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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Nightmare101.
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 17:08 (9 Years ago)
I follow the vaperoen who was the first to be nice to me.

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 16:56 (9 Years ago)
(new it)I dig up and pop out of the hole and realize next to me is an articuno girl and a vapeoren girl

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 16:51 (9 Years ago)
(this reminds me of SAO) I dig even more until i hear a voice say "the menu? You just need to think about a bag and it Will show you every objects you have. And what you have to do? Whatever you want, welcome to your new home. one Last thing, you only are able to Get out if you defeat the last boss in the game... And remember, if you die on the game is bye bye on real life too "

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 16:43 (9 Years ago)
*i think*he- he didnt even respond

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 16:38 (9 Years ago)
(are we allowed to curse?)

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 16:26 (9 Years ago)
(how do i start)

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Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 16:19 (9 Years ago)
pokemon :vulpix
crush:none, yet
other:found a way to fly using tails

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Posted: Fri, 19/06/2015 00:21 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 18/06/2015 23:43 (9 Years ago)
how much for meowstic
and for this goomy

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Posted: Thu, 18/06/2015 23:35 (9 Years ago)
(how do i start)

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Posted: Wed, 17/06/2015 13:23 (9 Years ago)
Name: Uma
Animatronic (You may make one up):a black fox animatronic that is on four legs
Appearance:like an umbreon but with skin torn off no rings and exoskeleton
Male Or Female:male

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 16:26 (9 Years ago)
*I wake up go downstairs and see people at a table eating in the caferteria*(Aena and Alice) "Excuse me, do you know were the exercise room is? Or have I mistaken and there isnt one?"

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 16:06 (9 Years ago)
(thx how do i start)

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 15:55 (9 Years ago)
Name:Kaxal Nomu
Age: 15
Appearance:this but wearing this hat instead
Pet (optional):A black Fox named Nightfox
Dorm: (image)
Do you want to share your dorm? Yes
Personality:crazy geek

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 12:00 (9 Years ago)
(no I wasnt on and i got to go so brb)

(im back) I follow rose to other pokemon and I hide under my cape because I was shy

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 11:59 (9 Years ago)
I stood up ran through the forest yelling HELP, PLEASE HELP ME, SOMEONE!!!!!!

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Posted: Tue, 16/06/2015 11:56 (9 Years ago)
So whats your name because I owe you from saving me from that zombie

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 21:33 (9 Years ago)
"tha-thank you"i say panting

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 21:30 (9 Years ago)
(i fixed it let me know if anything else is wrong)

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Posted: Mon, 15/06/2015 21:19 (9 Years ago)
Animal Based Off Of:fox
Possesed? Yes or No?:Yep
Gender: female
Apperance ((can use images or text)): but no eye patch or hook but my eyes are one red and one blue plus the fox is blue and deliousional
If possesed, What does the spirit of the child look like?:like a little kid crying and screaming
If possesed, What's the spirit of the child's gender?:female
If possesed, What's the child's name?: Maxine
If possesed, What was/is the Child's age?:8
Why is the child dead?:she was playing on elavted objects and fell

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