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FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Fri, 06/09/2013 12:21 (11 Years ago) |
But other than that, it was fine. I got a good 230 clicks in the 15 minutes and 305 overall. :3 [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2013 12:38 (11 Years ago) |
"Sure," he said quietly, and then a bit louder, "Yeah, I'll join." [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2013 04:45 (11 Years ago) |
"But maybe... since we've both made it through alive, maybe there are others too," he said, looking back over to the Poochyena. He tried to smile, but it was small and weak, not reaching his eyes. But as he watched her interact with the Glameow, it grew into a genuine smile. The Chrystanigh had nearly been knocked down, but slowly but surely, he could see that they were recovering. [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2013 03:50 (11 Years ago) |
But even as he thought that, Uriel felt like a hypocrite. It wasn't like his own judgement hadn't failed him before... - Feeling awkward just standing there and watching Lunaro and Uriel, Bracken walked over to the Torchic. "Uh, hi!" he said, smiling. "My name's Bracken. What's yours?" [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2013 02:47 (11 Years ago) |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2013 02:17 (11 Years ago) |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2013 01:57 (11 Years ago) |
- Reaching the clearing where the other Chrystanigh were, Uriel finally let himself collapse to the ground. He looked up as a voice entered his mind, fretting over his condition. He had been able to get a split second glance of something that had disappeared a moment later, so he figured that must be who it was. Uriel just grunted in response. It was funny; having someone be so concerned about him seemed to make all his cuts and bruises feel worse somehow. [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2013 01:15 (11 Years ago) |
- As Bracken walked, he felt the Keldeo's gaze on the back of his head. He turned around and Uriel abruptly looked away. "Sorry," he said. "I just never caught your names." "I'm Bracken," the Treecko said. "And this is Crystal." Uriel nodded in understanding and Bracken suddenly realized how uneven his walking was. Gee, he wasn't kidding about being in a bad fight, he thought, forcing himself to look back in front of him. I wonder what happened. [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Mon, 02/09/2013 22:53 (11 Years ago) |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Mon, 02/09/2013 19:24 (11 Years ago) |
"Are you two Chrystanigh?" he asked, taking a step forward. His leg shook, but he ignored it, trying to look as confident as the Zoroa was. [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Mon, 02/09/2013 18:56 (11 Years ago) |
Bracken smiled at Crystal having fun in her Ghost form and wished he was used to his wings enough to fly. He knew better than to try, of course; if he had hurt himself trying to breathe fire, the results of trying to fly would be catastrophic. So he resorted to boring old walking. - Though he spent the past few days recovering, Uriel still hurt all over. He knew he should stop to take a proper rest, but more than anything he wanted to get out of this forest. It left a bad taste in his mouth and reminded him of things he'd rather forget. He stumbled a bit and forced himself to stop. He sighed; he wasn't gonna last long if he kept pushing himself like this, he realized. He looked around, trying to see if there was any place he could rest safely when he spotted movement through the trees. Wanting to make sure he didn't get blindsided by anything, he walked slowly over to get a closer look. When he could finally tell what it was, Uriel blinked in surprise. A wispy Zoroa and a Treecko covered in scales with dragon wings? Wait a minute, he thought, quickly putting two and two together. Are those Chrystanigh? But didn't Arceus... He cut the thought off, not wanting to think about it. Not sure if he should come out, he observed the direction they were going and retreated a bit before heading in that direction as well. If those two are Chrystanigh, that must mean somebody survived. he thought, driving himself onwards. He'd have to keep going just a little longer. If the Chrystanigh were still around, he'd have to see for himself. [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Mon, 02/09/2013 18:01 (11 Years ago) |
