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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Radiant.
Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 01:30 (8 Years ago)
Username: Radiant
# of tickets: 5 Rock gems + 1 Steel gem
Password: Ohhhh shiny!
Other: *drops a few gems into your bag*

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Posted: Fri, 11/03/2016 20:11 (8 Years ago)
Feel free to bump my thread and share with friends while waiting.

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Posted: Thu, 10/03/2016 18:34 (8 Years ago)
Gave up on searching the pages, how much is Shiny Eevee male worth? Gonna try selling one XD

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Posted: Wed, 09/03/2016 22:47 (8 Years ago)
Entries Admitted n_n

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Posted: Wed, 09/03/2016 06:11 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 07/03/2016 05:27 (8 Years ago)
so far have everyone on the list :) feel free to share with friends to move this along faster ^_^

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Posted: Sun, 06/03/2016 23:34 (8 Years ago)
I own 2 vullaby, but only one in that box

You are correct actually, let me equipt the item and put it on GTS for you, they really need item/pokemon trade station on here to help prevent scams so no worries, not a stupid question at all.
Once you offer on the pokemon I will wait to get my gems before clicking accept, as is often customary for a shop owner to request confirmation of payment first ^_^ thank you.

Also, you should check out my little lotto if in the mood any, Radiant's Lottery.

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Posted: Sun, 06/03/2016 11:42 (8 Years ago)

RADIANT'S LOTTERY (no new entries)

Winners: all winners have been informed by May, 1st, 2016, if they do not collect their prizes they will be released May, 15th, 2016
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1. Deputygrunt
2. Leapy
3. Leapy
4. Bladeventus
5. GamerGirl456
6. PikaV2002
7. Bladeventus- Super Breloomio- collected
8. Leapy
9. GamerGirl456
10. PikaV2002
11. GamerGirl456
12. audreylevina
13. Leapy - Exempted from further prizes
14. PikaV2002
15. Bladeventus
16. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
17. Bladeventus
18. PikaV2002
19. SecretlyTrash
20. Bladeventus
21. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
22. PikaV2002
23. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
24. Pixelcraft-
25. Bladeventus-
26. Leapy-Exempted from further prizes
27. PikaV2002
28. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
29. GamerGirl456
30. Bladeventus
31. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
32. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
33. GamerGirl456
34. Bladeventus
35. PikaV2002
36. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
37. GamerGirl456
38. PikaV2002
39. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
40. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
41. Bladeventus
42. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
43. audreylevina
44. audreylevina
45. Bladeventus
46. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
47. GamerGirl456
48. Pixelcraft 49. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
50. Leapy-Exempted from further prizes
51. Bladeventus
52. PikaV2002
53. GamerGirl456
54. Pixelcraft
55. Moonshimmer
56. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
57. Pixelcraft
58. audreylevina
59. PikaV2002
60. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
61. GamerGirl456
62. PikaV2002
63. Pixelcraft
64. GamerGirl456
65. GamerGirl456
66. Bladeventus
67. PikaV2002
68. Bladeventus
69. Hernan23Pro
70. GamerGirl456
71. Bladeventus
72. Bladeventus
73. Bladeventus
74. GamerGirl456
75. SecretlyTrash
76. SecretlyTrash
77. GamerGirl456
78. Pixelcraft
79. Spinda-Safari
80. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes
81. GamerGirl456
82. PikaV2002
83. PikaV2002
84. PikaV2002
85. Pixelcraft
86. PikaV2002
87. Bladeventus
88. Loomhigh223555
89. PikaV2002
90. Moonshimmer
91. GamerGirl456
92. Leapy- Exempted from further prizes

I'm doing a lottery for a Super Breloomio (m) and Princess Smoochum (f).... there will also be other consolation prizes for those who don't win the main event (you may use the ticket form to exempt yourself from the consolation prizes)

How To Join:
Send x1 Normal Gem for 1 ticket Tickets to Radiant.
UPDATE: now accepting PD, 1,000 PD per ticket

Fill out the form near the bottom of this post or Gems received will be listed as donations. (Donations are both welcomed and loved)

There is no ticket limit for users nor ticket limit for the drawing.

