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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 02:51 (6 Years ago)
Cats are super cute so ye!

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 02:50 (6 Years ago)


big confusion

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 02:48 (6 Years ago)

Title: You skipped ABCDEFGHIJK


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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 02:45 (6 Years ago)
Sure, v cute hat owo

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 02:37 (6 Years ago)
Nah, I'm not one to fall for a snake

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 02:33 (6 Years ago)
Jason "Jace" Sutton
Grade Level:
Average Grades:
D's and C's

(he used to get into a lot of fights,,,)
Jason is somewhat grouchy, mostly due to his introverted nature and his displeasure to be surrounded by the faces of those he barely knew, or didn't know at all! He mostly prefers his natural forme over his human one, though it's fairly difficult to remain in it when surrounded by buildings suited for humans. Jace generally tries to stay close to his wizard, not just for his own comfort but because he prefers to be around if he's ever needed. Despite his prickly exterior, Jason is a kind guy at heart, sure he can be blunt but he does truly care! If befriended, Jace is a friend for life, and a fiercely loyal one at that.
He's not one to talk about his past, like ever. There might be hints though!
Bi Ace bab

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 02:26 (6 Years ago)

The guy, now turned hyena, barely heard the attempt to calm the crowd and instead looked around again, alarmed by the faint scent of more people coming this way. He was already freaking out about the whole becoming a hyena thing, he did not need more people thrown into the mix. Jason nervously began chuckling, in that hyena way. The creepy, somewhat wrong kind of chuckling. The odd thing is, he didn't realize he was making any noise and when he did realize it, he couldn't stop it right away. Okay. Okay, Jason. Calm down. he thought to himself, trying to still his beating heart. He could feel himself losing control, and it was an unnerving, ominous feeling. He didn't want to risk losing himself, he couldn't let himself pose a risk to his sister.

Jason began slowing his breathing. Panicking wouldn't help him now, he can do that later when he becomes human again... if he... No, I've got to believe it's reversible. Jason stood up and faced the direction of the new people. He barely noticed his shirt clinging loosely, yet tightly around his unfamiliar form. His trousers, on the other hand, had been forgotten where he has been sitting moments ago.

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 02:03 (6 Years ago)
Kathy quickly turned around, startled by the scream "Are you okay?! the blonde shouted, beginning to clamber over to the girl who the scream belonged to. The mud squelching beneath her boots. Wait? Boots? Kathy looked down herself, her dress... Well, just wasn't! She was wearing some sort of medieval looking clothes, she'd been learning about knights and warfare in the middle ages this semester, who knew it might actually be of use to her? "Leather, a tunic and..." her hand had been brushing over her new attire when it touched a cold chain-like material "Chain mail?? Why am I wearing armor?!" she shouted loudly before glossing her eyes over her compatriots "WHY ARE WE ALL WEARING ARMOR?" she shouted to everyone before glancing towards her brother, who was wearing his normal clothes. He was the only one, that she knew for a fact, hadn't been changed into anything other than his own clothes. OH! RIGHT THE GIRL! Katherine remembered quickly. she crouched next to the other girl and carefully put a hand on her shoulder "Hey! Hey... What's wrong?" she tentatively asked, not able to see her face.

He watched his sister carefully as she left "What is she wearing?? he murmured to himself, unsure whether or not it was something she knowing wore. His question was answered mere moments later. "Who changed her clothes? What's going on?!" the brunette asked himself aggressively. Anger, confusion, fear. He felt those emotions very strongly. Pain began wracking his entire body but no sound left his mouth. His skin felt as if it was splitting and his bones felt as though they'd been broken and reset hundreds of times. The searing pain that he felt through his being stopped. No aches, no pains. Just nothing. Jace was terrified. "What just happened?? he tried to form words but all that left his mouth was animalistic cries, somewhat resembling laughter. He looked around panicked, surprised to see everything was much clearer than it had been moments ago, and he was able to hear Kathy trying to calm the screaming girl. Everything his Jason at once. All the new scents. He was almost overwhelmed to the point of passing out, instead his head hurt a lot. Jace finally tried looking down at himself.
Something definitely was wrong.

Oh boy was he right.

Fur covered his entire body. Some kind of sandy golden spotted fur coated him from head to toe. Next he noticed he has a thin yet somewhat bushy wiry tail.

Jace stood up in shock and let out another cry of surprise, confusion and fear.

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Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 13:55 (6 Years ago)

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Melody Lyre Briarhart
17 // 11th Grade


Melody is the kind of girl you'd want to be friends with. Kind, friendly, generally fun to be around! She enjoys a good pun and cracks them whenever she spots the chance, much to the dismay of her peers. Though she's a good person, she can be very tactless when talking to others - for example, she very bluntly asked her friend about how it feels to be single again, almost causing her friend to breakdown in tears - it doesn't make her any less of a good person! She's just... bad with wording. That's partly due to her naive and oblivious nature, she believes that because she herself is good person, everyone else must be! This causes her to believe nearly anything another person says and trust a stranger almost instantaneously because, in her words, "They're a friend waiting to be made!". To top all of that off, she's determined to do what others won't, no one wants to do the solo performance in theater? Melody will be on it like a camel on water. Always wanting to be the hero, in one way or another, Melody will often do things without thinking, making her as rash as she is determined.

