I'm not fit for the rule..." Asher said.

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 23:55 (5 Months ago)
Asher looked over at Thundershock, a faint star had appeared on her forehead in the light. "You good...?" She'd ask.

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 23:42 (5 Months ago)
Asher nodded as she picked him up and put him on her back and started to walk off.

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 23:28 (5 Months ago)
Asher had snot coming from her nose, and tears running down her face. "W-What are we going to do now...Our leader is dead... And we don't know who's our new leader!" Asher said, with her nose in Lightningstar's side.

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 22:25 (5 Months ago)
(Anyways, back to RP please.) Asher walked through her Forest, as she smelt blood and Denialclans cats. She went running as she noticed Lightningstar on the ground, dead. No other cat in sight. "NO NO NO!!" Asher yelped as she ran over to his dead body, she got to the ground, her paws on Lightningstar. "no...Wake up!!!" Asher said shaking him.

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 20:47 (5 Months ago)
(Changing your cat oc into a human is HIGHLY not wanted, please go back to cats as this is a CAT RP, thank you.)

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 11:58 (5 Months ago)

Jerkclaw had ran into a tree, he got back up rubbing his head. He got startled by Lakolen, wondering how a dead cat could be talking
"Ummm- The names Jerkclaw.." He'd say looking up at Lakolen

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 11:38 (5 Months ago)
(please don't just say hi, use some dialogue and use the character(s) you have) Jerkclaw inched closer to the ghost cat, Staying low to the floor, his belly rubbing the earth beneath him. Jerkclaw tripped over a stick and quickly ran into the nearest bush. Which had startled the cat.

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 11:31 (5 Months ago)
(Start putting this if you are at a different area so no one gets confused) (deep in the forest far away from the others) Jerkclaw had noticed that this cat was just sitting there (Lakolen) looking into the river, 'Is he depressed..' Jerkclaw asked himself. Trying to get a closer look but not trying to scare him.

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 11:16 (5 Months ago)
I'll also add you to the group too, and if u want u can go to on the RP thread now 😄

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Posted: Thu, 25/04/2024 11:02 (5 Months ago)
Accepted 🙂👍 - I'll add your oc to the main Thread once I get on my computer

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Posted: Wed, 24/04/2024 19:52 (5 Months ago)
Jerkclaw went on a walk, leaving them be as he saw a ghost like cat in the distance (I'm calling in @Drakonia aka Lakolen) Jerkclaw looked behind him self noticing that he had walked far far away from Asher and Yellowstone. Jerkclaw was lost, He decided to get a closer look at the ghost cat that seemed to get more solid features.

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Posted: Wed, 24/04/2024 19:37 (5 Months ago)
Yes you can!!

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