Name: Uriel Gender: Male Species: Keldeo Looks: He looks just like a Keldeo in Ordinary Form, just with a messier mane and tail. He also has a scar going down the side of his face. Moves: - Aqua Jet - Double Kick - BubbleBeam - Take Down Rank: Apprentice. Desired Rank: Type Master, if he can. Crush: Nope. Mate: Kin: No. Personality: Uriel will dash in to help any Pokemon that's hurting, no matter how reckless it may be. He has a very black and white view on morality and is incredibly bitter towards anybody who abuses power to hurt others. He has a hard time forgiving and often holds grudges. History: Uriel's parents were former Chrystanigh but, though he hung around with other members, he never officially joined. When the war started, his parents told him to flee back to their old home in the mountains. When he got there, though, he was forced out by Pokemon much stronger than him and ended up wandering the countryside. Other: Steel. - Bracken buried his face in his hands, feeling it burn even hotter than before. He'd been hoping to avoid bringing that up to Thyme. "Crystal!" he whined. "Why'd you have to go and tell him that?" Thyme raised an eyebrow but thankfully didn't ask the details. "If you need me for any reason, Bracken, I'll be right here," he said. "Stay safe." With that, he climbed back up the tree and onto the platform. Bracken stood there for a moment, looking up after where his brother had gone, before he turned back to Crystal. "We should probably start heading back," he said. [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Mon, 02/09/2013 17:34 (11 Years ago) |
Thyme turned to Crystal. "Look, I know I don't know you at all, but could you keep an eye on my brother for me? He's had a track record of doing stupid things." "Hey, I'm not a little kid you know!" Bracken objected, his face growing hot. "I can take care of myself!" "Yeah, you've shown that well enough," Thyme said, sticking his tongue out a little and punching him playfully in the arm. [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Mon, 02/09/2013 16:57 (11 Years ago) |
"It doesn't matter how good intentioned she is," Thyme countered. "All it takes is one mistake, one person that slips under her radar and it's over. Power can be very attractive, Bracken. It could happen easier than you might think." "Well, that doesn-" Bracken stopped, hearing something in the grass below. He went to the edge of the platform and looked over. "Crystal!" he said, spotting her. He jumped down, noticing that her eyes were a bit red. "Are you alright?" [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Mon, 02/09/2013 15:43 (11 Years ago) |
Before he knew it, they arrived at their home. Several tree trunks had grown out at awkward angles from one base. Near the top, several branches were placed and overlapped in between the trunks, forming a crude but surprisingly sturdy platform in the middle. Bracken bolted ahead of Thyme, jumping on to the platform and looking around. It was just as Thyme had said. Leaves were scattered about and what seemed to be the beginning of a bird's nest was nestled in a corner. Bracken forced himself to sit down. His mom had always been keen on keeping things clean, almost to an obsessive level. Even though it wasn't that messy, it was clear that she had not been there in a while. Thyme came up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I had tell you like this," he said. Bracken didn't look up, the tears finally escaping his eyes and sliding down his face. "Why?" he asked. "Why would she leave us like this?" "Maybe this was just her way of saying that we're old enough to handle ourselves," Thyme responded. But Bracken wasn't satisfied with that explanation. "Without saying anything?" he cried, finally looking up at his brother. "Making it seem like we'll see her again. Just... just like Dad." Thyme said nothing, leaving Bracken to look around his home again. He couldn't stay here, he realized. It just felt... too empty. He got up and turned around, walking away. "Wait, where are you going?" Thyme asked. "To some friends," Bracken said, stopping and sniffling a bit. "While I was looking for you, I ran into a Poochyena named Lunaro. She's the leader of a group called the Crystanigh and-" "The Chrystanigh? But I thought they were gone..." Thyme interrupted. Bracken looked back at his brother, confused. "How do you know about them?" he asked. Thyme went silent for a moment before saying, "Some time before Dad left, I overheard him talking to Mom. He had heard about what had happened to the Chrystanigh and how they were completely wiped out. Mom... didn't want him to say anything to us; she seemed really upset." Bracken blinked. So that was why he'd never heard of them before. But... why would his mom be so against telling him and Thyme anything about them? He shook his head. "Well, Lunaro is training whoever wants to try to become a Chrystanigh. Look!" He unlocked his Dragon type and tensed as the familiar burning returned. He didn't try to slow it down this time, knowing that the sooner it finished, the sooner the pain would go away. Thyme watched in shock, his face losing color. "You... you joined them?" Before Bracken could respond, he went on. "Bracken, don't you know what will happen if somebody like that Tyranitar shows up again? They'll all be killed again and you'll be caught in the middle of it!" [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Mon, 02/09/2013 03:21 (11 Years ago) |
