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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 22:04 (8 Years ago)
Accepted! Please edit out the password! ^^
I will create the thread for the rp once I get home! :)

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 05:00 (8 Years ago)
So, our weapons possibly have powers that we need to somehow awaken? I wonder what mine will be, and how will I awaken mine? She thought to herself, half paying attention to what Kayoko and Silar were talking about. She was busy wondering what all of their abilities would be, and how they would get them. She came back to reality as Silar fell back asleep, his body slumped against a tree. Kayoko asked her what was up, and she had no real way to reply to what without being boring.

"Oh you know, just thinking." She told her honestly, unafraid of the once scary girl. "Haha, what about you?"
Drake looked between the two creatures, he himself unsure how they were to communicate with their humans. "But would they understand what an Ancient is? They aren't from this land afterall..." He trailed off, hoping the others knew what he meant. They would have to somehow explain what an Ancient was if their humans were to understand their predicament. "But, an Ancient is a great place for us to start. With my beak and talons, I may be able to copy down human writing, as I have seen it many a times through this land."

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 04:40 (8 Years ago)
Aurora was unsure about going through a mysterious portal, but she trusted the professor to know what he was doing. She, much to their resistance, returned both Prince and Sparky to their pokeballs, not wanting them to somehow get seperated when they went through the portal.

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 04:34 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 04:29 (8 Years ago)
Accepted! Please edit out the password. ^_^

Once we get one or two more people we shall start rping~

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Posted: Wed, 09/12/2015 06:25 (8 Years ago)
It was entertaining to Aurora to watch them tease one another, they felt so comfortable together, as if they knew each other for years instead of just days. Her joy turned to confusion, however, when Silar's blade emitted a strange light that seemed to pulse throughout the nearby area before he fainted, presumably from what ever happened with his sword. Luckily Kayoko helped stopped his fall, saving them from injury, and ordered Dakoto to get some water. The wolf was back in a flash as he carried a leaf full of water. Kayoko took it from him and splashed it over Silar's face, drenching his face and the top of his shirt collar. This day keeps getting more weird...
Hmm.. Drake thought, trying to come up with a solution. "How about we draw out in the sand what we what to tell them?" He had no idea if it would even work, depending on if they could pull it off. Before they could test this theory, he felt a calmness around them, after a light pulsed from one of the human's swords. The said boy then fainted, the Kayoko saving his fall. Now will this boy be alright...?

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Posted: Wed, 09/12/2015 03:29 (8 Years ago)
"Oh? Am I becoming predictable? I better change that then!" She knew he would be able to easily shatter the ice, she made it fairly weak and easy to spot, as to not hurt him. His darkness trait? Now that sounds interesting to see! "Well then Shadow boy, show me." She stopped her skaing, not wanting to end up too close to him, though with enough distance that she would be able to skate away fast enough, or create another makeshift item out of ice to aid her while attacking with lightning.

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Posted: Wed, 09/12/2015 01:08 (8 Years ago)
Silently listening to the events that had happened, an uneasy feeling swelled within Aurora. So, this creature, Animus, took us here for some reason...what could it want from us? There is nothing special about us...at least, not that I know of. And, what other creatures will be coming after us? She was, however, relieved that Kayoko was unharmed from that creature that posessed her.

"Well, now we have to be even more careful...So no splitting up." She was obviously stating what every was thinking, but only because her next question needed to be asked. "Does this mean that there are others like us here? And if there are, should we try to find them to warn them?" She was unsure of what to do, though the idea of there being others was not far fetched, if this creature only brought four people with it then why bring them at all was what she thought.
Taking all of Dakota's and Nyxes comments into thought, Drake voiced his own opinion on the matter. "I was afraid he would be an Ancient, that Animus what could he be wanting with humans? And which Ancient helped him bring them here, for I agree Dakota, he could not have done this on his own." The griffin tried to think of what Ancient had the power to transverse through worlds, and why they would summon humans to their land.

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Posted: Tue, 08/12/2015 22:52 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 08/12/2015 22:47 (8 Years ago)
As the purple creature turned into a Rune Drake and flew away, Drake was tempted to fly after him but was worried the creature would take over his body and cause him to hurt his human. "I'm sorry Dakota, I wish I had been able to do something...but next time, we will be ready for that thing." The griffin spoke to the wolf, hoping to reassure him in someway. Drake felt guilty for not having been of more help, he just felt useless.

Watching as Silar picked up the now sleeping girl, Drake followed behind the boy as they headed back to Paws and Aurora. As they approached the two humans, Nyx ran over to Dakoto and Drake, asking what happened. "She had been possessed by this purple blob creature. It thankfully left her body, turned into a Rune Drake, and flew off,!so now she is just sleeping. It mentioned that the humans were here because of Animus, and it is some kind of game..." What did that creature mean? I haven't heard of Animus Bedford, but he could be one of theses creatures...
Aurora heard the soft sound of footsteps, causing her to turn at the noise. She saw Nyx run over to Dakota and Drake while Silar was carrying Kayoko. She quickly stood up, worry written all over her face.

"What happened? Is she okay? Do you need anything for her?" She asked several questions, worried and trying to help in any way that she could without being a bother.

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Posted: Tue, 08/12/2015 06:06 (8 Years ago)
Hello everyone!

Story Summary
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So this will be a vampire/Vampire Knight kind of rp! The time is set in modern day life. There is a school, True Cross Academy, where there are two classes: the Day Class and the Night Class. The day class are regular humans, while those in the night class are vampires. However, there are three students who are part of the Day Class that know of the vampires existence, they are called the disciplinary committee. You may also be a Vampire Hunter or teacher at the school.

