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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Noivern.
Posted: Sun, 18/08/2013 01:45 (11 Years ago)
Awesome. ^^ I think roleplays make the best stories and vice versa. I've had the story on hold for a while now, so I'm hoping that this will help me get the spark to get back to writing it again.

It all started with a dream I had, and I'm glad that people have taken in interest in it.

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Posted: Sun, 18/08/2013 01:37 (11 Years ago)
As do I. I'm surprised people are interested though. :3 All this is based on a story I'm writing, and the results of this will probably determine it's future.

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Posted: Sun, 18/08/2013 01:30 (11 Years ago)
You're very welcome.

I figured it'd be best for everyone to have the chance to have a second character. It opens up more possibilities.

Also, we may have our Salvation character soon. Someone PMed about it, and now I'm just waiting for their reply.

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Posted: Sun, 18/08/2013 01:19 (11 Years ago)
Approved. :3 Glad to have our first Image-fracture. Thanks for asking for the position.

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Posted: Sat, 17/08/2013 14:38 (11 Years ago)
Updated the Rules of Roleplaying section and started up the roleplay on the Main Thread. :3

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Posted: Sat, 17/08/2013 14:00 (11 Years ago)
Thank you. ^^

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Posted: Sat, 17/08/2013 12:47 (11 Years ago)
Approved. :3 I like your character, Mituna, and don't worry about being too over the top. Could you please put how she became a Chosen though?

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2013 02:16 (11 Years ago)
You can go a head and post if you'd like. ^^ Anyone else who would like to join can just jump in whenever they get approved.

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2013 00:51 (11 Years ago)
You're approved! :3

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Posted: Thu, 15/08/2013 02:07 (11 Years ago)
Set-Up Page here:
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It was the average day in the City That Never Sleeps... People scurrying through the streets to get to their bus stop, cars going this way and that, the occasional swear being thrown out the window as they went. They were far too busy with their daily lives to notice anything out of the ordinary, like vanishing mirrors... Or someone coming out of a mirror. Hidden in one of New York's many back alleys, a thrown out mirror rested against the alley, it's smooth surface warping and shifting.

It rippled like disrupted water before Kurox shot through it, a little cloud of sand following after him. "Note to self... Never get a running start when going to New York..." he muttered to himself, having almost smashed into the other building across from the mirror. Shaking some sand from his hair, he looked back to the reflected surface, frowning that his image seemed to be blurred as if the glass was dirty.

To any normal human that's all it would seem to be, a dirty mirror. But to a Chosen... He could see the Imagination fading fast from the mirror, and he dully noted that he wouldn't be able to use this one to get back to Carthan. With a sigh he clenched his fist, the mirror cracking and breaking.

With a frown he joined those traversing the streets, a few people giving him odd looks at the amount of sand he still had on him, but he payed them no mind. He needed to get to Central Park, a place the Key said would be a meeting point for any and all Chosen in the area. He only hoped that everyone in the vicinity had gotten the message, and he wouldn't be left standing there like an idiot for the next couple of hours...

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Posted: Wed, 14/08/2013 22:11 (11 Years ago)

Title: Character Lists

Mirror Walkers:



The Salvation:

The Normal People:

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Posted: Wed, 14/08/2013 22:09 (11 Years ago)

-Have you ever created your own world in your mind? Ever made your own reality on the whim of a thought? Have you ever visited that world physically? Many do not know that there are beings that can visit the worlds that aren't real, and can phase beyond the term of reality. They could escape to a world they called the Mirror World, the Other Side, or the Realm Between; a world that was created by a being called the Key of Imagination. What this being was, no one knew for sure, but some believed it to be the imagination of the first child of the world, and the source of all the imagination in the world. Those who could go to this Mirror World were called the Chosen by the Key, but they also went by other names.

The Key gave them ranks, and with these ranks came different abilities that would help them in their travels to the Other Side. These abilities could only be used in the Realm Between, or in the act of getting to the World. If a Chosen tried to use their gifts outside of the World, the would either pass out or lose their rank as a Chosen, and forever be locked out of the Mirror World. They were given the ranks of Mirror-walkers, Glass-breakers, and Image-fractures.

Mirror-walker is the lowest rank of those chosen by the Key. They could simply phase through any mirror into their alternate reality, but they could not create anything on the other side. They are the most common, and although the weakest, they are also the most dangerous. They possess the ability to bring others with them through their phase, whether or not that other person was Chosen or not. If a Mirror-walker does such a thing, the person is either chosen or banished, based on their moral standing.

Glass-breaker is the middle rank of the Chosen. They can both phase in and out of the world, and bring anything from the Other Side back. They are uncommon seeing as most would rather bring back wealth and unknown treasures back to the real world. Only those who swore on their lives to not bring anything from the Mirror World to the real were granted this rank. They also bore a gift to shatter and lock any mirror portal to the real world if there is a threat to the Mirror World, hence their name 'Glass-breaker'.

Image-fractures are the highest rank of the Chosen. Able to walk through any reflective surfaces other than mirrors, they could escape to the Realm whenever they pleased. They could shatter portals and reopen them at will, distort reflections from the Mirror World, and produce mirrors through their being whenever they saw fit. They were and are the right hand soldiers of the Key, and they are usually sent out to find new Chosen. They are the rarest of ranks, and it is rumored that only four of them exist.