- Playful
- Enjoys a good laugh
- Genuinely a good person??
- Determined
- Extrovert
- Often rash
- Tactless (means well tho)
- Naive
- Oblivious
- Too easy to trust

School Activities:
She was in the school choir, after all she did enjoy singing and was pretty good at it. Very appropriate for her name. Also was a drama kid.

Superhero Appearance:
Same pic as regular appearance!

Superhero Name:
The Conductor

Her vocals can mind control people, though usually it's a one person at a time thing. Without her voice she's pretty much useless. When she uses her microphone, she can control multiple entities in a 10 meter radius around her, this includes any possible allies unless they are resistant to her power or plug their ears before she sings. Her spell can be broken if someone takes her cane or covers her mouth.

Open! Pal Pad me!
>v or :I

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Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 13:09 (6 Years ago)
Jace stirred. It was very, very cold. Wet. Damp. Cold. He opened his eyes, just in time to catch a rain drop in his left. "Ow." Jason hissed, turns out getting water in your eyes hurts. A lot. The tall lad sat up and blinked a few times, hands over his eyes as to insure it doesn't happen again, his vision began shifting from blurred to clear once again. Heavy, cold mud clung to his clothes, sticking to his skin as he moved "Where am I?" he muttered, his gaze shifting from the dark, starless sky to the area before him. There were other people scattered across the wet, muddy clearing. Some stirring, others still asleep. Only one person stood out to him, however. "Kat!"

The blonde girl shifted as she began waking. Her face felt cold and wet. So did her legs and arms. Her eyes fluttered open as she began sitting up, pressing the palm of her right hand against her forehead in a hopeless attempt to soothe the pain in her skull. Wet, cold, sticky. She looked at her hand, sure enough, it was coated in thick, wet mud. That's when she began glancing about. Mud, mud everywhere. Grass poked through most of it, though there were some spaces where all that lay there is mud. That's what she noticed first. The second thing she noted was the number of bodies strewn across the mud and grass, a handful of people were already awake; but where were they? Her heartbeat rose as she looked about more frantically. "Kat!". Jason's call calmed her a little. At least she had him here with her. He can protect her. She turned in his direction, a mixture of hot tears and cold rain running down her face, it was hard to tell she'd even been crying. The short blonde girl began hurriedly making her way over to him, almost tripping once or twice due to the mud trying to suck her in. Her arms wrapped around Jason, her heartbeat slowing a fair amount.
"Where are we? they asked each other, almost in unison. Kathy's heart sank.

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Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 03:22 (6 Years ago)
Faeryn Pondwater



Grade Level:

Average Grades:
Usually S's and SS's, mortified even when just getting an A.



Faeryn is a 5'0", thin asian girl, with sleek, straight, red tipped black hair that reaches down to the small of her back. Her eyes are a warm brown and are almost exclusively accompanied by a playful, yet mysterious smirk. She mostly wears leather skirts, combat boots and a rose printed black bomber jacket, making her look less like a top student and more like a delinquent. People often think she's a fire or earth witch, so when she shows off her air powers, it really... blows them away.

Though she looks mean, and maybe even dangerous, Fae is actually a big sweetheart, and would rather talk to another student than gossip about them. She's a huge know-it-all and loves showing off her wide spread of knowledge, though this caused her to come off a little arrogant... Okay, very arrogant. Though she'll never admit it, she has a tendency to think she's better than other people, and it does show, from small conceited remarks to proclamations of how amazing she looks today, Fae is very, very vain. Though that doesn't mean she's a bad person, she still is very friendly and happy to grace anyone with her presence. Behind her vain facade is a deep insecurity. If anyone ever questions how true her self praise is, she'll simply wave it off quickly. She avoids talking about her past the best she can, in fact the only thing she'll ever mention is her life post joining the school.
- Kind
- Friendly
- Very smart
- Scholarly
- Arrogant
- Vain
- Insecure
- Secretive
- Mysterious

History: She doesn't talk much about her past, though it may come up in the rp.

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Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 02:03 (6 Years ago)
Eeee yay!! ;v; it's been a while since I've been in an rp so I'm excited to get back into it :3

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Posted: Mon, 05/03/2018 13:20 (6 Years ago)


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Jason "Jace" Alexander Sutton



-Dark brown hair, slightly tan, olive eyes, short pony tail
-Usually wears as light armor as possible, due to the nature of his power.

Jason is a overall intimidating looking guy, and the way he acts doesn't help much with that stigma. He's rather a brooding introvert, which can be easily mistaken for asocial behaviour, which (according to Kathy) isn't like him at all! Behind that grumpy, rather scary faced façade is a fiercely loyal and caring brother and friend. Though that being said, he does have a fairly short temper and has been known to lash out for the smallest thing; for instance, a friendly compliment for his sister may be mistaken for a flirtatious advance, even if it's obviously not. Bringing us to another point of Jace, his overprotective tendencies. This boy doesn't know when to leave his sister, or any other person he feels needs his overly watchful gaze. Helpful in some situations, detrimental in others, Jace often requires to be told when Kathy wants to be alone because he's awful at reading people.
- Kind
- Loyal
- Caring
- Brooding
- Introvert
- Overprotective
- Cannot read a person for the life of him

Hyena Physiology (Spotted) - "User with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into hyenas." - Exert from Superpower wiki

Jace can transform into a large Spotted hyena at will, enhancing his senses and his strength.