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1. All ph rules apply.
2. No godmodding/Mary Sue/Marty Sue/being OP (over powered).
3.Keep cussing and any gorey descriptions to a pg13 description, we don't want to scar little children!
4.Please do not go over two pages of rping without me.
5.The password is ~Hello~
6. No one liners please!
7. We Will be having 3 disciplinary committee members, so please place in "Other" if you would like to be one (if we have the spots open).

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Disciplinary Committee members (2/3)

Day Class Form
History/backstory (why are they at that school):

Night Class Form
Age (centeries, decades, thousands, etc & how old they appear to be):
History/backstory (why are they at that school):
Power (keep it to one-two abilities):

Teacher Form
Do they teach Day or Night Class:
What do they teach:
History/why are they there:

Vampire Hunter Form
Other (what weapon do they use to hunt vampires):

My Forms
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Day Class Form
Username: Hikari2
Name: Aurora Cross
Age: 18
Personality: Aurora is very kind and friendly, unless someone is rude or cruel to her or one of ehr friends. She is tolerable of the night class and even likes to joke around and mess with them, because she enjoys the jealous looks and glares of all the girls who are oblivious to the true nature of the night class. Regarding the day class students, she guards them with her life and would do anything to make sure they were safe while at True Cross Academy, even if she were to get injuried in the process.
History/backstory (why are they at that school): Her mother is the headmaster of the school, and so it makes sense for her to be a student at the school and on the disciplinary committee. She never knew her father, he was murdered by a vampire a couple of months before she was born.
Family: The head master, her mother.
Crush: ~Open~
Gf/Bf: ~Open~
Other: Disiplinary Committee member

Teacher Form
Username: Hikari2
Name: Veronica Cross
Age: Unknown XP
Appearance: ~Here~
Personality: Veronica is a very gentle and sweet lady, until you get on her bad side, then all hell breaks loose. She does not like when people break her rules, and cannot tolerate people who talk back to her, especially teens who think they know everything. Veronica is very protective of her daughter and cannot stand the thought of anything happening to her. She also tries to be funny and humorous, but fails everytime.
Do they teach Day or Night Class: Neither; Head Master of the school
What do they teach: N/A
History/why are they there: She is the head master of the school. She grew up with vampire hunter parents, both of which are now deceased. She believes in equality between humans and vampires, which is why she created the school.
Crush: Open lol
Gf/Bf: Open lol

Characters so far~
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Aurora- Human - Hikari2 (DCM)
Head Master Veronica - Human - Hikari2
Diana - Human - Serena_Braixen-Forever (DCM)
Nate - Vampire - Serena_Braixen-Forever
Xavier Dallas - Human - PokemonHatcherJessica
Ronnie Dallas - Vampire Hunter - PokemonHatcherJessica
Silar Levex - Vampire - Slyvari

Warned & Banned

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Posted: Tue, 08/12/2015 01:57 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 08/12/2015 01:30 (8 Years ago)
Smirking, Aurora continued skating towards the shadow boy as he hurled small shadow balls at her from several directions. Before they could reach her, she created a swirling shield of lightning that made the shadow balls combust upon impact with the lightning. "Is that all you have?"

She decided to go onto the offensive as she used her almost fully frozen covered floor to her advantage, crafting the ice into several large, but weak in strength, ice shards that, like his own shadow balls, were aimed at him from all directions.

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Posted: Tue, 08/12/2015 00:18 (8 Years ago)
We are still pretending about this dang mountan?! I just want to fight! Aurora thought, a bit annoyed with not being able to just practice, though she knew the master had her secret intentions for all that she does. Like when she tried to slip a board under them, but Aurora froze the board in place with her ice magic, not being fazed in the least. That was when Kuro barked to her that he was unable to use his flight abilities, as he had found out when his wings felt heavy and he had to land, but he could still use his fire magic.

"Guess not." She replied, running towards him and freezing the ground in front of her to make her start skating -an easy task for an ice mage when they make ice skates out of ice. Her own sword was drawn and ready to face whatever he, or Master Virginia, threw at her.

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Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 13:26 (8 Years ago)
"Alright, I'll stay here and guard her. Be safe looking for her!" Aurora called at the retreating form of Silar, in high hopes that he would be able to find Kayoko and bring her back. While he was away Aurora stopped her crafting, wanting her full attention to be in her surroundings since Drake was gone. Paws silently slept beside her, unaware of what was going on. "How lucky sometimes..." She trailed off, looking out around her at the trees, keeping watch.
So, this human was possessed. This is not good. The griffin thought as he listened to the monologue of the purple blob creature through her. In an inturuption to 'her' speech, Drake flew down next to Silar, willing to aid him if she attacked again with her sword. The griffin, if Silar needed, could either help him dodge by flight or stop her in her tracks with a fire wall or just fire in general.

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Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 03:09 (8 Years ago)
Awww yay!! :)

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Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 00:58 (8 Years ago)
What is going on here?! Aurora thought about all of the pokemon appearing and being angry, as if something was setting them off. She figured someone was behind all of this.

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Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 00:56 (8 Years ago)
You're welcome!~ life is great! How is life so far for you? :)

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Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 00:18 (8 Years ago)
(Sorry post got deleted XD)

"Professor! What would you like me to do?" Aurora asked, Sparky, her Pichu, jumping up on her shoulder while Prince, her Charmander, stood by her side.

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Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 00:02 (8 Years ago)
Tis all good! Congrats on the shiny! ^_^

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