They walk among us like every day citizens, never once giving hint of what they are or what they do... But now their world is in trouble. Imagination is frowned upon in today's society, and the Chosen have noticed that their beloved Key is slowly losing power because of it. Pieces of the Mirror World have begun to fade into nonexistence, and mirrors have begun to vanish from the real world. It is now a race against the clock to try and save both worlds before the Key loses all power, and the thought of imagination is erased completely...

There has been talk about a new Chosen though, one that bears the power to bring their imagination to the real world and create the impossible. This Chosen, called the Salvation, is to be found at all costs.-

There are five Main Worlds in the Other Side: Affiel, Carthan, Rowateg, Melinkigg, and Thanothiana. Four of these worlds are ruled by an Image-fracture.


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Affiel is a world made of fairy tales and happy endings, complete with fairies, centaurs, griffins, and any other creature your mind can come up with. Built with magnificent colors, indescribable landscapes, and gemstone trees, it is one of the most graceful lands in the Realm Between. It is ruled by one of the four Image-fractures, and is usually a very popular 'spawn in' for the younger Chosen. A castle has been recently built in the center, and anyone who wishes to stay there may do so.


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Carthan is a village hidden deep within a Dream-sand desert, protected by strong winds and nightmare induced sandstorms. Despite this, it is a very kind place once you get past it's outer defenses. Beyond the storms lies a rather large oasis that lies right outside the village, and it's waters are rumored to be able to heal any ailment. The village itself is made of decorated sand stone and desert gems found at the bottom of the oasis. Ruled by one of the Four, it is a less populated land, but still popular among the Chosen.


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A land built on the imagination of anarchists and rebels, Rowateg is one the more dangerous places allowed to exist in the Mirror World. A popular stop for the more troubled Chosen, it bears resemblance to a city that has fallen to riots and chaos; complete with crumbling skyscrapers, bonfires, totaled cars, and no form of authority. Small gangs of Chosen often pop up here and there, but they cause little to no trouble to the neighboring areas.


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Melinkigg is a beach side dwelling place filled with white, sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, and tropical forests. It is a well known fishing spot and 'vacation' resort, usually filled with the teenage population of Chosen. Here you can find the rarest of fruits, seashells, fish, and adventure... Just be sure not to stray too close to the local volcano. If you do, there isn't much to worry about seeing as it hasn't erupted since one of the Four decided to rule it.


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The epicenter of the Mirror World, Thanotiana is a creative combination of every world imaginable. It is a meeting station mixed in with a trading resort, travel agency, and local attraction, filled to the brim with anything and everything one could possibly think of. It is ruled by the Key of Imagination, and is usually the first spot for the newly Chosen. It is here that Chosen ones can freely train with their newly given powers since they are under the watchful eye of the Key.

~Da Rules~

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*Be as literate as you can, and please try to keep one liners to minimum.

*NO power playing, godmodding, etc.

*NO spamming, trolling, etc.

*Keep it PG-13

*Have fun

*NO drama. Take it to the PMs.

*I can add/remove rules if I see the need to.

~Da Rules of Roleplaying~
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*Two characters, ranks, and abilities per person.

*You may be one of the higher ranks or the Salvation, but don't let that power flow to your head. (There will only be one Salvation though.)

*Keep your abilities to your rank. Mirror-walkers cannot shatter portals, stuff like that.

*You don't have to be a Chosen. You can be an average every day person that wants to knows why certain people vanish in the day then come back later.

*Keep the abilities at a reasonable limit. You may be able to phase through mirrors, but that doesn't mean you can't die. You can very well be harmed or killed in both the real and Mirror World. This means no invulnerability.

Characters and what not go here. Please wait to be approved/accepted before posting in the main thread.

Chosen Character Sheet

Rank: (PM me if you wish to be an Image-fracture or the Salvation)
Strength of Imagination: (Scale of one to ten)
Appearance: (pictures are allowed)
Other Side World: (One of the worlds listed above)
Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend:

Average Human Character Sheet

Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend:


Username: Jintao

Name: Kurox G. Anerius

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Orientation: Bisexual

Rank: Glass-breaker

Strength of Imagination: Six

Appearance: Kurox is a tall individual standing at about six foot one with a medium build. He has midnight black hair that goes to his ears with steel blue eyes. His skin appears to be lightly tanned, but it depends on the lighting he's in. He has a scar that runs up his forehead, starting at his right eyebrow and disappearing into his hair line. He can be found wearing a band shirt, baggy blue jeans, and old Converse.

Personality: Serious yet playful at the same time. He used to be a happy go lucky guy until the Key started losing power. Although he still enjoys a good prank every now and then, he has become more of a head strong teen on a mission with unbound determination.

Other Side World: Carthan

History: Kurox was Chosen by the Key at a young age when his sister died. The Key granted him the ability to Mirror Walk in an attempt to ease his pain, and although that wound has not yet healed, he has come a long way. He received the rank of Glass-breaker after accidently leaving a portal open in his home. Only the family dog went through the portal, but it was enough for the Key to grant him the abiltiy to close portals in case it happened again. He hasn't left one open on accident since.

Crush/Boyfriend or Girlfriend: None yet.

Other: Kurox is not his real name. He changed his name when he became a Glass-breaker by the suggestion of the Key. He happily obliged. He also sees the Key as a parental figure, even though he cannot physically come in contact with it. When asked why he will simply answer, 'The Key gave me hope when I needed it most... I just want to do the best I can for it.'

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