After the main raffle I will use the remaining tickets to continue raffling those in the consolation prizes (you can request that I remove your tickets from the consolation prize drawing if you don't want any)

Hoping for about 400 Gems, might stop sooner if I get tired of the wait. UPDATE! The Lotto Will End 12:01AM EST (eastern standard time) or rather my time on April 1st Tickets will be drawn reguardless of how many gems or how much PD was made.

Obviously if you have more tickets you have more chances to win.

I have no hashtag, but feel free to share my little lottery as you will, more tickets sold sooner means I can give out prizes sooner.

Thread To Close When All Prizes Have Been Assigned A Winner & Collected!


Main Prizes:

Consolation Prizes
Show hidden content

x6 combee (male)

x5 Miltank (female)

x2 Charmander (male)

x2 Charmeleon (male)

x4 Charizard (male)

x1 Squirtle (male)

x1 Blastoise (male)

x2 bulbasaur (male)

x1 Venusaur (male)

x6 Eevee (female) x1 (male) *will evolve into glaceon, leafeon or sylveon upon request*

x4 Vaporeon (male)

x4 Jolteon (male)

x4 Flareon (male)

x4 Espeon (male)

x3 Umbreon (male)

x4 Leafeon (male) x1 (female)

x4 Glaceon (male) x1 (female)

x6 Sylveon (male) x1 (female)

x2 Sentret (retro) male

x2 Cyndaquil (retro) male

x2 Chikorita (retro) male

x1 Hoothoot (retro) male


FILL OUT THIS FORM OR ANY GEMS SENT WILL BE TREATED AS A DONATION! Form is to be posted here as to keep this thread bumped.
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[color=green][b] Username: [/b]
[b] Tickets Bought: [/b]
[b] Normal Gems or PD Sent: [/b]
[b] Do You Want To Participate In The Consolation Drawing Too? [/b][/color]

Ticket Holders / Entries
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Deputygrunt x40 Tickets (N)
Spacebunny x3 Ticket (N)
Angel159 x3 Ticket (Y)
Pixelcraft x9 Tickets (Y)
Leapy x44 Tickets (Y)
Spinda-Safari x3 Ticket (Y)
SecretlyTrash x6 (Y)
GamerGirl456 x43 (Y)-27 rolled over
Bladeventus x38 (Y)
Loomhigh223555 x5 (Y)- 4 rolled over
Hernan23Pro x2 (Y)
audreylevina x13 (Y)
PikaV2002 x43 (Y)
Moonshimmer x10 (Y)- 8 rolled over

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Nobody Yet

MINIMUM GOAL: 125/400 Normal Gems Raised For Lotto
Lotto May End Before Gem Limit Due To Pokedollar Profits.
Lotto Ends April 1st 12:01 AM EST (my time)

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Posted: Sun, 06/03/2016 07:43 (8 Years ago)
@Zelos I do apologize I was on here lastnight and completely overlooked your message, that's why my first post does say to palpad me so I know to look for your post.

Vullaby is rarity: Hard and is harder then alot of the "hard" ones I've gotten to higher end of average so 2,500PD for the poofy lil thing, I only have 1 in my trade box I believe, would also accept 2 normal gems.
Soothe Bell = 2,500PD as well... so that's either 5k PD, or 4 normal gems (also accepts other forms of payment)

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2016 00:32 (8 Years ago)
anyone out there?

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 18:48 (8 Years ago)
wishing you luck, I'm on the same mission

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Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 22:16 (8 Years ago)
@ Hernan23Pro First off the pokemon for trade/sale link goes to my trade box, my Emboar was my starter pokemon here and is not for sale/trade as it is not in the trade box. On top of that if you were looking in different boxes you'd notice the level 59 Charizard already.