While in his hyena form he may go "feral" and gorge himself on a fallen foe or even attempt to attack an ally. If this happens Kathy must try to calm him, or tranq him if she's unsuccessful. If neither proves successful he will eventually collapse from over exertion and will transform back within seconds of falling unconscious. If he doesn't go feral he will be exhausted for 3-12 hours once he shifts back, depending on how long he held up his form; he's not completely defenseless in this state, though it may push him to collapse if he's forced to fight in his human form after using his hyena one.

He is unarmed, as he mainly uses his hyena form for fighting. He can throw a mean punch though.

Biromantic ace (Open but due to his personality it might take some convincing)

Jason and, to some extent, Katherine don't talk much about their past nor their parents, but with they have shared indicates a stereotypical deadbeat dad and a loving, abused mother. Kathy wasn't old enough to remember her mother leaving, but Jace remembers it very clearly; never uttering a word of what happened to Kathy, let alone anyone else, all he'll say is "She went to a better place.". Though their father hurt their mother, Jace recalls how distraught he was that their mum left them.

It wasn't very long until he started abusing the young Jace, however. Around the age of seven or eight, Jason tried to run away with his sister one late night, only to be questioned by the police an hour or so later. Thankfully the policeman took them to the station and filed a report against their father. Lacking traceable relatives, Jason and Kathy were sent to a childrens' home. An orphanage. It was better than living with their father, but children are cruel. Katherine was picked on much more than Jace, who was already taller than most boys in the home. This was the point in time that Jason became much, much more protective over his sister. One night, he cause a couple boys tugging Kathy's hair and calling her horrible words, the kind he'd heard his father call his mother. This made Jason very mad. He ended up in the director's office having to explain why he'd broken one of the boy's nose and the other's hand. He got grounded.

That story gets told a lot by Kathy. Jason isn't very big on talking about their past, but he can't help but smile slightly at the way she spins it, leading him to bring the tale back to reality.

He calls Kathy "Kitty" and "Kat".


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Katherine "Kathy" Victoria Sutton



- Blonde, super pale, freckles, blue eyes, short hair
- 5'4"
- Light armor, leather/tunic/chain-mail combo
- Wears arm guard and one leather glove at all times

Personality: have a downside
Kathy seems to be a total contrast to her brother, a bubbly and generally joyous demeanor paired with an almost constant smile, it's not hard to see why most people prefer her to Jace. However, that's just good deception on Katherine's part, truth be told she's almost in constant panic, jumping at every sound, rarely straying from her brother or going without her bow. On her worst days, Kathy may snap at people without meaning to. Partially due to the constant panic, Kathy tends to zone out, whether it be because she's trying to look out for a possible threat or simply because she's particularly spacey that day, leading many to assume she's purposefully ignoring them. Kathy only feels safe around Jace, though she assumes anyone that she becomes particularly close too will also make her feel at ease. One of the ways Kathy copes with her constant anxiety is talking. Talking, talking and more talking. She rarely shuts up with the exception of her spacier days, in which she's unnervingly silent. Which is scarier than Jace.
- Friendly
- Talkative
- Bubbly
- Spacey
- Anxiety
- Overly dependent on Jace

Enhanced Marksmanship - "User can judge extremely long distances amazingly accurately, gauging the strength needed to launch a projectile, in order to hit a target accurately. If a target is moving the user can calculate the best method to hit the target. Visual obstructions like smoke and vegetation do not hinder their ability to get an accurate bead on their target, and their intense focus on whatever they're shooting at allows them to shut out outside distractions. They can compensate for environmental factors that would normally throw off their aim like wind, air resistance, gravity, and radiant heat (which distorts the image of the target)." - Exert from Superpower Wiki
Kathy can snipe real good.

Using the power requires an intense amount of focus, leaving her completely open to any attacks on her. If snapped out of focus by an ally (eg. obscuring vision, breaking her focus, ect ect), she will release the arrow early and it may hit them or alert foes to her position. Only good with recurve bows of the same size, useless with any other type of bow and severely disadvantaged when using the wrong size.
Using the power too heavily gives her intense migraines and, on occasion, may cause her to black out.

Recurve bow with 19in limbs and a dagger incase she's forced to partake in close combat.

Demihetro (Open - pm me if you want)

History: family & etc
Same as Jace's history

Carries a fox shaped pendant with her at all times, wears it as a necklace usually.

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Posted: Wed, 28/02/2018 10:48 (6 Years ago)
Hiii I'm Ruby, an English gal and it was my birthday yesterday! My favourite generation is the 2nd with crystal being my favourite game. I like animals and pastel colours!
I hope we can get along! c:

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