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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Amber.
Posted: Tue, 20/10/2015 23:00 (9 Years ago)
"Huh?" Her eyes spoted girl who just wake up. "Hey there, sleepy head~ What's up~?" she smiled to make girl more comfortable. It wasn't mystery that that one was scared. "I'm Louise. Nice to meet you. About anything else I know as much as you. Sorry. But don't need to be scared. We all are in the same situation." When Charlie returns she looked at her. "Better than nothing but no thrills... I can go with you~ I must do something, otherwise I'll go crazy!"

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Posted: Tue, 20/10/2015 21:44 (9 Years ago)
"Yeah, you're right about this one, I must say. It's a cozy place~" she smiled again and show a peace sing to a girl. "No problem! Hope you find something~" she stayed with others and sat at chair in the corner of the room. She didn't like to doing nothing but there also was nothing to do without others. So she waiting. And thinking what to do next. Exploring the are will be good. She though about a lots of stuff when she finally comes to conclusion that it's boring. She waited enough. "Hey!" she exclaimed in hope that the other girl will hear that "Found something? Party here is kinda boring!"

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Posted: Tue, 20/10/2015 20:54 (9 Years ago)
Louise frowned when she finnally wake up. "Ouch..." she murmured and grabbed her head "I promise that I saw a stars in front of my eyes a while ago..." Just then she finally looked around and saw the others. "Oh my..." she stood up and let her eyes meet other girl who was awake. "Umm... Hello? We all are in some nice trouble here, aren't we~?" she smiled and then grabbed her sword from the ground. "How soon I'll have to use it, I wonder... Where are we?"

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Posted: Tue, 20/10/2015 19:56 (9 Years ago)
(I can start as well :D)

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Posted: Fri, 16/10/2015 21:18 (9 Years ago)
Name: Louise Amarald
Age[16-19] : 18
Personality: Optimistic girl who know what she wants. She's often very confident but sometimes she might act just like a child.
Weapon[s][Not too many] : One sword and one hidden dagger
Bf/Gf: Open
Crush: Open
Are you scared? : Not at all
Other: She's really into strategy and like to have a good plan.

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Posted: Sat, 30/05/2015 13:24 (9 Years ago)
A ja to tam uwazam że za malo się tu dzieje XD
Ludzie! Jest tyle pokemonowych tematow! Mozemy sie nawet powymieniac przepisami na Magikarpie XD

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Posted: Wed, 13/05/2015 22:12 (9 Years ago)
Ominięta tak bardzo ;-;

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Posted: Tue, 17/02/2015 10:09 (9 Years ago)
Nice to meet you! :D Favorite pokemon? :3

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Posted: Tue, 17/02/2015 09:06 (9 Years ago)
The more of us, the better! ^^

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Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 15:51 (9 Years ago)
What we will do here? :3

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Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 18:05 (9 Years ago)
Hi there! Can I join? :3 I'm Amber. My favorite type of pokemons is steel~ I can't pick one favorite pokemon. I love them all!
Also I can help with that club :3

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 15:36 (9 Years ago)
UWAŻAJ. Mój Caterpie kosztował mnie wiele krwi, potu oraz przemierzonych dolin i rzek. Nie wspominając o tym jak ta bestia ze mną walczyła. Mam szczęście że żyję XD

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 15:30 (9 Years ago)
No tak... Magikarp, Metapod... Istna drużyna śmierci i zniszczenia! XD

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 15:25 (9 Years ago)
I od razu zaczną gadać o spisku narodowym... XD

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 15:22 (9 Years ago)
U Putina herbatkę? W Rosji nie wiedzą co to. Tam tylko wódka XD
Ja mu zagrożę moim Metapodem. Będzie taki harden że się nie pozbiera... XD

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 15:11 (9 Years ago)
*zapuszcza dramatyczna muzykę z gramofonu*
Okej, lecimy z tym dżamprem! Szykujcie pokeballe, jedziemy odwiedzić Obamę! XD

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 15:04 (9 Years ago)
Tak. Przejmiemy wszystko. Najpierw strona Pokemon, a potem cała Ameryka! XD

Zróbmy imprezę! XD

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 14:59 (9 Years ago)
Ja nie wiem. Jestem taka nieobeznana w tych Internetach ;-;
Ale dobrze jest być wśród swoich. Zwłaszcza z podobnymi zainteresowaniami :3

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 14:50 (9 Years ago)
Przyciągam ludzi~! *^* Witam i pozdrawiam!

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 14:44 (9 Years ago)
Bardzo miło poznać~
Rejestrując się tu, kompletnie nie spodziewałam się czegoś takiego XD Ale to przyjemne zaskoczenie~

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