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Posted: Sun, 27/03/2016 23:26 (8 Years ago)
Added to the list :)

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Posted: Thu, 24/03/2016 11:59 (8 Years ago)
Sorry, but a DNA Splicer is worth 30k, while a Fossil is only worth 15k.

I don't. I'm hunting them, I don't have any spares at this point in time - if I did, they'd be on the first page.

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Posted: Thu, 24/03/2016 11:49 (8 Years ago)
Um. I don't have a shiny Deino up for trade?

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Posted: Wed, 23/03/2016 04:26 (8 Years ago)
@Disturbedstacy, sure thing :) Please send the Fossils over via Delibird and I'll do the same thing with the plates. Thank you~

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Posted: Wed, 23/03/2016 03:39 (8 Years ago)
@Gaspoo, this is the second notice. I have set up trades for you with your shiny Vullaby. Please send me the payment and offer on the trades, if you haven't done this in another two days, the trades will come down and the shinies will go on to the next person. Thank you~

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 22:27 (9 Years ago)
Added to the list ^^

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 21:25 (9 Years ago)
@Skips, added to the list.

@Beedrillic_Harmony, sure thing! Would you please send over the payment and I'll set up a trade with the Deino for you :)

@MikaSkye, a lot. I'm sorry but since Beedrillic_Harmony actually made an offer on it, I'll be selling it to them.

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 01:27 (9 Years ago)
@Gaspoo, I've set up two trades for you with your shiny Vullaby. Please offer on the trades and send me the payment. Once you've done this I will accept your offers. If you haven't done this in two days then I will post here again to remind you, if you haven't done this two days after that, then the trades will be taken down and the shinies will go on to the next person. Thank you~

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 09:55 (9 Years ago)
Added to the list :3

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 05:18 (9 Years ago)
KiraTrikk is currently hunting Vullaby.
Hunt started: 13/03/2016

Shiny Chain #54
Shiny Chain #57
Shiny Chain #65
Shiny Chain #94
Shiny Chain #134
Shiny Chain #150

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 02:50 (9 Years ago)
Thanks ^^

Unfortunately, Gold Keys are the ones I have the most of, I have like 60 of them :/

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Posted: Wed, 16/03/2016 20:50 (9 Years ago)
@Miky, aw yiss. I'll set up trades for you now, if you wanna go ahead and send the payment over :)

Also, I have to leave for uni soon, so if I miss the offers, have no fear, I'll be back when class is over

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Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 03:37 (9 Years ago)
@Malkins, I actually totally forgot about this but, here's your reminder message. It's been 7 days since I posted here about your shiny Cleffa - they are in the GTS. Please offer on the trades and send me the payment. If you haven't done this in another 2 days, the trades will be taken down and the shinies will go on to the next person.

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Posted: Sun, 06/03/2016 22:45 (9 Years ago)
@NightStorm, sure thing :) Could you send them over via Delibird please? I shall follow suit and send over my stuff as soon as I can

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Posted: Sat, 05/03/2016 23:28 (9 Years ago)
@Madhava, sure thing. Please send over the payment, and I will send you the gems as soon as I can :)

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Posted: Sat, 05/03/2016 10:31 (9 Years ago)
Much better :)
Sure thing, if you could send over the payment I shall send over the gems as soon as I can

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Posted: Sat, 05/03/2016 03:24 (9 Years ago)
@Malkins, I've set up trades for you with your three shiny Cleffa. Please offer on the trades and send me the payment. Once I have received the payment I will accept your offers. If you haven't done this in the next two days I will post here again to remind you, if you haven't done this two days after that then the trades will come down and the shinies will go on to the next person. Thank you~

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Posted: Fri, 04/03/2016 22:54 (9 Years ago)
@ImmatureGuy, sorry but that's not quite enough. What you're buying is worth 135,600 and what you're offering is only worth 83,000

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Posted: Fri, 04/03/2016 05:58 (9 Years ago)
@Malkins and @Miky

@Malkins, Yeah, I'll just treat it like it's a new offer and accept or reject it as I usually would. If I reject it, you can choose to keep the order as it is now, or you can cancel it altogether

@Miky, I've set up a trade for you with your shiny Cleffa :) Please offer on the trade and send me the payment. Once I have received the payment I will accept your offer. If you haven't done this in the next two days I will post here again to remind you, if you haven't done this two days after that then the trade will come down and the shiny will go on to the next person. Thank you~

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2016 06:33 (9 Years ago)
@Noctowl, I've set up a trade for you with your shiny Cleffa :) Please offer on the trade and send me the payment. Once you've done that I will accept your offer :D if you haven't done this in two days, I will post here again to remind you. If you haven't done it two days after that, the trade will be taken down and the shiny will go on to the next person

Thank you~

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