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Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 09:26 (8 Years ago) |
Thank you for such a wonderful experience. [
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Mon, 27/06/2016 14:10 (8 Years ago) |
[center][color=darkblue][b]16 y/o|| Male ||
|| || ||[/b]
[img][/img] [b][[i]Hoarding[/i]][/b] [img]//[/img][i]00,000/10,000[/i][img]//[/img] [b]Normal Gems[/b] [img][/img] [b]Likes:[/b] [i]Pkmn , Pkmn games, Fire types , Gems , To help others [/i] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [i] Begging [/i] [img][/img] [b][Best Friends][/b] [i] •[user]Fahad_Ali[/user] •[user]Arfaat[/user] •[user]Squirtle002[/user] •[user]MegaAbsol[/user][/i] [img][/img] [i][b]Proud owner of[/b][/i] [widget=inter]4333035[/widget] [i]4th shiny Yorebro on site[/i][/color] [img][/img] [b]To Do's[/b] [/center][center][spoiler][i] Shiny and mega able hunt Magikarp:Not done Shiny and mega able hunt Charizard:Not done Shiny hunt Honedge:Not done Shiny hunt Mismagius:Not done Get 7500 dream points:Not done More to be added... [/i][/center][/spoiler] [Read more] |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 15:06 (8 Years ago) |
Username:Fahad_Ali PokéSona's Appearance:here Payment: 15,000 PD Other:Unlike the green Pokeball in it's neck, can you make a normal red Pokeball and not mention the name written on it's Pokeball in above reference ? Thank you *v* [Read more] |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Thu, 23/06/2016 22:38 (8 Years ago) |
Edited : OK got it . Thanks ! [Read more] |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Mon, 13/06/2016 07:00 (8 Years ago) |
Surfer Machop Beachamp Derpatung Mr. Moody Dirndltank Fiesta Volcarona Easter Bunnelby Scattercube Spewbrella Skugar That would make 125K PD in total. [Read more] |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Sun, 12/06/2016 18:15 (8 Years ago) |
Username: Fahad_Ali Pokemon: Torchic Fusion or Recolour? Recolor If recolour, which colour? Blue and black If fusion, which pokemon to fuse with the first one? Nope Other: I'm new here (: [Read more] |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Sat, 21/05/2016 07:58 (8 Years ago) |
It might be possible that you tapped and hold the wide lens due to which a window with image link popped up. You should try tapping the screen only for a small interval and should prevent tapping and holding the wide lens. You should try the same process with other web browsers if it is a problem with your web browser and should check whether the issue still persists. I also sometimes accidentally click the egg instead of wide lens but I have "safe mode" ON so whenever I click any egg a confirmation Box pops up to confirm whether I really want to adopt the egg or not. So I would suggest you to turn ON your "Safe Mode" to avoid accidental clicks if you haven't already. Those setting can be found here in "Gameplay" section. I like the part of your suggestion that is: As I also think that there should be a little more space between the eggs and lens so the possibility of accidental clicks could be minimized. So I partially agree with your suggestion. [Read more] |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Tue, 17/05/2016 14:33 (8 Years ago) |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Tue, 17/05/2016 14:29 (8 Years ago) |
for adoptable ëuë [
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Mon, 16/05/2016 14:41 (8 Years ago) |
Title: 16/05/2016P.S. I got Roll No. Slip from college today Exams are near so I'll just interact much for now rather than involving in social activity. [Read more] |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Sat, 14/05/2016 04:43 (8 Years ago) |
No no, those words are actually my signature (I made them so complicated that sometimes even I face difficulty to use them xD) and again thank you ~ 25k PD for adoptable °u° [Read more] |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Thu, 12/05/2016 10:42 (8 Years ago) |
It looks so realistic and those fluffy feathers <33 Thank you so much >u< <333 [Read more] |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Mon, 02/05/2016 06:55 (8 Years ago) |
o(〃^▽^〃)o - Dashes in - I would love an art of my Pokesona Chikoo :] Thank you so much (。・ω・。) [Read more] |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Sun, 01/05/2016 17:13 (8 Years ago) |
Hoenn Dex completed [
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Wed, 20/04/2016 16:58 (8 Years ago) |
![]() almost 4 months of struggle :'D I'll keep this one for me and soon I'll nickname it something pretty cute <3 Also regarding to studies , Tomorrow is "Urdu" test of objective part (of full book) so it would be pretty easy,today was Physics test of objective of full book, good thing is I managed to complete the test half hour before the time limit and that is a pretty positive sign, also MCQs that were a bit weak part for me is also covered so I'm ready in Physics and English exams on National level, I've heard that exams will take place in last week of May 2016 (probably 26th of May) so they are pretty close. Also these days I'm focusing on getting Mega evolved Pokemon rather than Mega stones and Mega-able Pokemon as Mega stones are being sold on same rate as a Mega evolved Pokemon in AH. In Easter event of this year I managed to collect all eggs , I actually found 17-18 in first day of event and last two in second last day of event. Riako Birthday was on 4th of April ,it was fun and there were many prizes including Shiny retro Ducklett and weekly premium upgrade.My premium wasted in hunt but thank you Riako for everything , I really enjoyed it. SCE event is going on , I didn't managed to get much good score in them as internet connection is having problems for a past few weeks, but God blessed me, and I got a Victini egg even though my interactions were very low as compared to others xD Oh and in meantime I made two more fast friends, Itachi_ and -Bluemoon-. I met Itachi_ through the recent medal rally in which both of us were competing. And after that we started to do a friendly conversation daily and there, another best friend x3 -bluemoon- and I were friends for a long time but after this Christmas we became more intimate and now we are fast friends. And -Mew and Darkvolt are also in my best friends list, both of them do very interesting conversation and often make me laugh. PokemonFanFun12 and I are also very close friends, she knows how to turn a conversation in to a funny chat, she also draw digital artworks a lot and they are pretty amazing. That's all for now, I'll add more to it when I get something more to write. GG to revise Urdu test syllabus, see ya soon <3 [Read more] |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Wed, 20/04/2016 16:12 (8 Years ago) |
Of course the notification will appear on notification page Edited:I apologize for my English due to which you couldn't comprehend the idea earlier , it's not my mother language so I am really sorry about it. [Read more] |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Wed, 20/04/2016 15:50 (8 Years ago) |
Plus , regarding to it's notifications in our notifications page, it could similar to the notification we get when someone send us something through Delibird Item Delivery/Christmas gift/Sky Gift etc. Like a single notification that could have link that would lead us to a page where all the links of forum post/profiles (of users in whose feeds/comments of feed we are mentioned) would be present. Just suggesting this as if we get notification of every post/comment/feed separately in our notification page, our notification page might get too much untidy. [Read more] |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Tue, 12/04/2016 13:08 (8 Years ago) |
by saying no support I don't want to say that I don't like this suggestion , I myself have solved many problems with the help of mods who are always very friendly and keen to help. I just want to say that there is already a rule present for it. [Read more] |
Fahad_Ali OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 189 |
Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 00:37 (8 Years ago) |