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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from AquaticLilii.
Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 23:30 (5 Years ago)
While scavenging She use telepathy and said to both Phantom and Jade “Boo.Im scavenging rn would you guys like to join?”

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 23:21 (5 Years ago)
Cynthia then just decides that she’ll go out scavenging for random stuff,She has a pretty bid collection of gems,she’s really proud of it,She loves giving away duplicates,Then she goes into the forest and puts a hood on,Then flashes the flash light and starts looking around

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 23:13 (5 Years ago)
Cynthia still trying to find out legal pets,Does a reasonable thing....searches it up ._.

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 23:10 (5 Years ago)
“Ughhhh I’m borrreeedd!” Cynthia whines “Maybe I’ll go get myself a pet or something......Then starts thinking

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 22:50 (5 Years ago)
“I can try helping.....”Blossom says quietly “Have any idea on where they are?”

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 22:49 (5 Years ago)
“Sure,” Crystal says “Also,One thing I like about being “old” no more school....I’m free!” Crystal says then making a portal turning into a human and walking through,

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 22:40 (5 Years ago)
“Oh!Like rebelling?That sounds awesome!”Cynthia said then whispering “That brat really needs help...”

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 22:37 (5 Years ago)
Waking up Blossom quickly remembers what happens she looks at Obsidian “Ah Sorry for the hassle....” Blossom says to Obsidian and Alexa,

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 22:36 (5 Years ago)
“Thank you”Crystal said politely and then turning to Phantom “What is it?”

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 22:16 (5 Years ago)
“Hi,I had a cyclops axe cut my arm?Its almost healed probably will leave a scar,I wanted to check if it’s infected or something”Cynthia said to the girl,

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 22:09 (5 Years ago)
“Wait!”She quickly flies down and writes something with leaves.....(We went back) “that’s for the people the brat sent out....”Cynthia says returning,”We better not call the brat a brat in front of him....he’ll get really bossy.Then she goes threw the portal that Jade made....

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 21:56 (5 Years ago)
Morphing into a dragon again Cynthia now Crystal flies up to Phantom and Jade,”I’m fine but we better go back before that brat starts screaming again”” Actually by now he might’ve sent poor little souls to come get us so.....where do you think we should go to make their job easier?”Crystal says now flying but still hurts....

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 00:32 (5 Years ago)
After a while Cynthia is not bleeding much thanks to the dragons quick regeneration,But it could easily be infected,She takes off the bandage and goes up a hill knowing it'll be easier to spot her,

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 00:24 (5 Years ago)
Crystal feeling useless rips away one of the cyclops and starts burning its head,moving around very quickly she doesn't notice the axe...but by the time she noticed it was too late...she finishes the cyclops and she is now left with a gigantic slash on her arm...its bleeding horribly she looks at Jade,and then starts flying into the woods,there is a trail of blood behind her she hopes Jade will see it,She flies even faster looking for a place she can morph back,She then hides in a forest wrapping herself p with whatever she can find until she finds a doctor for dragons,Not knowing what will happen she then finds a cave and then lies down to fall asleep

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Posted: Fri, 16/08/2019 00:08 (5 Years ago)
Charging straight to the left one she swoops to the side and burns it from the back (with fire of course)
that happened for a while in different places,it was almost dead when she sees that it has changed directions and is going to Jade,Then Crystal charges for it but then stops realizing that if she attacks it'll hurt Jade so she nudges Phantom and yells at Jade "MOVE ASIDE JA-" But is then stopped......

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Posted: Thu, 15/08/2019 23:47 (5 Years ago)
"Yay..."Crystal says,"Having to do stuff for a resitance that i obviously said No to." "Well just great" She glares at Gold and then walks into the the portal,"Well this sucks...and so does this leader" Crystal mutters, [Im so going to leave after this!They must've gotten some files mixed up or something!]

("[]" means thinking)

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Posted: Thu, 15/08/2019 21:41 (5 Years ago)
Crystal now furious reply’s with “Sir how old are you?Also May I say I would LOVE to know what we are doing,Thank you Annoying Person For I still get don’t know your name,”She the s turns to Phantom and Jade smiles and says “Who are you two?” She smiles and waits for a reply

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Posted: Thu, 15/08/2019 13:50 (5 Years ago)
Cynthia sees his face and automatically says after hearing what he said,"Nope.Of course i dont" and just give him a look that says im older than you,Then turning to Jade "Why yes i am the newcomer," She smiles at Jade and also says"Now who are you?Im Cynthia ^^ But dragon code name is Crystal" Then she quickly looks back at Gold "Now who are you rude boy?" Crystal (Now i shall be using zet codename) says glaring at Gold,Then she morphs into a dragon cause Gold,said you had to,

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Posted: Thu, 15/08/2019 12:02 (5 Years ago)
Blossom stays fainted in zet hole,Q-Q

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Posted: Thu, 15/08/2019 12:01 (5 Years ago)
Nope..Just me,She then just walks into the portal,She sees Gold,Jade and Crystal,"Hello 3 random people."Cynthia says

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