"Er, well..." Bracken began, twiddling his fingers. "You were just so tense that I thought you needed to lighten up a bit. So I..." He flinched, realizing how stupid his explanation sounded. "...I hid to give you a little scare." "So you tried to scare me in order to to get me to relax," his brother echoed, as if trying to grasp his logic. "Brilliant. Good to know that worked so well." He let out an exasperated sigh. "Thyme, is... is everything alright?" Bracken asked, confused and nervous. He had never seen his brother lose his cool like this before. "Of course everything's not alright!" Thyme nearly yelled. "I was worried sick! Mom left you as my responsibility and you just disappeared! And while you were busy goofing off-" "I wasn't goofing off!" Bracken interjected. "I was looking for you! But then I ran into this Poochyena and-" "WOULD YOU JUST LISTEN FOR A MOMENT?!" Thyme shouted. Bracken shrunk back, the sudden outburst killing the rest of his argument. His brother noticed his shock and took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. "While you were... gone, I searched the forest for you. I thought eventually that maybe you had gone back home, but when I got there, no one was there. It looked like no one had been there for several days." Thyme stopped and bit his lip. "Bracken... Mom's gone." Bracken's mouth went dry, his mind filling with memories of his father leaving. "You... you don't know that," he stuttered. "Maybe she had to go do something and... and hasn't been able to get back yet." "Maybe," his brother said, not sounding like he believed it for a second. "But think about it. She sends us out to 'get used to living without her' and then suddenly disappears. Seems a bit too convenient to me." Seeing that Bracken still didn't believe him, he sighed. "Look, just come back home and I'll show you." Bracken looked back the way he had come, to where Lunaro and the other Pokemon were. He wanted to go back more than anything, but first he needed to see, needed to prove that Thyme was wrong. He turned back to Thyme and nodded. His brother took off through the tree branches, Bracken following in his wake. No, please no... he thought, feeling the beginning of tears in his eyes. Not after what happened with Dad. Mom wouldn't go without saying goodbye... [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Sun, 01/09/2013 13:04 (11 Years ago) |
Taking a slower pace than usual, partly for the sake of his throat but mostly so he wouldn't get lost again, he looked for the berry tree. After a few minutes of searching, he finally found one. Bracken jumped onto one of its branches and reached down to pluck a berry from below. With the blue fruit in his hands, he finally realized he had not switched back to Grass type. A draconic Treecko would more than likely attract unneeded attention, he realized, glancing around. Bracken focused on the power again, but this time pulling it in. He expected it to resist, but for the most part the scales retracted smoothly, leaving him looking as normal as he had that morning. The now untapped type swirled a bit more wildly within him, but nowhere near as bad as it had before. That taken care of, he bit into the berry. He flinched at the bitter flavor, he preferred sour more, but he realized that he had not eaten since last night and ate it ravenously. The juice slid down his throat, cooling it, and Bracken let out a sigh of relief. The leaves of the tree next to him rustled. Bracken froze, flashing back to what had happened with the Ekans, but before he could react a small green head poked out from the leaves and stared at him. "...Bracken?" it said. "Thyme!" Bracken called, recognizing the face. He smiled widely, glad that his brother had finally found him. The other Treecko jumped onto the Rawst Berry tree, but when Bracken got a closer look at him, the smile faded from his face. Thyme did not look happy. [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Sun, 01/09/2013 03:20 (11 Years ago) |
The Treecko jumped again as Bella's telepathy interrupted his thoughts. Not sure how to respond without making his throat hurt more, Bracken gave a sort of half shrug. [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2013 22:20 (11 Years ago) |
As he stood there, a faint jolt went through him. Bracken jumped, caught off guard, before recognizing it as some kind of life energy. Was there... another Dragon type nearby? He tried to feel out for it like he had with the trees before, but having little experience with the type, nothing came to him. He took a step back. "H-Hello?" he called quietly, cringing a bit as the word irritated his throat. [Read more] |
FreezeTheFox OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 17 |
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2013 18:06 (11 Years ago) |
"Did you hear that?" he asked Crystal, getting up, his eyes still scanning the clearing. [Read more] |