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Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 08:52 (8 Years ago)

Hello, I'm Radiant , you know the site rules and you should have manners if you're on here so follow the rules and just don't be annoying or a jerk or you'll be kicked out of my little happy place here.

Payment Methods
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Gems (normal preferred)
other items
sometimes even pokemon

if you have over 50 nuggets you can pay less then 50 for some things, for example, say something is 8 nuggets, send me 58 nuggets and I will send 50 nuggets back so you're only paying the agreed amount.

Pokemon For Sale
I'm Running A Lotto, Pokemon Sales Currently On Hold

Other Items For Sale
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x1 Protector

Buying Or Trading For
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x2 Clamperl (one of each gender)
x9,582 Normal Gems

Normal Gems Collected For Ditto 418/10,000

Please leave a comment in order to bump my post, then palpad me about what you want or I might not see it for awhile, if you don't palpad me then someone who does will be in line first for the item/pokemon, I will update my sale list when something is sold, thank you

Price Check

Banned Users
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Nobody yet


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Posted: Tue, 01/03/2016 07:52 (8 Years ago)
Arbok, slowpoke, Electabuzz, Feraligatr, pichu, Kirlia, munna, Cacturne, and any 1 of the torchic evo's please, I think I worked around the ones people already asked for <3 appreciate your unwanted pokemon

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Posted: Sun, 28/02/2016 07:32 (8 Years ago)
*pops in to bump*

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Posted: Sun, 28/02/2016 05:12 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 27/02/2016 06:26 (8 Years ago)
clicking even more

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Posted: Thu, 25/02/2016 09:38 (8 Years ago)
I like it with Navus's addition, but to be honest rather then look through tedious forums when so new to the site, often asking new friends you've made about parts of the site, isn't a terrible idea, you might have a help forum but a question here or there wont kill anyone unless they're texting and driving. I'd keep it in tutorials at the end of them, once you make the account, and get so far, most people are too committed at that point to not just take the lil quiz, heck, offer a little pd for doing it to help them get started, the reward system is beneficial. Even though i support it I'd like to point out I used to do homework in school and couldn't tell you what the answers were without reading my answer sheet, so even in doing this there will still be alot who can pass and have no clue... it might help, but it wont fix it completely, but help is still good and I'll support a positive change

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Posted: Thu, 25/02/2016 09:27 (8 Years ago)
I'm (at least mostly) against this, honestly I shouldn't be able to even see this or comment it based on it's creator being blocked, but I'm entitled to my opinion on the matter right? Differences aside, I agree with those saying we should be cut off completely from those we block, we shouldn't be able to see the users profile at all, kind of like Facebook, there should be a different page to pop up because even if you forget they're blocked that's pretty much a big reminder, in fact blocked users shouldn't be able to even interact with one anothers eggs and pokemon, see their posts in forums or reply them because incidentally this comment is going to be unwelcomed more then any other comment about being against having a blocklist, honestly those who are blocked really shouldn't exist in your game experience of the site, it goes against the point of blocking someone in the first place.... lets just upgrade what blocking does instead. And about the time the creator of this see's this message they can't deny some of what I said above about blocking not really blocking enough, with other modifications it'd be hard to know a blocked person is even on the same site.

direct me to a suggestion where blocking a user really blocks them and I'll vote for it.

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Posted: Thu, 25/02/2016 09:16 (8 Years ago)
I personally like it, but i'd put it below the boxes not above for space reasons.

if you're not sure if you have a pokemon or of it's dex number it is easiest and faster to be able to type in it's name then to have to search each box by hitting keys that not everyone will remember, it would also make seeing if another user already has a specific pokemon easier when trading in the GTS and they ask for something they don't have.

Simple and Unnecessary sure but it would get plenty of use to be worth it in the long run. Also, I read the key thing about 5 times and already couldn't tell you what keys they were for my computer type, I don't imagine younger users to want to have to remember that either.

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